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Homeland Security Removed 250 Cameras From Two Mansions Of Voyeur And Pervert Diddy During Raid

May 2. 2024

Sex traffickers Madonna and Diddy (Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa and Flight Logs Reveal Pedophile Madonna Was Visiting Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pedophile Island' Where Sex Orgies With Minors Occurred And She Is In His Address Book)

The documentary "The Downfall Of Diddy" has exposed the fact the Homeland Security raid on the Miami and Los Angeles mansions of rap mogul, Diddy, resulted in the feds seizing a whopping 250 cameras from his two homes. That is an excessive number of cameras.

It supports claims Diddy has been secretly recording people in states of undress and while they are having sex. This is a crime. Each incident of such perverted behavior counts as a count in an indictment. This week the Washington Times reported, "'They have 250 cameras they took from his houses. A lot of people may be running from that tape,' Mr. Curry stated in the film."

Diddy belongs to the Hollywood cult Kabbalah, which is run by deranged pop singer, Madonna. They call themselves "the Illuminati." For years I have warned on this site about Madonna, Diddy and others engaging in grotesque criminal behavior, such as sexual assault, rape, pedophilia, grand theft larceny and commissioned murder, among other crimes. I've repeatedly stated this cult is sick and perverse, as they love secretly spying on people through hidden cameras, illegal wiretapping, and computer and email hacking:

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The cult likes to secretly spy on people in their homes via hidden cameras they have private investigators such as Anthony Pellicano and Gavin DeBecker, among others, illegally plant. The cult also pays hackers to hack webcams and mobile phones, then secretly turn on the cameras and microphones on said telephones to secretly watch people in their homes.

The illegal stream of live footage from the hidden cameras and hacked webcams and mobile phones, are made available to the cult members on a password protected website, which they can view at anytime to indulge their nasty, perverted depravity. Members of the cult who have for years been perversely logging on to criminally violate people's privacy in watching the live and recorded footage from the hidden cameras, and hacked webcams and mobile phone cameras are Madonna, Diddy, Jay Z, Beyonce, Rihanna, Britney Spears, Taylor Swift, the Kardashians, The Jenners, Lil Wayne, Drake, Harvey Weinstein, Rupert Murdoch, Leonardo Dicaprio, Mark Walhberg, The Rock, Adam Sandler, Nicholas Cage, Ryan Reynolds, Simon Cowell, Kelly Clarkson, Chuck Lorre, Jerry Bruckheimer, Bob Iger, Les Moonves, Julie Chen, Russell Davies, and Dominic Minghella, among others in Hollywood (even some high profile politicians whom I shall name later, and FBI Directors and agents, have been logging into that vile privacy invading site for years, as they are sick).

They are quite sick and should not be free. This type of depravity and sex offender behavior should not be named among humanity and the civilized public. World governments have files on this sick conduct coming out of Hollywood and the FBI, and have placed them on internally maintained watch lists for this perverse behavior. When they rent then leave certain places in the international community, such as select hotels and residences, security is sent in to do sweeps of the premises to insure those perverts didn't install hidden cameras that will violate the privacy of future guests (as was discovered in the past in several nations). This is the global disgrace Hollywood and the FBI have brought on the U.S. government.


Feds removed ‘250 cameras’ from Diddy’s homes, documentary claims; people compromised?

By Staff - The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 1, 2024 - A newly released documentary, titled “TMZ Presents: The Downfall of Diddy,” dives into the legal battles and investigations surrounding Sean “Diddy” Combs, a prominent figure in the music industry. The film, which aired this week and is available on Tubi, scrutinizes the lawsuits and sex trafficking allegations that have cast a shadow over the music mogul’s career.

The hourlong documentary features insights from Harvey Levin, the head of TMZ, alongside interviews with individuals who have worked closely with Diddy, including current and former associates. It also highlights discussions with former prosecutors and ex-federal agents connected to the cases against Mr. Combs.

One of the startling revelations in the documentary comes from the rapper Mark Curry, who alleges that many recording devices were seized from Mr. Combs’ properties. Mr. Curry suggests that many people might find themselves implicated in secretive recordings taken in compromising situations.
“They have 250 cameras they took from his houses. A lot of people may be running from that tape,” Mr. Curry stated in the film.


7 Bombshells Dropped In New Doc, ‘The Downfall Of Diddy’

The explosive documentary features Stevie J, Aubrey O'Day, Suge Knight, Mark Curry, and more.

April 30, 2024 1:44pm - After facing several lawsuits and numerous heinous accusations, Diddy‘s legacy is undoubtedly tarnished, and TMZ is among the first to release a jaw-dropping, comprehensive documentary on the matter. TMZ Presents: The Downfall Of Diddy premiered on Tubi Sunday (April 28), and featured rare testimony and alleged first-hand accounts from some prominent figures associated with the Bad Boy Records founder, like Aubrey O’Day, Stevie J, Mark Curry, and even Suge Knight.

The outlet also called upon legal experts and journalists, including Marc Lamont Hill, to dissect the unraveling of the fallen mogul since Cassie kicked off the domino effect with her chilling lawsuit from November 2023...



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