Simon Cowell Is Scaring Small
Children And Pets With His Plastic Surgery Butchered
Face Again
March 9. 2023

Crazy, thieving psycho Simon
Cowell keeps having plastic surgery and it doesn't
turn out right
Fraudulent, thieving talent show
host, Simon Cowell, has undergone more plastic
surgery and looks almost as hideous as his partner
in crime,
Madonna (The FBI Is
Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In
Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
Documents)). I don't know why they
think this looks good. It is horrifying people.

Ugly, washed up, psychotic pop singer, Madonna
is the most tragic looking, plastic surgery
butchered person in Hollywood. She keeps chasing
young, famous men who are stating she looks like a
monster. She even offers to pay them. She is
embarrassing herself.
Conscious of his age and the fact he
is ugly, Cowell keeps getting more and more plastic
surgery to the point he no longer looks human.
Cowell, like Madonna, emerges from under the knife
looking uglier each time. Common sense would say
stop, but not these idiots.
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