Madonna's Kabbalah Cult Has
Been Committing Serious Crimes Against Children
July 28. 2023

Madonna is currently under criminal
investigation in Africa for child trafficking and
child sex trafficking (Human Rights Group Files Formal
Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions
In Africa).
Madonna has ties to the late
pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who molested thousands of
girls and sex trafficked them as well (Flight Logs Reveal Pedophile Madonna
Was Visiting Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pedophile Island' Where Sex Orgies With
Minors Occurred And She Is In His Address Book).
Members of Madonna's cult have been
convicted of serious sex crimes against children.
Members such as
Harvey Weinstein and
R Kelly, among others. Hollywood directors
Bryan Singer and
James Gunn are in Madonna's Kabbalah cult
and have been formally accused of pedophilia.
There are strong allegations in the
entertainment industry in items known to the FBI
that members of Madonna's cult have sacrificed
children in occult practices (including a girl as
young as 1-year-old). It is stated a member of
Madonna's cult even sacrificed a child and did
something sick with the 1-year-old's skull.
The Kabbalah cult is following the
sick practices and writings of the late satanist and
madman, Aleister Crowley, who was accused of
sacrificing (killing) a man at his English mansion.
Satanist believe killing someone in a sacrifice to
the devil, in acts that are labeled rituals, brings
wealth and success. However, these satanists always
ended up badly (Crowley died insane, broke and
Rapper Jay Z, a pedophile in Madonna's cult,
has worn shirts emblazoned with sayings by Crowley,
such as "Do what thou wilt" (meaning do what you
will, while disregarding ethics and even breaking
the law, which always turns out badly for those that
behave in this manner).

Jay-Z wearing a customized sweatshirt with the
words of professed Satanist Aleister Crowley, who stated in his book
the "Code Of Conduct" satanic followers should "Do what
thou wilt"
Excerpt from
Satanic book detailing the "Code Of Conduct"
that Jay-Z follows and one of the central themes is "Do What Thou Wilt"
In Hollywood cults such as Kabbalah,
they have been unethically drawing blood from
children and injecting it into themselves, falsely
believing it is making them look younger and
reversing the aging process. Never mind they look
older than dirt.
Having sex with minors, as they are
actively doing in Hollywood daily, and or injecting
their blood into your body, something else they are
doing in the entertainment industry, will not make
you younger or look more youthful. Nothing can
reverse the aging process. Furthermore being evil
produces stressful chemicals in the body and
triggers processes that speed up the aging process
(via the telomeres).
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Was Visiting Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pedophile Island' Where Sex Orgies With
Minors Occurred And She Is In His Address Book
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