French President Emmanuel
Macron Announces Europe Is Making Plans To Abandon
The U.S. Dollar Following The Lead Of BRICS Nations
Who Do Not Trust President Joe Biden And His Failed
Financial Policies
April 11. 2023

France's President, Emmanuel Macron and
China's President ,Xi Jinping
This is a follow up to the April 7,
2023 article "World
Nations Form Alliance To Replace The U.S. Dollar In
International Trade Due To President Joe Biden's
Terrible Economic And Political Policies In A Move
That Will Cost America Trillions In Revenues."
China, Russia, India, Brazil and South Africa (BRICS
nations) are abandoning the U.S. dollar as the
world's reserve currency (for trade in the
international community). Kenya and Ghana have also
expressed interest in doing the same, as has Mexico,
who seek to join the BRICS nations.
On April 9, 2023, after a meeting
with China's President Xi Jinping, French President
Emmanuel Macron announced Europe needs to abandon
the U.S. dollar as well. The European Union is
comprised of 27 nations with a combined 500,000,000
people. The BRICS nations consist of nearly
3-billion people. The financial impact to America
will be catastrophic. America will lose trillions of
dollars due to the world abandoning the dollar.
Last month Europe was taken aback by
the sudden collapse of three prominent U.S. banks (Three Prominent American Banks
Collapse Under President Joe Biden's Watch (Video)). It created
financial losses in America, Britain and Europe as
well, as it damaged the historic European banks
Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank.

Emmanuel Macron
This past Sunday, Macron stated,
"Europe must not depend on the United States and the
dollar. Europe has become more dependent on the
United States in recent years, but it must
strengthen its strategic autonomy and not depend on
the extraterritoriality of the dollar." Macron
additionally stated Europe must not be "America's
Macron further stated Europe needed
to reduce its dependency on the U.S. for weapons and
energy. Lastly, Macron declared Europe needs to stay
out of the conflict between America and China. The
world is stating Biden is trying to start World War
III via threatening military action against China
action over Taiwan. Geographically, Taiwan is right
off China's coast. It was once a part of China's
territory. It is similar to Miami Beach being
islands off the coast of Miami, Florida or the U.S.
Virgin Islands being an offshore U.S. territory.

Barack Obama and Joe Biden
The world is realizing Biden cannot
be trusted nor can his puppetmaster, former
Barack Obama, as they are crashing the U.S.
economy. Neither know anything about economics. They
are not following a sound economic plan. They are
wreaking havoc and destruction with the goal of
rebuilding America and the world to their liking (Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A
'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S.
Economy To Bring It About (Videos)).
In doing so they are creating an
enormous amount of financial loss and suffering in
America, via record inflation. Centrists and
conservatives have opposed Biden's economic
policies, but as he is President, it has given him a
leg up to do as he wishes, and he's done pure
madness that has brought immense financial loss.
The U.S. economy is tanking and
Biden (and Obama) are trying to cover it up. The
three banks financially collapsing out of nowhere
was a bad sign. The financial damage in America has
started to spread to the world. Hence other nations
in the international community seeking to isolate
themselves from the damage. America never had this
problem prior to Biden.
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