The FBI Is Criminally Violating
Attorney Client Privilege
May 16. 2023

FBI Director Christopher Wray
The FBI has been violating attorney
client privilege in America (the right to privacy
between client and attorney to freely discuss their
case). It has been going on for many years, not just
under current FBI Director, Christopher Wray.
The FBI are doing this in civil and
criminal cases by engaging unlawful wiretaps and
other illegal spying methods on attorneys and their
clients, then monitoring their calls and using the
contents in court against them. It has helped the
FBI/DOJ gain a greater conviction rate (in criminal
cases) and wins in civil court.
As much as the government states the
legal system is fair, the FBI has never played by
the rules, having thoroughly corrupted it. The FBI
lab has even gotten into criminal trouble for
framing innocent people for crimes they did not
commit). This is not democracy. This is
corruption and fraud in a police state...a
Nazi police state.
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