President Joe Biden Falls Again
In Behavior Symptomatic Of Dementia (Video)
June 21. 2022
For years I have stated on this site
that President Joe Biden is suffering from dementia.
Biden had two serious aneurysms and three strokes
two decades ago while in Congress and the lingering
effects of the neurological trauma are still
present. Biden is not a patient who made a full
recovery. Biden now has dementia and is inexplicably
President of the United States through fraudulently
means in an elect his handlers corrupted.
Two weeks ago Biden gave a speech
addressing the American people and he kept
forgetting what he wanted to state, had trouble
recalling words and terms, and was slurring his
words. It gave the appearance he is on medication of
some sort.
One of the symptoms of dementia is
repeated falls. Yes, many elderly people do have
falls, but the occurrence in those with dementia is
higher and more frequent. Weeks before Biden assumed
office, he was playing with his dog in the bathroom,
slip, fell and broke his leg. On three noted
occasions Biden trip and fell while climbing the
stairs into Air Force one airplane.

Close your legs Joe (LOL)
This past weekend Biden was out
riding his bike with Secret Service present and took
a nasty fall. The president was spread eagle in the
middle of the street looking quite indecent. People
with serious neurological medical conditions tend to
fall more than the average elderly person. It is
another sign he has dementia.
As a consequence of America having a
dementia sufferer as President the nation is in
turmoil. Inflation and crime have skyrocketed. The
supply chain is severely damaged and disrupted.
American foreign policy is in the toilet, as world
leaders do not take Biden seriously nor are they
afraid of him. World leaders feared past U.S.
Presidents. They do not fear Biden.
It is being stated in the
international community that world leaders see Biden
as an old, feeble, forgetful, gaffe and accident
prone, dementia suffering old man with no ideas on
how to run America let alone the world. The U.S.
government has become less productive, as it is
struggling under poor leadership and a gross lack of
sound direction. Heads of state must be quick
thinkers with sound, workable ideas. Biden's
political policies are not viable and keep resulting
in disasters.

Joe Biden: "I've fallen and I can't get up!"
I've stated it before and I shall
state it again, Biden's dementia is a serious
liability to America. It was reported he though Vice
President Kamala Harris is the President and Jill
Biden his sister, not his wife (U.S. President Joe Biden Thinks His
Wife Jill Biden Is His Sister And Vice President Kamala Harris Is The
As I stated on the site last year I
was informed that White House workers have seen
Biden sitting in chairs in the White House like a
visitor and asking questions which reveals he does
not know who he is (including that he is president)
at certain times of the day. That is classic
dementia. He is unfit to be president.
President Joe Biden's Dementia Is On
Display Again During Public Appearances While Barack Obama Continues To
Secretly Submit Work To The White House Behind The Scenes (Videos)
U.S. President Joe Biden Thinks His
Wife Jill Biden Is His Sister And Vice President Kamala Harris Is The