Madonna Is Harassing And
Threatening Athletes And Entertainers In Sick Ways
December 18. 2021

Due to FBI corruption/bribery,
deranged, piss drinking madwoman, Madonna, continues
to roam free while threatening, harassing,
defrauding and extorting innocent people for huge
sums of money. Madonna's music career died over
20-years ago. After years of wild spending in the
1980s and 1990s, her funds had run very low. She
started a Hollywood cult and has been using
strong-arm tactics via thugs in the mafia she is
affiliated with, in order to illegally get what she
wants via criminal theft of copyrights, charity
funds and portions of entertainers and athletes'
Supermodel Jeri Hall spoke out about
Madonna demanding 10% of Hall's income and that of
her ex-husband, Mick Jagger, who makes hundreds of
millions of dollars touring as the lead singer of
the Rolling Stones. The family of former baseball
star, Alex Rodriguez, complained Madonna unlawfully
extracted $20,000,000 from him for her Kabbalah
cult. Madonna was also sexually pursuing Rodriguez
who did not want her. She became bitter and
resentful, and leaked damaging stories to the press
about Rodriguez.
Madonna is now threatening the lives
of young football players (soccer) in the
international community to get what she wants from
them, which is completely criminal. There are young
football players, some in their teens, others in
their twenties, whom Madonna has been criminally
spying on via private investigators and thugs. She
also had footballers lives threatened. She further
sent thugs to follow them home, while their families
were present.
Athletes or entertainers who
generate publicity in newspapers such as the Daily
Mail among others, on blogs or television, Madonna
contacts them directly or through her cult Uncle
Tom, rapper Jay Z, in efforts at spooling them into
the deadly Hollywood sect.
For instance, Madonna found out
about football player Cristiano Ronaldo through the
newspapers when she was living in London, England
and he played for Manchester United (the first time
he did so). It was the early 2000s and she became
obsessed with him. Madonna contacted Ronaldo and got
him involved in Kabbalah, then he began behaving in
a strange manner due to cult brainwashing (as
seen with Alex Rodriguez). All of the
demands and harassment from the cult changed
Ronaldo's personality. He became angry, moody and
violent. People began asking what happened to him,
not realizing the abuse from Madonna's cult severely
damaged Cristiano.
It first starts out with promises of
making them more rich and famous than they could
ever imagine, but it soon turns ugly when Madonna
commissions the illegal wiretapping of their phones,
daily acts of computer and email hacking, cable box
hacking (audio and visual) and public stalking 24
hours per day. Madonna, like her cult cohort, Harvey
Weinstein, illegally placed many people under
illegal surveillance because they are deranged and
sick in the head lunatics (Rapist
Harvey Weinstein Has 91 People Under Surveillance By
Private Investigators In Trying To Bully And Silence
His Victims).
Then it turns into menacing texts
and phone calls from Madonna and the cult, criminals
showing up on your doorsteps, packages and mail
being stolen, appointments being cancelled or
rescheduled without permission, identity theft,
nasty stories in the press, death threats and public
harassment by thugs in her employ.
Select football players have
received death threats from Madonna's cult for not
giving into her insane financial demands and
personal requests. Madonna's cult has criminally
threatened the lives of innocent children when they
don't get what they want.
Madonna has already ruined the
careers of some football players she read about in
the news and online, demanding millions of dollars
from them. She so harassed and threatened them, it
greatly damaged their mental health. Their careers
tanked under all the mental and emotional strain.
Now she's outright threatening to have footballers
and athletes in other sports killed if they do not
give her the millions she is demanding and does what
she says regarding promoting her and the Kabbalah
I predict Madonna's criminal conduct
is going to bring massive trouble on the U.S.
government in the world in upcoming developments.
Madonna and her cult terrorizing all these foreign
athletes, in conduct that damaged some of their
careers, shows an extraordinary amount of ill will
and malice. She is destroying the lives of
international sports stars, which goes against
everything events such as the Olympics stands for in
the world. A serious problem is brewing behind the
scenes regarding her conduct and it is going to
mushroom into a global scandal because she will not
leave these people alone.
Madonna is also making sexual
demands on some of these athletes who do not want
her, as she is ugly and three times their age. Think
about it. If it were you. You're a in demand 18 or
25-year-old famous athlete. You have your pick of
many beautiful women to choose to be your
girlfriend, but an insane, ugly, Frankenstein and
Quasimodo looking 63-year-old madwoman is making
sexual demands on you and demanding you post items
about her on your social networking. That's pretty
messed up.
Some of these famous athletes don't
even want to post their real girlfriends, who are
beautiful, let alone Madonna. Poor Jadon Sancho
posted her lyrics when he was a teen, after demands
from her, and many of his 1,000,000 followers
trolled him in a massive way. Madonna is not the hot
chick. Audiences do not rate her. All she did was
embarrass poor Jadon to his fans and all this stress
is not good for his career, as he stopped scoring
like he used to do (Leave the boy alone and let him
live his life in peace, you loser).
Madonna has been harassing young
footballers, boxers, singers and actors. She's going
from one to another harassing them and their reps
with calls and visits from her insane cult members,
who have stalked them on her instructions. This
behavior is completely criminal.
Madonna has insanely convinced
herself and stated to people in the industry that it
is bragging rights having sex with her, but she is
delusional. These men do not want her. People are
embarrassed by her. Megan Fox would be bragging
rights for a man. Madonna would be the
banging-an-ugly-woman-cause-you-were-drugged story
that men don't want to tell their friends.
Look what happened when Madonna, 63,
grabbed rapper, Drake, 30, and kissed him without
asking. Drake began gagging and spitting onstage in
disgust. He was trolled on the internet and she was
slammed as disgusting. If a man had done that to a
woman it would have been branded sexual assault. Why
does Madonna think these athletes and entertainers
want her, when they think she's disgusting and evil.
She is not a gorgeous older entertainer like Halle
Berry, 55, or Jennifer Lopez, 53. She looks awful.
I'm convinced Madonna has pictures
of Megan Fox taped over all the mirrors in her
house, why she goes out in public and on social
networking with this inexplicable confidence about
her terrible appearance. Recently, rapper 50 Cent
stated Madonna is too old to be exposing her breasts
on Instagram. Then she threatened him and he was
forced to publicly backpedal on his statements,
because that lunatic is connected to the Italian
mafia and has killers on her payroll.
Madonna was never pretty to begin
with and now she's not aged well, compounding the
issue for her. She's trying to compete with younger
entertainers like Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift,
plus Instagram models, and simply can't because she
looks ugly.
Everyone ages, but most people have
the sense to do age appropriate things or at least
have some class about how they carry themselves.
Most women realize that at age 63 they should not be
going topless in trying to compete with
18-year-olds. It's just dumb.
Madonna's Kabbalah Cult Hackers Hacked University
And Removed Me From All My Upcoming Classes In
Criminal Violation Of The Law
The FBI Is
Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In
Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
Madonna's Ongoing Outrageous Criminal Conduct