Taylor Swift Is Involved In The
Occult And Has Attended Sick Hollywood Mansion
Parties Where Orgies And Satanic Rituals Are Held
October 10. 2024

Taylor Swift looking satanic at a concert this
Singer and failed actress, Taylor Swift,
has become wealthy off joining the satanic Hollywood cult, Kabbalah,
who call themselves the Illuminati, and stealing huge amounts
of copyrights. The cult is run by
child sex trafficker and massive
copyright infringer, Madonna).

Diddy and fellow Kabbalah cult member Taylor
Taylor moves in the same circle as
now incarcerated rapper and hip hop mogul, Diddy, who has been
indicted on charges of sex trafficking,
racketeering, arson and kidnapping, among other
things. Diddy is also an accused pedophile with
lawsuits against him for the same.

Diddy and fellow Kabbalah cult member Taylor
Taylor has attended many sick Hollywood
mansion parties, where people engage in illegal drug
use, orgies, séances, and other devil worshipping, occult rituals. Behind the scenes in Hollywood she
is referred to as a witch. For years Taylor has also slept
with over three dozen famous and non-famous men in
the industry, including executives, to raise her
profile and advance her career.

Madonna and her cult member Taylor Swift
Taylor has made herself a vessel for
the occult practices in Hollywood and is
foisting them on her unsuspecting audiences. Taylor's
relationship with football player, Travis Kelce,
started off as another one of her many sexual
conquests to raise her profile, as she's an
attention whore, but is now being marketed for money by
both their handlers.
Harvey Weinstein and fellow Kabbalah cult
member Taylor Swift
Taylor's music career is also quite fake.
Taylor's singing voice, guitar playing and alleged
songwriting is very average. She has stolen copyrighted work from other people
and butchered them with her sappy, stupid and crazy
additions that ruins songs and music videos.

Harvey Weinstein and fellow Kabbalah cult
member Taylor Swift
Taylor's 2019 song "Cruel Summer" is
a rip-off of pop trio Bananarama's 1983 hit "Cruel
Summer." Taylor Swift's song "Style" is a rip-off of
Phil Collins's 1985s hit "Take Me Home." Taylor's
2014 "Style" music video stole items from Richard
Marx's 1987s music video "Should Have Known Better."

Taylor Swift
Parts of Taylor's "Bad Blood" music video
are stolen from the preexisting "Matrix"
(1999) and "Fifth Element" (1997) motion
picture films. The 2014 Taylor song "Bad Blood" sounds like a rip-off of
the preexisting 2013 song "Royals" by
singer Lorde. Taylor's 2014 song "Shake It Off"
is stolen from two songs - 3LW's "Playas Gon' Play"
(2001) and Take 5's "Shake It Off" (2000). Taylor's
song "Fortnight" (2024) sounds like the 1985 hit
"Life In A Northern Town" by Dream Academy. Taylor
also steals melodies and singing styles from artists
such as Enya and Basia on a number of songs.

Taylor Swift is crazy
Taylor's 2014 music video "Shake It Off" is
criminally stolen from a preexisting, copyrighted
music video treatment I registered with the
Library of Congress /Copyright Office when I was 14-years-old
and another I registered in 2000 (The FBI Is
Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In
Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
Documents)). I cannot begin to
tell you how it ticks me off to see what that
birdbrain, rhythmless, goofy, clumsy, ungraceful
idiot Taylor did to my music video treatment she
criminally stole. The video was supposed to have
tasteful and skillful dancing. Taylor turned it into
clownish, off-key, rhythmless trash and is running
around the room in the video like an escaped mental
patient with next to no coordination. Taylor Swift
cannot dance to save her life, but insists on doing
so in videos and on stage, which has made her the
butt of countless jokes all over social networking.
Taylor's 2017 "End Game" music video
is also criminally stolen from my preexisting
copyrights, regarding items I registered with the
Library of Congress/Copyright Office in 2005 and
2006. Other infringing items Taylor has criminally stolen from
my preexisting, Library of Congress/Copyright Office
copyrights include her rip-offs "I Can Do
It With A Broken Heart" "Love Story" "We
Are Never Getting Back Together" "The Man" and "So Long London"
among others.
You know what was really creepy.
There's this out of the way place I used to go to in
London regularly when I lived there for 6-months in
2015. It is not a celebrity spot (I never once saw a
celebrity at that spot and I was there 3-5 days a
week for 6-months). I even filmed there and included
it in a copyright. 4-years later in 2019 Taylor
showed up there and put out a press release about
it. She is absolutely weird and sick.
The theft, ruthlessness and villainy
that has gone into Taylor Swift's fake, hype driven
career is disgusting. However, her time is coming.
She will fall like Diddy and others in that circle.
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Competing Albums As One Is Trying To Outdo The Other And Failing At It
Taylor Swift Is Dating Athlete
Travis Kelce After Having Slept With Most Of Hollywood