Overtakes America As The Richest Nation In
The World Confirming Previous Site Claims
December 14. 2021

U.S. President
Joe Biden
This is a follow up to the Judiciary
Report articles "The Coronavirus Is Posing A Massive
Threat To The American Economy" (March 28, 2020) and
China Has Won The Trade War Against
The United States Confirming My Previous Predictions (January
13. 2021) and
China Set To Overtake The U.S.
Economy As The World Number One Due The Coronavirus And How It Was
Handled By The Government Confirming Previous Site Claims (December
28. 2020).
In the March 28. 2021 article "The Coronavirus Is Posing A Massive
Threat To The American Economy" I stated "The virus poses the
biggest threat to the American economy since the Great Depression,
which changed the American way of life. If handled incorrectly, the
coronavirus outbreak has the potential to strip away America's
position as the top economy in the world and cause it to fall by the
wayside. Yes, the outbreak is that serious of a crisis for America.
Not only has the virus killed people, it's killing the economy as
Though people thought it could never happen, this
month my predictions from nearly 2-YEARS ago were confirmed, as it
was announced China has overtaken America as the richest nation in
the world, "China has overtaken the United States as the world's
richest country, a recent report by the research arm of consultants
McKinsey & Co. revealed. The study examined the balance sheets of 10
countries representing over 60% of world income. It said that global
wealth has tripled in the last two decades and China accounted for
almost one-third of this global increase."

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is the head of Congress
I'd also warned that Joe Biden would be a
disaster for America and its economy, and over a year later
this has proven true as well (Joe Biden Tax Plan Slammed And
Debunked On '60 Minutes' Confirming Previous Site Claims).
Inflation has hit record highs in America and the
pandemic went absolutely out of control under Biden (Joe
Biden Slammed In The Press For Declaring Victory
Over Coronavirus Too Soon Leading To More Cases And
Deaths In A Fourth Wave Of The Virus (Video)
America Is Experiencing A Dire
10,100,000 Job Openings Due To Economic Mismanagement And 100,000 New
Coronavirus Cases Per Day After President Joe Biden Told The Public To
Take Off Their Masks).
Biden has no answers for America's problems and this
is quite serious. I don't think some grasp the gravity of the
situation and what it means for America's future. He has done an
extraordinary amount of damage and worse is to come under Biden.
China overtakes US as world's richest; experts
sound caution
Published on Nov 16, 2021, 01:52 pm - China
witnessed an increase in wealth from a mere $7 trillion in 2000 to
$120 trillion in 2020. China has overtaken the United States as the
world's richest country, a recent report by the research arm of
consultants McKinsey & Co. revealed. The study examined the balance
sheets of 10 countries representing over 60% of world income. It
said that global wealth has tripled in the last two decades and
China accounted for almost one-third of this global increase.
China's wealth has ballooned from a mere $7 trillion
in 2000 to $120 trillion in 2020. Comparatively, the US could only
double-up its wealth during the same period. However, this increase
in net worth was not in sync with global Gross Domestic Product
(GDP), the McKinsey report highlighted. The report cautioned that
the "side-effects" of such a wealth boom could end in crisis.
Global net wealth rose to $514 trillion in 2020 from
$156 trillion in 2000. "We are now wealthier than we have ever
been," Jan Mischke, a partner at the McKinsey Global Institute in
Zurich, told Bloomberg. Although China's wealth grew by over 17
times, the US's wealth rose to $90 trillion. America's shallower
growth is attributed to a more muted rise in property prices.
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