Madonna Paid Hackers To Hack My
Medical, Financial, Academic And Social Networking
Boycott Madonna And Her Kabbalah Cult
April 13. 2023

Ugly, deranged, washed up pop
singer, Madonna, has been escalating her vile
criminal conduct. For background on this matter
please read:
The FBI Is
Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In
Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
Documents). This month I received an
email from a senator in Congress stating they are working
on my case. Madonna has been doing some very
outrageous, dangerous and evil things. I have not
gone public with all of it yet, but I will in a
future item. But needless to say, Madonna is a very
evil and horrible human being. Madonna is a lunatic
who has been stalking, harassing and robbing me of
copyrights for years.
Madonna has three main hackers on
staff that she pays to hack into computers 24-hours
a day. There are other hackers connected to her cult
as well. They are hacking the computers of different
targets for undue financial gain and in some cases
to blackmail others into getting what they want.
Madonna's cult also works with thugs and other
unsavory criminals, such as the mafia, from the same
office location. They do computer and phone hacking,
wiretapping, stalking, assaults, battery, burglary,
and as has been repeatedly alleged in the
entertainment industry, they murder people.
They target adults and underage
teens, who are famous and non-famous, for various
reasons. Some of the minors targeted by Madonna's
cult have been sexually assaulted and raped.
Madonna's cult has also been accused of adult and
child sex trafficking in America and the
international community. What they're doing is sick
and psychotic.
As stated previously on the site,
Madonna's business partner and fellow Kabbalah cult
member, Harvey Weinstein, illegally placed 91 people
under surveillance (Rapist Harvey Weinstein Has 91 People Under Surveillance By
Private Investigators In Trying To Bully And Silence His Victims).
After I exposed his financial and sex crimes online,
because Madonna illegally spread my copyrights to
Weinstein, he was indicted and is now in prison for
the rest of his life (Harvey Weinstein Found Guilty Of
Rape Again).
Madonna's Latest Commissioned Criminal Conduct
Regarding Me
1. Recently, Madonna's hackers
hacked my dental account at a medical company.
Previously, I broke the story regarding Madonna and
her business partner, Rupert Murdoch (whom I
reported to the Metropolitan Police in London, in
what later became the phone hacking scandal),
criminally invading people's privacy, including
unlawfully accessing others medical records without
They did that to me regarding Miami
doctors' offices and hospitals. Shortly after, news
broke in the mainstream press that Murdoch and
company had criminally violated the privacy of
legendary football manager,
Sir Alex Ferguson. Mainstream news reports
revealed Murdoch and company had illegally accessed
his medical records, then blackmailed him. Then it
came out in the mainstream press that Murdoch and
company did the same thing to former British Prime
Minister, Gordon Brown, when he was in office,
regarding his sick child. They illegally accessed
the sick child's medical records by contacting the
doctor's office pretending to be the Browns, then
blackmailed the Prime Minister with what they
illegally learned about his minor child's health, as
he sought to keep his little boy's condition
private, as is his right.
Rupert Murdoch and company later
targeted another Prime Minister, David Cameron, via
Murdoch's executive,
Andy Coulson, who later muttered at me on a
street in London by my relative's house (News Corp's Andy Coulson From The Phone Hacking Scandal Is
Struggling With Mental Illness). Coulson was
later convicted and imprisoned in the phone hacking
case I first reported to the Metropolitan Police (Andy Coulson Found Guilty In The Phone Hacking
Case (Confirming Previous Claims I Made About Him On The Site)).
2. Madonna's hackers have repeatedly
hacked third party software regarding my university
accounts. Last month, they hacked a third party
software vendor and damaged my account with the
company, regarding the required digital subscription
I paid for to do my coursework. My professor stated
I'm the only one in the class this happened to (and
this has happened to me in other classes, as I'm
being targeted by deranged Madonna via her hackers).
