Former President Donald Trump
Leading President Joe Biden In The Polls Again And
With A 9-Point Lead
September 25. 2023

Joe Biden
The latest polls are spelling
trouble for U.S. President, Joe Biden, once again.
The Washington Post newspaper has former U.S.
President, Donald Trump, firmly leading Biden by
9-points regarding the 2024 presidential elections.
The poll numbers are 51-42, which is a considerable
Trump has consistently outperformed
Biden in the polls for over a year, which keeps
getting him indicted by the dementia stricken,
corrupt president. Biden suffers from Lewy Body
Dementia, but his physicians are hiding it from the
public in a fraudulent attempt at getting him
reelected (Former U.S. President Donald Trump
Indicted For The Fourth Time In Bid By His Rival President Joe Biden To
Eliminate Him From The 2024 Presidential Election (Video)).
Under the U.S. Constitution, Biden
is supposed to be removed via the 25th Amendment,
which bars a mentally unfit head of state from
remaining in office. However, there is a massive
cover-up afoot and it is imperiling America at every
turn, as dementia is listed as a mental disability,
and Biden is making very poor and damaging decisions
for all to see.

Donald Trump's mug shot courtesy of Joe Biden
and his handler
Barack Obama because Biden keeps losing in the
The public hates Biden's handling of
immigration, and the U.S. economy is in free fall,
via the outrageous inflation he ushered in that has
bankrupted many Americans, who can't afford food,
rent or gas. Many people have lost their homes and
apartments because of Biden and his terrible
economic policies. The public attributes these
financial hardships to Biden. The standard of living
in America has dramatically fallen under Biden. This
will be a part of his legacy.
America is also experiencing an
unprecedented surge in crime. Never was America so
unsafe until Biden. States governed by Biden's
Democrats also have the highest crime rates, as they
are too soft on crime. You have to face facts on
this matter and change course. You cannot be soft on
crime and expect everything to be okay. Stop
coddling criminals. For the sake of your
constituents, take a stronger stance on crime and
make it as unprofitable and undesirable as possible
to break the law.
People deserve to dwell in peace and
safety, but America has terribly regressed under
Biden, which is lamentable. This needs to be fixed.
There is so much unrest and unusually violent crime
in America now. Biden's presence in office has
caused it. He is the weakest leader America has ever
had in its history. This piss poor leadership is
destroying the country. The world is not taking
America seriously anymore and it is squarely due to
Biden. He has to go. Vote him out.
The only way Biden will win is if
they again employ one of the clandestine companies
that sells voter roll information of deceased
Americans with which one can illegally place many
votes. However, if Biden's health is not going to
hold up up for another term, and other significant
problems will arise. It will go extremely wrong if
he gets back in office. As wrong as something can
Trump edges out Biden 51-42 in head-to-head
matchup: POLL
September 24, 2023, 12:03 AM -
President Joe Biden's job approval rating is 19
points underwater, his ratings for handling the
economy and immigration are at career lows. A record
number of Americans say they've become worse off
under his presidency, three-quarters say he's too
old for another term and Donald Trump is looking
better in retrospect -- all severe challenges for
Biden in his reelection campaign ahead.
Forty-four percent of Americans in
the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll say they've
gotten worse off financially under Biden's
presidency, the most for any president in ABC/Post
polls since 1986. Just 37% approve of his job
performance, while 56% disapprove. Still fewer
approve of Biden's performance on the economy, 30%.
On handling immigration at the
U.S.-Mexico border, Biden's rating is even lower,
with 23% approval. In terms of intensity of
sentiment, 20% strongly approve of his work overall,
while 45% strongly disapprove. And the 74% who say
he's too old for a second term is up 6 percentage
points since May. Views that Trump is too old also
are up, but to 50% in this poll, produced for ABC by
Langer Research Associates...
Post-ABC poll: Biden faces criticism on
economy, immigration and age
A finding that shows Trump leading Biden by a
wide margin does not match other recent polling,
however, suggesting it is an outlier
September 24, 2023 at 12:01
a.m. EDT - A Washington Post-ABC News poll finds
President Biden struggling to gain approval from a
skeptical public, with dissatisfaction growing over
his handling of the economy and immigration, a
rising share saying the United States is doing too
much to aid Ukraine in its war with Russia and broad
concerns about his age as he seeks a second term.
Biden and former president Donald
Trump appear headed for a rematch of their 2020
contest, although more than 3 in 5 Democrats and
Democratic-leaning independents say they would
prefer a nominee other than the president. But
Biden’s advisers have argued that he is the
strongest Democrat for 2024 and those who wish for
someone else share no consensus on who that should
be, with 8 percent naming Vice President Harris, 8
percent naming Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and 20
percent saying they prefer “just someone else.”
The Post-ABC poll shows Biden
trailing Trump by 10 percentage points at this early
stage in the election cycle, although the sizable
margin of Trump’s lead in this survey is
significantly at odds with other public polls that
show the general election contest a virtual dead
heat. The difference between this poll and others,
as well as the unusual makeup of Trump’s and Biden’s
coalitions in this survey, suggest it is probably an
Mainstream Outlets Refer To President-Elect Joe Biden As
Barack Obama's Third Term In Office Much To His Annoyance But Confirming
Previous Site Claims
The U.S. Secret Service Acknowledges
Authenticity Of Hack On The Phone And Laptop Of President Joe Biden's
Son Hunter Biden Which Exposed The First Family's Pedophilia, Drug Use
And Political Bribery (Video)
President Joe
Biden's Son Hunter Biden Continues To Be A National Security Threat Who
Has Disrespected The White House With Whores And Drugs
President Joe Biden And Son Hunter
Biden The Subject Of A 4Chan Hack Of His Laptop Exposing Items Alleging
They Are Pedophiles
Supporters Of President Joe Biden's
Drug Addicted Pedophile Son Hunter Biden Seek To Go After His Accusers
Hunter Biden
Smoked Crack Cocaine In Rehab With $75,000 His Dad President Joe Biden
Gave Him (Video)
President Joe
Biden Falls Again In Behavior Symptomatic Of Dementia (Video)
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