Judge Issues Restraining Order Blocking The FBI
From Stealing The Cash, Jewelry And Gold They
Illegally Seized At A Beverly Hills Safety Deposit
Box Business
The FBI's Corrupt Conduct Gets Them Sued By
Dozens Of People
July 7. 2021

FBI Director Christopher Wray
This is a follow up to the June 3,
2021 article "FBI Agents Steal
Rare Gold Coins In Brazen Defiance Of Judge's Search Warrant."
On June 22, 2021, federal judge, R. Gary Klausner,
ruled against the corrupt FBI, by issuing a
restraining order prohibiting the lawless law
enforcement agency from stealing the property of
others that was located in U.S. Private Vaults in
Beverly Hills.
In the first place, the FBI brazenly
and criminally violated a search warrant, granting
them permission to search the property, but not to
seize the contents of the safety deposit boxes. The
judge's warrant stated it "does not authorize a
criminal search or seizure of the contents of the
safe-deposit boxes" and it "authorize[s] the seizure
of the nests of the boxes themselves, not their
However, the FBI did so anyway. Then
the FBI claimed the $86,000,000 in gold, jewelry and
cash all belonged to criminals. This was not true.
The outlandish claim has gotten the FBI sued by
dozens of people, forcing the agency to admit not
all of the safety deposit boxes contained the
proceeds of criminal activity. The agency has yet to
arrest anyone in the case.
People have come forward proving
their property in the safety deposit boxes was
legitimately owned and not from the proceeds of
crime. One couple who were featured on "Inside
Edition" revealed the jewelry in their safety
deposit box were heirlooms passed down in a will
(from the woman's grandmother).
Another victim of the FBI's
misconduct is a doctor, who has sued them over the
illegal confiscation of her gold coins she collected
over the course of 20-years. A doctor can easily
accumulate $75,000 in gold coins in that span of
time, as they earn high salaries.
In another lawsuit filed against the
FBI for stealing from the safety deposit boxes, one
man proved he had, "Obtained the money in two legal
settlements, one for a car accident injury and the
other for chronic housing code violations at his
apartment building."
The case has garnered a significant
amount of bad publicity for the FBI. The case was
initially covered on one website. Then it picked up
speed and ended up in the mainstream press, via
newspapers. Then it ended up on the television news
program "Inside Edition" as mentioned above.
The FBI have not provided any proof
of their claims in stating all the safety deposit
box owners are criminals. The Los Angeles Times
reported, "The agency, however, has not publicly
disclosed evidence to support the allegation."
The newspaper also reported, "Citing
the 5th Amendment’s protection against deprivation
of property without due process, Klausner faulted
the government for failing to specify in its
forfeiture notice the reasons for taking the cash
and valuables of four box holders who filed one of a
dozen lawsuits after the March raid on U.S. Private
Vaults. 'This notice, put bluntly, provides no
factual basis for the seizure of Plaintiffs’
property whatsoever,' Klausner wrote."
A lawyer in the case, Robert Frommer,
who represents four safety deposit box holders
stated, "Government officials can’t permanently take
your property without first saying what you’ve done
wrong. This ruling should lead the FBI to abandon
its efforts to steal over $85 million through civil
But that's just it. The FBI are
thieves. They're stealing from people left, right
and center, behaving like a law unto themselves.
It's a really bad look. The FBI's behavior is
shameful and it has brought the U.S. government into
disrepute in America and the world, as people in
public forums are openly calling them corrupt. As
their behavior has been left unchecked, the FBI just
keeps getting worse.
The safety deposit boxes case is
more proof that the FBI are thieves and have
absolutely no respect for the law (FBI Agent Arrested For Stealing
$800,000 From A Woman And Using It To Buy A House, Mercedes And Take
Lavish Trips and
Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally
Defrauded Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In
Copyrights And Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin
Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It and
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)).
Judge blocks FBI
from keeping cash, gold and silver seized in Beverly
Hills raid
June 23,
2021 7:41 PM PT - A federal judge has blocked the
FBI from confiscating some of the valuables it
seized from safe deposit boxes at a Beverly Hills
business, saying the government appeared to be
violating the owners’ rights.
The temporary restraining order
issued Tuesday by U.S. District Judge R. Gary
Klausner marked a setback for the FBI in its attempt
to keep as much as $86 million in cash and millions
of dollars more in jewelry, gold and other valuables
that agents took from 369 safe deposit boxes at the
U.S. Private Vaults store on Olympic Boulevard.
The FBI claims the owners of the
cash and valuables were engaged in criminal activity
that justifies the confiscation of their property.
The agency, however, has not publicly disclosed
evidence to support the allegation...
In late March, federal agents
executed search and seizure warrants at U.S. Private
Vaults, a company that was indicted on charges of
conspiring to sell drugs, launder money and carry
out cash transactions meant to dodge detection. The
company has said nothing publicly about the charges
but has challenged in court the government’s
attempted confiscation of its customers’ belongings.
The warrants, approved by U.S.
Magistrate Judge Steve Kim, gave the FBI permission
to seize the company’s business equipment, including
the safe deposit boxes themselves. But Kim
explicitly barred the FBI from conducting a criminal
search of the boxes’ contents...