President Joe Biden Played Golf
And Laughed While Maui Kept Burning
August 18. 2023

Joe Biden has been filmed and photographed
laughing and smiling on vacation while being
questioned about the wildfires in Hawaii, which he
refuses to comment on. The laughter and smiling
under the circumstances, even while being questioned
about Maui, is quite inappropriate. It shows he is
out of his mind and should not be President of the
United States.
Maui, Hawaii has faced unprecedented
wildfires. Over 109 people have been found dead, as
there was little warning issued by the U.S.
government regarding the disaster. People fled their
homes and vehicles, then jumped into the hot, shark
infested sea that had reached temperatures of over
108 degrees.
For days U.S. President Joe Biden
did not comment on the crisis opting to laugh and
play golf. This from a president who has spent more
days on vacation than any other in U.S. history.
This from a president who has spent more time on
vacation than in the White House during his 2 and
1/2 years in office via a corrupted, stolen
election. Work means very little to this man.
Stealing the election was about ill-gotten wealth,
ego, glory and so-called power.
The tragedy regarding the wildfires
has been transpiring for over a week and Biden has
yet to visit Maui. Why? Because he's too busy
playing golf and eating ice-cream. He is a weak and
ineffectual leader. Biden projects incompetence,
idiocy and failure wherever he goes and should not
be President of the United States.
The coronavirus pandemic was caused
by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), Dr.
Anthony Facui and then President Barack Obama and
Vice President Joe Biden. Obama is the one that gave
Fauci the money to develop the deadly coronavirus
(under the guise of gain of function research) and
told them to do so in China. Then, the CIA
criminally requested a sample to see how the work
was progressing and treacherously released it in
China when former President, Donald Trump, refused
to go to war with China at the federal agency's
insistence. Thanks to then America has lost its spot
in the world as the number one nation
These actions under former, evil,
cruel CIA director, Gina Haspel, horrifically
backfired and ended up costing America its place in
the world (China Overtakes America As The
Richest Nation In The World Confirming Previous Site Claims).
And now Biden (and his handler Barack Obama)
are finishing America off (World Nations Form Alliance To
Replace The U.S. Dollar In International Trade Due To President Joe
Biden's Terrible Economic And Political Policies In A Move That Will
Cost America Trillions In Revenues and
French President Emmanuel Macron
Announces Europe Is Making Plans To Abandon The U.S. Dollar Following
The Lead Of BRICS Nations Who Do Not Trust President Joe Biden And His
Failed Financial Policies).
It is being done to achieve their
new world order, which is nothing but destruction
and failure (Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A
'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S.
Economy To Bring It About (Videos)). Vote him out or he will
destroy your future and that of your descendants.
China Overtakes America As The
Richest Nation In The World Confirming Previous Site Claims
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