The FBI Is Criminally Violating The Separation
Of Church And State (The Constitution) - Part 2May 19. 2020

Former FBI director James Comey, former FBI director Robert
Mueller and former assistant FBI director Andrew McCabe
This article is a continuation of "The FBI Is Criminally Violating The
Separation Of Church And State (The Constitution)." The Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is constantly in trouble in
official, published Inspector General reports. The FBI is
also constantly in trouble in Congress.
The FBI doesn't follow the law, despite the fact
they are allegedly a law enforcement agency. As I've stated on this
site since its inception, you can't break the law to uphold it.
However, we see the FBI break the law time and time again. They've
lost all credibility.
During the Obama administration, I broke the story
regarding (then) president, the thin-skinned, megalomaniac overlord,
Barack Obama illegally siccing the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on
Christians for publicly disagreeing with his policies for religious
reasons (abortion, stem cell funding included in Obamacare, ect).
Obama disgracefully began misusing taxpayer
resources and government workers to attack Christians for peacefully
exercising the right to free speech online, in print, on the radio
and television, for not promoting or for speaking out against his
deeply flawed Obamacare healthcare program. Notable Christian
ministers, radio personalities, writers and bloggers, known to
American audiences for years, came forward and stated because they
spoke out against Obama's policies, he began attacking and revoking
their tax status and withholding their tax returns.
I broke that story first on this site and then it
ended up in Congress with IRS employees breaking down and in some
cases fighting back tears in televised hearings (News
Report: The IRS Targeted Christians). The IRS employees
revealed they were acting on the orders of the White House.
In America, you don't mess with people's tax returns
or tax status. You just don't do that. It's considered lowbrow, low
class, scummy and dirty. It's just not done, as it is incendiary,
highly political and despicable to do so. Two presidents in American
history now have the dubious distinction of having done that -
Richard Nixon and Barack Obama.
They were acting on Obama's orders to target
Christians, as some agency officials later admitted. However, Obama
is too deceitful and dishonest to admit it. In fact, he's never
taken responsibility for any of the cruel and evil things he did in
office and there are many. Some known to the public and others kept
secret (but only for now).
Obama targeted Christians such as myself who have
widely viewed websites, other Christians with radio shows, preachers
with churches, and published Christian authors for not promoting his
political policies or speaking out against them. This behavior was
completely criminal on Obama's part.
I broke the story after seeing the FBI and Obama
administration abuses firsthand, regarding the IRS (for which I will
include digital and physical documentation evidence of in a
forthcoming item) that outright shows the crimes.
One of the IRS documents is going to blow your
minds, as it was completely fabricated and fraudulent, issued with
the intent to intimidate, bully, scare and criminally entrap me.
When I stood my ground, the IRS ended up backing off and in writing
retracted everything they previously stated under the criminal
influence of the FBI and Obama administration, as it was so wrong,
egregious and illegal.
The IRS basically sent me Madonna, Beyonce, Jay Z
and company's tax bill for the items they criminally stole from my
Library of Congress registered copyrights, which I made no money
from, but those criminal stars made millions.
For me to have owed the whopping tax bill they sent
me & my company I would have had to make seven figures that year
(which never happened, as the copyrights were criminally stolen and
illegally used by
known thief Madonna, and her fellow Hollywood criminals,
Beyonce and Jay Z,
among others, who illegally profited from my intellectual property
to the tune of millions of dollars).
Put it this way, imagine you worked hard, you're
supposed to collect your paycheck for all your hard work, then
criminals with undue influence regarding corrupt government
officials they have been photographed with, not only steal your
paycheck, they have the government send you their tax bill. That is
extremely corrupt and disgraceful.
They made millions in undue profits from the thefts
and the IRS sent me, the copyright owner who was defrauded and made
no money from the items that were stolen, the massive tax bill,
rather than sending it to Madonna and company. If you don't pay that
type of tax bill, they put you in prison.
So basically, Madonna, Beyonce and Jay Z paid no
taxes on the copyrights they stole, but the IRS was demanding I pay
their taxes. In America of all places. And once again, I kept a copy
of that tax bill, then the retraction by the IRS after I fought it
(and will publish it for you to see for yourself with your own
The FBI loves to mock the third world. Yet, not even
in the third world do you see corrupt things like that happen.
However, when you mix Hollywood with government officials on the
take, you will get behavior likened to a fantastically corrupt
banana republic.
This is the same Obama administration who for
protected criminal Hollywood movie producer Harvey Weinstein,
though they knew he was
raping women in and outside Hollywood,
stealing charity money from Amfar and ripping off
copyrights for millions in undue financial enrichment. Obama
referred to Weinstein as his top advisor.
This is also the same FBI who had agents protecting
Hollywood private investigator and Colombo family mafioso Anthony
Pellicano (FBI Agent
Indicted For Helping Anthony Pellicano).
