President Joe Biden's Son Hunter Biden Continues
To Be A National Security Threat Who Has
Disrespected The White House With Whores And Drugs
December 13. 2021

Hunter Biden with
crackpipe in his mouth
Hunter Biden, the son of U.S.
President, Joe Biden, is a huge national security
risk. Hunter has found himself in one scandal after
another, which have all been of his own making.
Hunter is no child. He is 51-years-old and still
does not have his life together. Hunter has blown
every opportunity his dad's post as vice president,
then president, has afforded him.
Hunter spends his time getting high
off illegal narcotics and having sex with
prostitutes. He even brought whores to the White
House. Hunter has slept over at the White House and
done illegal drugs in the building. He has
disrespected the White House with this behavior.

Hunter Biden and prostitute after drug fuelled
sex (Photo redacted by the Judiciary Report)
Hunter is repeatedly called a
pedophile on social networking due to the contents
of his seized laptop (Presidential
Candidate Joe Biden's Son Hunter Biden Being
Investigated By The Child Porn Squad At The FBI).
Hunter is also beholden to people in
the international community that are America's
enemies (President
Joe Biden's Son Hunter Biden Caught With A Young
Prostitute And Complains Russian Drug Dealers Have
Another Of His Laptops They Are Using For Blackmail
). This makes Hunter a massive national security
risk. He has compromised his entire family and
America with his absolute refusal to control
President Joe Biden's Son Hunter Biden Caught With A
Young Prostitute And Complains Russian Drug Dealers
Have Another Of His Laptops They Are Using For
Former Female Aide Of Joe Biden Backed Up By Family,
Friends And Campaign Co-worker Regarding Allegations He Sexually
Assaulted Her And Is Unfit To Be President (Video)
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President Elect-Joe Biden's Son Hunter Biden And
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President Joe Biden's Crack Addicted Son Hunter
Biden In Trouble Again For Racial Slurs And Human
Presidential Candidate Joe Biden's Son Hunter Biden
Being Investigated By The Child Porn Squad At The FBI