The FBI Is Engaging In Lottery
June 16. 2022

FBI Director Christopher Wray
I have broken many stories on the
FBI, which later proved true (Site Exclusives).
The FBI has been criminally engaging in lottery
rigging and continues to do so. Agents have shown up at select
lottery retailers making questionable, unlawful and
unfair demands on them, aimed at rigging the results. FBI agents and supervisors
have also called lottery headquarters and demanded
they block select locations from producing the
winning tickets on certain days in conduct that is criminal and
The FBI has also given their informants
winning lottery tickets as payment for their services in
cases that are unlawful, as they involve illegal
spying, coercion, stealing and other violations of the
Constitution and U.S. Code. Some payments to
informants do not go on the official records, in
violation of government rules, as the cases break
the law and Congress would never approve it in the
For instance, unscrupulous FBI
employees spying on people for political reasons,
where no lawbreaking is involved on the target's
part, but it is done by the power hungry FBI in
criminal acts. It cannot go on the
official record or in case files, as said spying is illegal, without
just cause and for personal gain.
The FBI is not
permitted to initiate fraudulent cases to illegally spy
on others and worst of all, whilst using taxpayer money. To offset
some, not all, of the cost, the FBI has been
criminally tampering in lotteries in America in conduct that
has defrauded many people who bought tickets.
The FBI's sister agency, the CIA,
was caught red-handed raising money through criminal
means to engage in criminal conduct in the world, by
using drug dealers to sell the CIA's crack cocaine
in the1980s, in the African-American neighborhood of
Compton, California. The racist CIA's evil conduct
mushroomed into the crack cocaine epidemic, which
spread all over America and claimed millions of
lives in overdoses and violent drug murders. An
informative documentary was made about it entitled
"American Drug War."
Former FBI
Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey
Criminally Defrauded Florida Submarine Company
Out Of Billions Of Dollars In Copyrights And
Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed
Martin Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It
Judge Issues Restraining Order
Blocking The FBI From Stealing The Cash, Jewelry And Gold They Illegally
Seized At A Beverly Hills Safety Deposit Box Business
The FBI Is
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Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
FBI Agents Steal
Rare Gold Coins In Brazen Defiance Of Judge's Search Warrant
Hollywood And The FBI Are Criminally
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