Poll Reveals 60% Of Americans
Rightly Believe America's Democracy Is In Danger Of
January 18. 2022

Dementia stricken Joe Biden is struggling and
completely confused. America has leaders in the
White House, federal government and corporate
sector, who are unqualified and ill-equipped to
handle the enormous challenges of unprecedented
climate issues posing a grave threat to the nation's
existence, a horrible pandemic that has killed
millions and a severely imploding economy. They do
not have the knowledge, ideas and know how to solve
these urgent and pressing problems.
Many in the U.S. government have
been giving speeches and writing items stating
democracy is in danger of collapse. House Speaker,
Nancy Pelosi, has spoken of this and former U.S.
President, Jimmy Carter, recently penned an op-ed in
the newspaper on the matter.
They, among others, are pointing the
finger at various people. However, the government
needs to point the finger at itself. There is so
much corruption going on in the government and
corporate America and the
American people are witnessing it in dismay. It is
stirring contention and anger among the public.
Stolen elections (Presidents George
W. Bush stole two elections and incumbent Joe Biden
stole one), corrupt court decisions (white people
getting away with shooting and killing minorities,
celebrities committing terrible crimes such as child
molestation and financial fraud while continuing to
roam free, Wall Street not being held accountable
for bankrupting many in America via gouging and
These things inflame the public.
However, Congress and the Feds think everything will
be alright under these corrupt conditions and world
history says otherwise. Tensions in America are
stewing, not simmering. It would suit the government
to calm tensions by forsaking corruption.
However, Congress is beholden to
multi-million dollar donors via special interests,
lobbyist and wealthy individuals, who are living a
life of crime. On its current path, this will breed
an unprecedented disaster in America. There are
medical, climate and financial problems threatening
to destroy America and sink the nation.
I want to make it clear. I'm against
violence. I'm a peace loving person. I believe in
order, not anarchy, sedition and chaos. I've never
attacked or incited violence, as I don't believe in
it. However, as seen in cases such as the George
Floyd murder, financial fraud/theft by the rich, and
election corruption (and save your breath, the whole
words knows poorly regarded Joe Biden did not get a
80,000,000 votes, because he isn't popular and if
you add up how many votes he and Trump received, it
exceeds the number of eligible voting adults in
All it takes is one very egregious
incident to set the public off (as seen with the
protests and riots after George Floyd's murder, and
2020 election corruption resulting in the January 6
Capitol protests and riots).
In reference to the outcry, protests
and riots in response to George Floyd's murder, the
government didn't see it coming. They were shocked,
terrified and embarrassed. It should serve as a
lesson to the government to make sure the laws of
the nation are followed by those in government and
high profile figures, who seem to think they are
above the law.
America and the world are watching.
Get your act together. People are tired of the
corruption. All it takes is one corrupt individual,
like Derek Chauvin for instance, who murdered Floyd,
to incite the public to anger, rage and violence.
Chauvin's conduct was infuriating.
There's always someone in
government (select politicians, police officers and FBI officials,
among others) or wealthy individuals who think they
are above the law and can do as they please. These
are the people who pose a danger to democracy. Their
lawlessness and arrogance in engaging in terrible
conduct can set the public off at
any moment.
Some people just don't know when to
quit. They always want more and to trample others'
rights for their own undue enrichment and
advancement. They test the bounds of human decency and end up
bringing democracies down.
The greatest threat to democracy in
the United States is not the everyday American. It
is select privileged, corrupt, wealthy deviants in
government and the corporate sector, who are hungry
for power and money. They can never get enough and
are imperiling the nation with greedy and dangerous
decisions. They have put their wealth and greed for
power ahead of the welfare of an entire nation of
330,000,000 people. That is despicable and evil.
America's greatest enemy is within.
America is falling in the world
because of these enemies within, who are putting
their own welfare and bank accounts ahead of public
safety and prosperity. They have so damaged the
nation with their corrupt decisions that China has
outworked America in the world and become the new
number one, as I previously predicted (China Overtakes America As The
Richest Nation In The World Confirming Previous Site Claims).
The pandemic is killing scores of
Americans due to mismanagement by the government (America Is Experiencing A Dire
10,100,000 Job Openings Due To Economic Mismanagement And 100,000 New
Coronavirus Cases Per Day After President Joe Biden Told The Public To
Take Off Their Masks). In fact, America has the highest death
rate from Covid-19.
As I also predicted first, there is
a looming and terrible climate threat that poses a
massive danger, but the Biden administration doesn't
have a clue how to fix it ('Doomsday Glacier' In Antarctica
Under Imminent Risk Of Collapse Confirming Previous Claims).
They are fighting like lunatics to impede and
destroy the people who can fix it. It is one of the
sickest and most insane things I have ever seen in
my life.
America is not in capable hands and
is on track to collapse due to the conduct of people
in government and corporate America. I've stated
these things on this site for the past few years and
now the clearcut dangers to America's prosperity and
survival are showing in horrible, blaring, glaring
detail. Please see the
site exclusives
page for confirmation.
After they cause America's collapse,
said select people in government and the corporate
sector will try to retire in other nations with the
money they've looted. I hope every nation they try
to move to with the stolen wealth kicks them out for
being a blight on humanity, and causing incalculable
damage and the pending collapse of America.
Political Instability Not U.S. Adversaries,
Seen As Bigger Threat, Quinnipiac University
National Poll Finds; Nearly 6 In 10 Think Nation's
Democracy Is In Danger Of Collapse
January 12, 2022 - In a sharply
divided country, Americans agree on this: the bigger
danger to the United States comes from within.
Seventy-six percent say they think political
instability within the country is a bigger danger to
the United States compared to the 19 percent who
think other countries that are adversaries of the
United States are the bigger danger, according to a
Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University national
poll of adults released today.
Democrats say 83 - 13 percent,
independents say 78 - 19 percent, and Republicans
say 66 - 29 percent that political instability in
the U.S. is the bigger danger. A majority of Americans, 58 - 37
percent, think the nation's democracy is in danger
of collapse.
Republicans say 62 - 36 percent,
independents say 57 - 39 percent, and Democrats say
56 - 37 percent they think the nation's democracy is
in danger of collapse. Just over half of Americans (53
percent) expect political divisions in the country
to worsen over their lifetime, 28 percent expect
them to remain about the same, and 15 percent expect
them to ease.
"A fear of the enemy within, not a
foreign threat, punctuates a grim assessment by
Americans of a democracy in peril and a future of
deepening political divisions,"
said Quinnipiac University Polling Analyst Tim
Just over half of Americans (53
percent) think it is either very likely (19 percent)
or somewhat likely (34 percent) that there will be
another attack in the United States like the one
that happened at the U.S. Capitol on January 6,
2021. Forty-three percent think it is not so likely
(22 percent) or not likely at all (21 percent)...
'Doomsday Glacier' In Antarctica
Under Imminent Risk Of Collapse Confirming Previous Claims
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