The FBI Caught Engaging In Warrantless And
Unconstitutional Surveillance Again
That Criminally Violated The Privacy Of 3.4 Million People In America Which
Confirms Previous Site ClaimsMay 6. 2022

Christopher Wray
The FBI is in trouble again. Over a decade ago I was the first to break the
story on the FBI regarding their illegal wiretapping, which the public read
about on my sites. Then, it turned into a national scandal that made its way
into Congress:
Reports this week state the FBI performed illegal,
warrantless searches on 3,400,000 Americans during the pandemic. The FBI
knew this conduct was and is illegal, but did it anyway, following the same
pattern of reckless criminal conduct they have engaged in for many years.
The FBI refuses to stop breaking the law and the warrantless spying is just
the tip of the iceberg. The FBI will never change and their conduct is going
to bring severe international trouble on the U.S. government in the area of
human rights in coming times.

Left to right: former FBI Director James Comey, former FBI Director
Robert S. Mueller and former President Barack Obama
Former FBI directors, Robert Mueller and his successor,
James Comey are complete criminals, as is the current head of the agency,
Christopher Wray. I predict Wray will self-destruct, as he is already
crumbling in the job and is a coward who will not be willing to face up to
the lawful consequences of his criminal misconduct. The FBI is breaking the
law in illegally spying on people in America (they never stopped from the
first time I broke the story; only pretended to do so). They've also killed
millions of people with their criminal behavior. You just don't know about it yet
due to the cover-up the agency illegally launched...
Spy report: 3.4M warrantless searches of US data under FISA last year
May 2, 2022 - The U.S. government disclosed that the FBI
conducted as many as 3.4 million warrantless searches of U.S. citizens’ data
last year that the National Security Agency had collected. The data was
collected and analyzed under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act’s (FISA)
Section 702, a law that dates to 1978 and that is set to expire at the end
of next year.
The Friday disclosure of the large number of searches comes
as Congress is negotiating consumer privacy legislation that reflects
long-standing legislator concern about government surveillance and
individual privacy. The 3.4 million searches are a large spike from the
prior year, 1.3 million...