Let's face it, the FBI is corrupt. They've even given criminals
heads up that led to innocent people being murdered in different
cases (for example:
FBI Heads
Up Led To Innocent Man’s Murder).
The Obama administration also used the IRS to begin
harassing my elderly mother, who by the way, mysteriously contracted
Guillain Barre after being administered a flu shot in a Miami
medical office, in an incident that warrants criminal investigation,
as they darn near paralyzed her under very suspicious circumstances.
Let's not even talk about the highly questionable
medical treatment I received, which I sent an item to Congress
about, as it was downright criminal (The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)). But I
Under the Obama administration, the IRS began
withholding years of tax refunds my mom was lawfully owed from the
agency (which I wrote about previously). They did so 4-years in a
row. They also sent my mom tax bills she didn't owe. However, I went
over her taxes, compiled all the necessary documents and instructed
her account to fight it, as she was repeatedly audited by the Obama
administration in acts of harassment, to target me.
Once again, the IRS ended up backing off, retracting
everything they'd previously stated and issued the refunds she was
due. However, the damage was done. They were used as a instrument of
harassment and terrorization, inflicting maximum stress and for that
I will never think well of them again.
The whole thing was disgusting. I kept thinking to
myself, America is supposed to be a Democratic country, where the
government is supposed to follow the rule of law. My mom, a
hardworking elderly lady, who has worked hard and paid taxes in
America for 40-years, sometimes she worked two jobs for years. My
mom has also taken care of sick people in hospice and taught the
disabled for years. She has supported America in everything, yet was
attacked, bullied, defrauded and harassed, because of a corrupt
administration targeting me and my copyrights, on behalf of
Hollywood criminals (The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)).
I will cite another example of the FBI violating the
U.S. Constitution's Separation of Church and State legal tenets. The
FBI began criminally targeting an innocent man that worked on a
Christian prayer line. They did so to get at one of his innocent,
prominent friends, whom the agency illegally targeted for political
and financial reasons that are completely criminal on the FBI's
They tried to get him to entrap his friend in a
mystery shopper scheme. They also tried to get him to threaten his
friend regarding speaking out against the FBI's crimes. The
prominent friend did not fall into the trap.
The vindictive FBI then went after the Christian
prayer line worker with a vengeance and arrested him for a crime he
did not commit, after they set him up. He had to get a lawyer, all
because of the behavior of a psychotic law enforcement agency, the
FBI, that has failed America time and time again. The
FBI Blew
Many Chances To Stop 9/11 Attacks, the Fort Hood
terrorist attack (here
the San Bernardino mass shooters,
the Boston Marathon bombers, the
Pulse night club mass murderer
and the
Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School mass shooter,
among many others, in incidents that left innocent
people dead.

FBI director Christopher Wray
This is why the FBI keeps failing America.
They are too busy spying on people they should not be spying
on under the law (see:
FBI Patriot Act abuses and
FBI FISA court abuses). In 2008, the FBI spied on so
many innocent people they should not have, they couldn't pay
their AT&T phone bill (The FBI
Wiretapped 27 Million Calls In One Year).
Years later the problem continues, as
this year the FBI was excoriated by the FISA court for
committing outright fraud in filing for deceitful
warrants to spy on innocent people for political reasons
(The Justice Department Blames The
FBI For Illegally Obtained Warrants To Spy On Carter Page During The
Carter Page is one of many the FBI illegally spied on
for political and financial reasons not permitted under
U.S. law.
The FBI are too busy setting up innocent people (New
Evidence Reveals The FBI Sent People To Death Row Who Were Innocent
Of Crimes They Were Convicted Of and
Wrongfully Imprisoned For 28-Years Due To FBI) while the
real criminals attack the country and kill Americans, once again as
seen with the September 11th attacks, the Pulse night club shooting
and the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School mass shooting, among
many other notable incidents.
The FBI Informs
Congress The Two Employees Who Ignored Credible Tips That Would Have
Prevented The Parkland Mass Murder School Shooting Have Been Disciplined
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From
George Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth
Billions For Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human
Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People Dead
Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally
Defrauded Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In
Copyrights And Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin
Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It
Wikileaks Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government Documents Showing
The CIA And FBI Are Spying On People In Their Homes Via Hacking
Smart TVs And Backdoors In Computer And Phone Operating Systems
The FBI Slammed In Inspector General's Report For Spending
$42,000,000 Per Year In Taxpayer Money Paying Informants Including A
New Scandal Erupts Regarding The FBI And Justice Department
Monitoring Calls Of AP Reporters Confirming Previous Site Claims
FBI Agent Arrested For Accepting A $200,000 Bribe To Derail A
Criminal Case The FBI Was Supposed To Be Investigating
Human Rights Activists Slam The FBI After It Is Discovered They
Became The World's Top Distributor Of Child Porn
Rules The NSA Illegally Spied On Americans Confirming The Site's
Previous Claims (Video)
Another FBI Agent Caught Taking Bribes To Derail Serious Cases
The FBI's Internal Power Struggle
FBI Article Index