Queen Releases Statement On Prince Harry And Wife
Meghan Stepping Back From The Royal Family
January 13. 2020

The Queen, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry
The Queen of England, Elizabeth II, has released a
statement on her grandson, Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, and his
wife, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, announcing last week
that they intend to step back from being senior royals. The couple,
who have a 1-year-old son, Archie, have announced their intent to
split their time between London, England and Vancouver, Canada.
The couple cited press intrusion and race based
harassment as their reason for undertaking the decision to quit as
senior royals. Select newspapers, such as the Daily Mail UK and
Express, have been publishing very unflattering articles about
Meghan, while praising her sister-in-law, Kate Middleton, for doing
the exact same things.
The Sussexs also made the announcement they intend
to become financially independent. Prince Harry’s late mother, the
beautiful Princess Diana, left £20,000,000 for Prince Harry and his
brother Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge. As a royal, Prince
Harry receives an annual £2,000,000 income from the state.
However, breaking away from the royal family will
pose financial problems. Prince Harry need not unintentionally get
himself in a situation where he ends up broke, because security
costs can easily top $5,000,000 per year. Then there’s monthly
payments for a property to live, utility bills and staff salary.
Once again, they can go broke in no time under such plans. My
instincts are telling me this is the wrong decision for the couple.

Meghan could go back to acting, which I think is
what she has wanted to do for a while, but it is frowned upon in
British circles, especially if a royal were to appear in films that
are controversial, strange or questionable, which is what Hollywood
now specializes in. Essentially, Hollywood would be profiting off
the royal family like it’s a cheap corporation, when it goes back
centuries in British history.
Hollywood would be in a position to redefine the
royal family’s image by default, and I see massive problems
springing forth from that potential decision. I also see these
decisions damaging their marriage. It’s going to weaken it. Prince
Harry is a Duke, not a Hollywood celebrity.
As Princess Diana’s late mother once rebuked Spice
Girl, Sporty Spice, for referring to her fellow group member,
Victoria Beckham, as British royalty and a princess, like Princess
Diana. She stated it is not the same thing. I don’t think one is
better than the other or superior, but there is a big difference in
what each job means and the lifestyle that accompanies it.
I am of the belief the Sussexs belong in London,
where they in their own palace, would be a great tourist attraction,
bringing in millions of British pounds per year in tour and
merchandising sales, far surpassing what they receive from the
taxpayer. Canada is a beautiful place, but Prince Harry belongs in
England and so does any woman he marries. Princess Diana tolerated a
lot from Prince Charles (neglect, cheating), because she was of the
belief her children could do a great amount of good as royals in
Britain. She would not want Harry and his family to leave.
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