Bill Gates Played With Fire In
His Dealings With Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein And Now
It Is Coming Back To Haunt Him
May 17. 2021

Jeffrey Epstein (center) and Bill Gates
(second from the right, standing next to Epstein)
Microsoft co-founder, Bill Gates,
continues to be embroiled in scandal, as his wife,
Melinda French Gates, has filed for divorce. The
couple have been married for 27-years and have three
children. The scandal is emanating from the fact
there are claims in the mainstream press of
infidelity on Gates' part.
The worst and most scandal claims in
the mainstream press are stemming from the fact
Gates became friends with convicted pedophile,
Jeffrey Epstein. It is similar to what occurred with
Epstein and Prince Andrew, who continued to be in
the convicted pedophile's company after the criminal
court case conviction.
Most people fled Epstein when they
discovered he is a pedophile via the court case.
However, a few still went to spend time with him at
his home where he housed underage girls kept as sex
slaves. Epstein was found dead in his jail cell in
2019, when the Trump administration brought criminal
charges against him for sex trafficking minors.
Gates could find himself in court on
the stand trying to explain away his relationship
with a convicted pedophile. Not to mention, as
stated previously on the site, Rick Allen Jones, the
computer engineer Gates had working at his mansion
on a permanent basis, was arrested at the property
for possession of thousands of images and videos of
child porn he had housed on a computer at the
Combined with the Epstein friendship
and visits to his notorious properties, none of this
looks good. It's proving to be Gates downfall. This
is not going to turn out well for Gates at all.
Bill Gates And Melinda Gates
Announce Divorce Under The Strain Of His Dodgy Vaccines, Attempts At
Population Control, Bisexuality And Pedophilic Circle