Rihanna Planning Hair Care Line But Her Hair Is In
Bad Condition And She Always Wears Wigs And Weaves
Constituting False Advertising
March 17. 2021

Rihanna's hair is broken and shows
other signs of damage. Her hair constantly looks
fried, dry and broken with a very damaged hairline.
Copyright infringing singer and cokehead Rihanna (here
has made another fraudulent business move, to fleece the public out
of its money. Previously, I wrote about Rihanna and Kylie releasing
scientifically unsound products in their skin care lines (Kylie Jenner And Rihanna Continue To Dispense Fraudulent Beauty Advice
After Spending A Fortune On Plastic Surgery).
Previously, I wrote of Rihanna, who is in thieving
Madonna's sick Kabbalah cult, stealing items from my preexisting
Library of Congress registered copyrights in Washington, DC (Madonna's Commissioned Criminal
Conduct Is Shamefully Violating The Civil Rights Act and
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)). I also
wrote of her stealing business plans, such as for a perfume line,
clothing line, skin care line, make up line, and now a hair care
She has named the lines Fenty, after herself, trying
to playoff the well-established Fendi name. It's like Kabbalah
member Gwen Stefani, starting a fashion line and ripping off the
Gucci logo and some of their products, which was slammed on message
boards and a few blogs. These Hollywood cult artists are complete
frauds who are out of their depth.
A report online this month states Rihanna has filed
a trademark application for a hair care line. Again, trying to
fleece the public in something she knows nothing about in any
measure, releasing harmful and damaging products. Rihanna's hair is
constantly damaged, broken, thinning and with the hairline peeling
out from
poor care. She constantly wears wigs and hair extensions.

Rihanna's hairline is peeled
out and thinned out from constant poor care. She has
no business trying to put out a rip-off hair care
Rihanna knows nothing about hair care. I placed a
hair care line
in my preexisting copyrights, as I have hair down to my waist and it's thick. I
know hair and I've studied science for years. However, Rihanna, who
spends her time snorting cocaine all day and getting drunk, has no clue
about what she is doing regarding these products she keeps stealing
and releasing.
Not to mention, I didn't put the proper formulas for
the skin care or hair care lines in
the copyrights (that's for forthcoming patents). So, Rihanna is
going to do some foolishness in trying to wing it, releasing alleged
hair care products that will be toxic and nonsensical, as with what
occurred here:
Kylie Jenner And Rihanna Continue To Dispense Fraudulent Beauty Advice
After Spending A Fortune On Plastic Surgery.

Beyonce fronted Loreal hair
care products but her real hair is broken, fried and
completely thinned out from years of abuse/poor hair
Rihanna doing a hair care line is
like her fellow Kabbalah cult member, Beyonce,
fronting Loreal hair care products years ago, when
she too has damaged, broken, fried and severely
thinning hair from poor care. Beyonce's hair has
always been in bad condition.

Madonna released a skin care
line that failed. As you can see, her skin is not in
good condition at all. It's not because she is
white, because there are white women in her age
group whose skin looks good. This photo is from
years ago. Her skin looks even worse now due to bad
skin care routines.
This is like Madonna starting a skin
care line, which failed, when she has skin that is
in very poor condition from years of abuse, poor
care and insane, excessive cosmetic surgery. She
ripped off the idea from my copyrights, but once
again, I didn't include the formulas as those are
forthcoming patents. All of them are engaging in
false advertising. Their criminal conduct is going
to bring them untold global disgrace and massive
legal penalties.
Rihanna Violates Coronavirus Rules
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Eye (Photos)
Rihanna Continues To Disrespect
Lebron James Marriage With Her Courtside Antics (Video)
Jay Z Pimped Out Rihanna In The
Industry To The Point She Had To Go See A Doctor
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