Hollywood Is Losing Billions As Streaming
Businesses Lose Millions Of Subscribers In America
May 25. 2023
UPDATE (5-28-23): I thought I'd expound on
the reason I stated "Everything, Everywhere, All At Once" is a
perverse and disgusting movie, for those of you who haven't seen
it. The film contains scenes of a woman eating/licking the
snot/mucous running from a man's nose. It also has a bloody
scene of extreme violence featuring a woman beating another
person with a large sex toy (dildo). The film contains many
confusing and sick themes that make no sense. The film also
promotes bipolar disorder and schizophrenia rather depicting
them as mental illnesses that need psychiatric treatment. This
film is insulting to Chinese people, did not deserve Academy
Awards and is bad for the public's mental health.

Netflix and Disney have lost
millions of subscribers this year. This represents
billions of dollars lost in what was potential
profits. Hollywood repeatedly bragged that Americans
have too much disposable income for things to go
wrong for the industry, but that is exactly what has
Due to President Joe Biden's record
inflation, in addition to other economic failures on
his part and that of his administration, Americans
no longer have significant amounts of disposable
income. I knew items such as streaming subscriptions
would be among the first to go from the public's
budget due to the poor state of the economy under
In the university economics class I
took, the professor and a banking executive she had
speak to the class in a Zoom meeting, proposed ways
to budget in this difficult economy, and cutting
streaming subscriptions was one of the first things
mentioned to save money, which confirmed my previous
thoughts on the matter.
Hollywood is not a necessity. Not to
mention, they are now producing the worst
entertainment America has ever had in its history.
This has also compounded the problem via massively
declining sales. It is also evident in declining
viewership numbers for awards telecasts. Every year
the ratings declines have worsened. America is
tuning Hollywood out in greater numbers each
Over the past 20-years Hollywood has
fallen off. Hollywood is now run by two dangerous,
murderous, satanic cults, which are Kabbalah and Scientology,
and they are criminally insane. These people should
not be in charged of anything. They belong in
prisons and mental asylums.
Kabbalah has more control over the
industry and has been leading America into mental
illness, satanism and pedophilia via the programming
being released. Most of the public do not want
to see such things and have been tuning out in
droves, boycotting Hollywood for this depravity and
To make it in Hollywood now you have
to join a cult, expose yourself (nudity) and do mentally
depraved, satanic things. Most sensible people will
not do so and as a result of this the industry is
now comprised of the most untalented, underachieving
people it has ever hosted in front of the cameras
and behind the scenes. They don't know how to write,
produce, direct, sing or act.

Madonna is a satanic madwoman who has laid the
foundation for Hollywood's fall
They are engaging in mafia tactics
to get money and intellectual property they steal
from others, but do not understand (the mafia is
involved in Kabbalah via its pathetic, ugly,
depraved, untalented leader Madonna). Hence all the
massive flops in Hollywood for the past 20-years
that Kabbalah has been in control.
It's the equivalent of a group of
deranged monkeys in a mania stealing work sketches
from Picasso and Van Gough. The work sketches are
templates and guidelines Picasso and Van Gough drew
to later act as their reference points for fresh,
new paintings on other canvases. However, without
Picasso and Van Gough's talents and vision, the
deranged monkeys can't correctly use the sketches to
create the stellar paintings they are supposed to
become. Again, this occurs due to the fact they are
deranged monkeys who can't paint and have no
creative vision. All the deranged monkeys will do is
try to mimic the act of painting to disastrous,
messy and failed results.
This is why Hollywood films are now
poorly lit and shot. This is why Hollywood scripts
contain foolishness. Actors can no longer act.
Singers can no longer sing. As they were hired not
because they have talent, but due to their
willingness to do depraved things in Hollywood
cults. They steal others works and turn them into
crazy garbage that does not translate well with

"Everything, Everywhere, All At Once"
Take for example the film
"Everything, Everywhere, All At Once." It won Best
Picture at the Oscars this year, much to the outrage
of people on social networking. I saw the film
recently and it is an insult to Chinese people. It
is gross out nasty, depraved, crazy and weird. The
film makes no sense at all. All it exists for is to
push Hollywood's questionable, ungodly social agenda
on America and the world.