It was another criminal effort to block me from
finishing my coursework, because Madonna and her
cult want me to fail. I lost 2-weeks of coursework
time due to the incident. That's how sick and
desperate Madonna's commissioned criminal conduct
has become.
3. Madonna's hackers hacked my
Paypal account and it is now frozen. The company is
asking for my identification and a bank statement to
get it back. I don't use the account often. I've
only done so for a handful of purchases where I did
not want a merchant online to have my credit card
information (new foreign clothing companies or
foreign electronics sites I'd never bought from
before). I buy items for work purposes. Then shortly
after, people in Madonna's Kabbalah cult, who call
themselves the Illuminati, such as Madonna, Beyonce,
Rihanna, Kelly Rowland, Rita Ora, and others, will
go buy and wear the same things or have knock-offs
made to look like the items I've purchased (I have
time stamped receipts proving it). They look so
demented doing that.
These aren't expensive items I've
been purchasing that these copyright stealing stars,
who brag about wearing expensive designer clothes,
keep buying as well or having knock-offs made. Yet,
time after time they are wearing the same
inexpensive items I buy online from foreign
websites, much of which aren't even in the
mainstream (and sometimes Amazon) AFTER I BUY THEM.
It looks weird and pathetic.
I've saved copies of my time stamped
(digital and physical) receipts and the subsequent
photos of the aforementioned high profile cult
members later wearing the same things to award shows
and on social networking, proving criminal invasion
of privacy. They've done it so many times now it has
become very incriminating. Not to mention the same
high profile, degenerate idiots stealing copyrighted
songs, videos and movies I registered in the Library
of Congress years prior, is extremely incriminating
regarding criminal invasion of privacy, theft,
fraud, criminal copyright infringement, money
laundering, and conversion, among other violations
of the law.
4. Madonna's hackers hacked my
Twitter account (again) and have been trying to
block me from tweeting on the social networking
site. I've been having trouble tweeting. Sending one
simple tweet can take 10-minutes or doesn't go
through at all, when it should only take a couple
seconds. A couple weeks ago they hacked my Twitter
page and fought for over 30-minutes to block me from
live tweeting a football match.
Twitter has NOT sent me any notices
stating there was a problem with anything I tweeted
that would prevent me from tweeting anything new.
It's Madonna's hackers psychotically targeting my
Twitter account. A few years ago Twitter sent me an
email stating my account has been compromised and to
change my password. They were correct. Under the
apps permission section, there was a mystery app
that didn't exist anywhere else on the internet
other than under my Twitter account. It was
customized malware targeting my Twitter
page/account. It was illegally and surreptitiously
installed by Madonna's hackers to spy on and disrupt
my Twitter page, which is pathetic. No one is
impressed with that. Going to such great lengths to
spy on and harass someone, and repeatedly through
various means, sends the public a terrible message
about just how sick in the head you are as people
and a cult.
Madonna has been complaining in the
industry about my Twitter page having too many
followers and interactions. So, she had her hackers
target my page. Much like she routinely has them
targeting the Judiciary Report. Once again, it looks
so pathetic. That's some real loser behavior.
Previously, Madonna had her hackers
target and destroy my Facebook page, as it showed I
was living in London at the time (trying to get away
from them). I was never able to recover the account.
5. They also hacked my Linkedin
page, but I was able to retrieve it.
6. Recently, they hacked an empty
Instagram page I registered that I had to open to
get information for select items for the Judiciary
Report. If you don't have an Instagram page you are
not permitted to view pages on Instagram in their
entirety (just the first few entries). There's
nothing on the blank Instagram page I registered,
but when they hacked and destroyed my mobile phone a
couple months ago, the empty Instagram page was
logged in and Madonna's hackers took it over. I was
able to get it back recently. When I start an
Instagram page I will let you, my readers, know via
this site.
7. Madonna's hackers have been
routing a stream of harassing calls through foreign
nations to my phone and separately my mom's phone in
Miami, Florida. These are our private numbers, but
due to criminal hacking, Madonna's cult has my
private number and that of my family members.
