Family And Fans Of The Late Singer Aaliyah
Vocally Oppose Lifetime's Unauthorized Biopic Of Her Life Starring
Zendaya Coleman
June 19. 2014

Zendaya Coleman (left) and Aaliyah (right)
Lifetime is in preproduction on a TV movie of the
life of the late R&B singer, Aaliyah, who died in a plane crash in
2001. Aaliyah's family strongly oppose the film, stating they want a
movie with a theatrical release. Her family has stated a TV movie is
not good enough for her. Aaliyah's family is vowing to block the use
of her music in the film, as a means of shutting down the movie
before it is made.

Zendaya Coleman (left) and Aaliyah (right)
Disney actress, Zendaya Coleman, has been cast in
the Lifetime biopic "Aaliyah Princess of R&B" slated to begin
production shortly. Coleman does bear some physical similarities to
Aaliyah, but is not the best choice to play her in a film. Many of
Aaliyah's fans are opposed to Coleman playing her in the film and
have stated so online in numerous forums and website feedback
comment sections.
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