"Big Trouble In Little China"
"Everything, Everywhere, All At
Once" is a direct rip-off of the 1980s film, "Big
Trouble In Little China" and is also combined with
other perverse infringements. Both films also
co-star James Hong. However, "Big Trouble In Little
China" was not perverted and insane like
"Everything, Everywhere, All At Once."

"The Mother"
Recently I saw the Netflix film "The
Mother" starring Jennifer Lopez and it is a complete
rip-off. All Netflix ever does is steal copyrights
from others. They are pathetic and deserve the
terrible earnings decline they are experiencing, as
they are nothing but a perverse, invasive copyright
infringement outlet.

"The Long Kiss Goodnight"
A year ago, over my hacked internet
connection (as confirmed by Comcast) I watched the
films "The Long Kiss Goodnight" and "The Bourne Legacy"
starring Jeremy Renner (who later had a terrible
snowplow accident). Last year, I also watched the
Maxwell music video "This Woman's Work" over the
same, said hacked internet connection.

"The Bourne Legacy"
In watching Netflix's new movie "The
Mother" a week ago I could not help but notice it is
a direct rip-off of "The Long Kiss Goodnight" and
"The Bourne Legacy" films, and ends with Lopez singing a
dodgy version of Maxwell's sublime vocals on "This
Woman's Work." The "Long Kiss Goodnight" is about a
female spy who kills people, but has to go back to
protect her young daughter who is kidnapped. "The
Mother" is about a female spy and soldier who kills
people but has to go back to protect her young
daughter who is kidnapped.
"The Mother" steals scenes from
"The Bourne Legacy" where the lead actor is a soldier
living in a cabin in an area covered by snow in
Alaska, with dangerous wolves around; and the cabin
is blown up by a bomb. In "The Mother" the lead
actress is a soldier living in a cabin in an area
covered by snow in Alaska, with dangerous wolves
around; and the cabin is blown up by a bomb.
The main culprit in this perverse
"The Mother" madness is criminally insane
screenwriter, Misha Green, who is in Kabbalah, and
stole my preexisting copyrights (among other items)
to make the 2016 show "Underground" (The FBI Is
Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In
Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
Documents)). Green and Madonna stole
from my preexisting copyrights which are over
15-years-old, to make "Underground" and even named
the lead character, Rosalie, which is the name of my
aunt who died in 2021 (Famous Doctor Blames Coronavirus
Vaccine For Accelerating His Cancer And Presents Proof Of Progression
Confirming Previous Site Claims).
Rosalie is the aunt I lived with in
England in 2012 and 2015, then Madonna had her cult
insanely stalk me all over London. An agent even
knocked on my aunt's door with a completely
inappropriate and untrue story, under the illegal
direction and orders of former FBI Director Robert
Mueller, who criminally violated international law
with this sick conduct. They were angry I was in
London, which made it more difficult for them to
steal copyrights from me and harass me like in
America (and the worthless FBI loves to steal from
and abuse black people:
The FBI Steals $40,200 From Black
Couple In Ongoing Fraud Scheme Reminiscent Of Hitler's Nazi Police).
Imagine being so worthless, disgusting and
contemptible you illegally go into a foreign country
and harass an elderly, retired school teacher who
has Parkinson's.
Misha Green was publicly described
as running a very toxic work environment on the show
"Lovecraft" (which I have not seen) leading to its
cancellation. These are the types of underachieving,
untalented, thieving, perverted, voyeuristic
Kabbalah lunatics making entertainment for America.
Hence Hollywood's massive losses and extreme decline
in quality over the past 20-years.
Even old movies I buy from Amazon
over my hacked internet connection (once again, the
hacking has been confirmed by internet service
provider, Comcast, among other specialists), give
that lunatic Madonna and her Kabbalah cult a few
days or weeks and they will announce they are