Madonna's hackers are routing harassing calls
to our phones through other American states such as California and
Michigan, and through foreign nations such as Norway
and Canada.
8. Madonna's hackers hacked my
private email account. They've done so repeatedly,
even again today. They also keep sending me crazy
spam emails with the private details of my life they
illegally learned via criminal wiretapping and
computer hacking. They are such losers.
9. Madonna is still sending her
vile, non-famous cult members to terrorize me over
famous men I don't even know. If I state something
nice about a famous man on this site or Twitter,
Madonna loses the plot even more and starts sending
her weird, non-famous cult members to issue sick
threats. I don't even know or care about Madonna. I
don't know what she and her cult members think they
are accomplishing doing that.
10. Madonna has also been sending
her cult members to terrorize me regarding recording
a new album (Madonna and her cult are looking for
songs and music videos to steal). Madonna's career
and that of others in her cult are dead and they are
desperately trying to revive them after experiencing
so many flops. However, I don't care. That's not my
problem. I don't even like these people. I find it
shocking they think I should care about their
stupid, profane, meaningless careers.
I don't feel comfortable recording
anything now. My privacy is being violated in sick
ways. Where I am is too accessible to break-ins from
her cult who have moved into the gated community I
live (police have been called twice because of their
conduct in breaking into my apartment, and on a
separate occasion, stalking and attempted sexual
assault on the grounds on the property).
Madonna is in her 60s going for
70-years-old. She does not have the beauty, talent
or popularity of Tina Turner. She does not have the
talent, fanbase or longevity of the Rolling Stones,
the Eagles or Journey, who still consistently pull
big crowds in arenas and stadiums. Spying on and
terrorizing me for new copyrighted material is not
going to change that. It will not bring her dead
career back. The public is over Madonna (and have
long been over Madonna). The witch needs to let it
It's pathetic. All she can do now is
pay blogs and sites like Drudge Report to post about
her and people are just skipping over the items, as
the public doesn't care. All she does is call
television and movie producers offering them money
to mention her name in their projects (they don't
want her in their projects as she kills ratings).
Madonna stalks and harasses famous
young men on Twitter, offering them access to top
Hollywood projects if they will mention her in a
positive manner on their
social networking pages and in interviews. She offers them money if they will
date her. That is so pathetic. These men are in the
prime of their lives. They don't want to be with a
woman who looks like a monster due to bad plastic
surgery, and is 40 to 50-years-older than they are
now. If she was hot like Christie Brinkley, Halle
Berry or Evelyn Lozada, the age gap wouldn't matter
to these men. However, Madonna looks like someone
beat her with the ugly stick...repeatedly.
Madonna is a madwoman who is not
being realistic. She looks like a monster due to all
the bad plastic surgery. She has a face that scares
small children, animals and famous grown men, who
are running from her. She was never able to sing.
Her career was about selling sex. Now that's gone.
Trying to terrorize me into giving her copyrights
didn't work. So her latest moronic thing has been
sending people to demand I make new music (because
she wants to go on tour this summer with new
material and seeks to infringe what I would
release). Don't hold your breath, oh ugly one.
I've made a lot of progress in my
life and work. I don't talk that much about what
I've been doing, but I'm thankful to God for the
progress. I'm focused on my work. Madonna needs to
worry about herself and stay out of my business. I
don't want anything to do with her or her stupid
cult. Madonna is going to get herself and all the
people connected to her stupid cult in a world of
legal trouble and massive public disfavor in
multiple nations.
The FBI Is
Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In
Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
Madonna Escalates Her Psychotic
Criminal Behavior In Commissioned Acts Of Vandalism, Property
Destruction, Trespassing, Stalking, Harassment And Hacking
Former FBI
Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive
Orders From George Bush And Barack Obama To
Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth Billions For
Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous
Human Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People
Former FBI
Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey
Criminally Defrauded Florida Submarine Company
Out Of Billions Of Dollars In Copyrights And
Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed
Martin Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It