rebooting whatever film I just purchased from
Amazon. They've lost millions doing this foolishness
while illegally spying on me.
As stated previously on the site, I
buy DVDs from Amazon (and I stream movies as well)
but it doesn't mean I like them or they would be
hits in reboots. It just means I didn't see the film
and was wondering what it is like. The are many
movies I've seen and thought to myself, "That was
terrible." As a screenwriter and director I watch
many films to get a complete picture of the history
of film(s). It doesn't mean I think they are good
movies. However, this is how desperate and out of
ideas cult run Hollywood is that they are engaging
in this depraved invasion of privacy and criminal
copyright infringement.
Disney+ Drops 2.4 Million Subscribers in First
Loss, Bob Iger Heralds ‘Significant Transformation’
Feb 8, 2023 1:06pm PT - Disney+ lost
a net 2.4 million subscribers in the last three
months of 2022 — marking the streaming service’s
first decline since launching in late 2019 — while
the Mouse House’s quarterly earnings topped Wall
Street estimates, thanks to a surge in revenue at
Disney’s theme parks.
The results are Bob Iger’s first
back in the CEO role, after Disney’s board summarily
ousted Bob Chapek in November, with Iger seeking to
reassure investors that the company has a plan to
get back on track.
Overall, Disney posted revenue of
$23.51 billion (up 8%) and adjusted earnings per
share of 99 cents for the quarter ended Dec. 31,
2022 (Disney’s Q1 of fiscal year 2023). That beat
analyst consensus estimates of $23.37 billion and 78
cents, respectively, per Refinitiv...
Barry Diller: The Oscars Are Over and the
Movie Business Is Finished
February 7, 2023 - The Oscars have
been in shocking decline for years—from plummeting
ratings, representation issues, the irrelevance of
Old Hollywood in the face of streamers (not to
mention the Andrea Riseborough controversy,
Envelopegate and Will Smith’s handsy tantrum).
Recently, Former Paramount CEO Barry Diller offered
his own prognosis of the beleaguered industry
showcase. Spoiler alert: The situation’s terminal.
“It’s an antiquity,” the current IAC
and Expedia chairman told Firing Line‘s Margaret
Hoover of the awards process. Citing the Riseborough
Affair, Diller noted the internal collapse the movie
and awards-show industry have long been suffering.
“All awards ceremonies were based on this
hierarchical process of a movie going to a theater,
building up some word of mouth if it was successful,
having that word of mouth carry itself over,” Diller
said. “That path no longer exists.”
This isn’t the first time Diller has
warned that the sky is falling on the film industry.
In 2021, he proclaimed to NPR that the movie
business was dead with no path toward revival. Where
some may lay blame on increasing ticket prices, the
pandemic, the surge of streaming platforms’ critical
and consumer popularity, Diller notes the perfect
storm created by all of these, underscored by the
quality over quantity dilemma.
“I used to be in the movie business
where you made something really because you cared
about it,” he told NPR. The very definition of
movie, he went on, “is in such transition that it
doesn’t mean anything right now.”
The sudden cultural ambiguity of
movies and how we both define and value them is
having an impact on how we access them as well. Last
year, Regal Cinemas parent company Cineworld Group
filed for bankruptcy after struggling with low
admissions and a limited slate of films. As a
result, nearly 40 theaters across the country will
be shuttered this month. Meanwhile, the number of
movies released to more than 2,000 theaters is down
more than 30 percent from 2018 and 2019.
So what does all this have to do
with the Academy Awards? Part of it comes down to
the fact that the show won audiences by relying on a
correlation between a movie’s popularity and its
success on the awards show circuit. “That
disappeared a while ago,” Diller said. As a result,
“[The Oscars] are no longer a national audience
worth its candle because that audience is no longer