Elizabeth Holmes Sentenced To
11-Years In Prison For Multi-Billion Dollar Blood
Testing Scam In Silicon ValleyNovember 25. 2022

Elizabeth Holmes
Theranos CEO, Elizabeth Holmes, was
found guilty of financial fraud and sentenced to
11-years and 3-months in prison. Holmes, with no
medical or science background, swindled investors
out of billions of dollars, regarding an alleged
blood testing machine that turned out to be a fake.
The scam cost one of her employees his life. She
deserved at least 30-years in prison.
Holmes wasted billions of dollars
and investors will not see their money again. They
may retrieve pennies on the dollar. This was money
that could have gone to great causes that would make
an actual difference to people's lives or proper
financial investments that grow an economy.
Another tragedy of her criminal
conduct is it will discourage people from investing
in start-ups, even though the next one could be
another Apple or Twitter. Holmes tried to be Steve
Jobs without his intelligence or ideas, and took it
to sick extremes. Holmes behavior is psychotic.
Holmes is now pregnant, but
scheduled to report to prison in April 2023. Judge
Edward Davila, who presided over the case, stated,
of the verdict "I suppose we step back and ask what
is the pathology of fraud? Is it the refusal to
accept responsibility or express contrition in any
way? Perhaps that is the cautionary tale that will
go forward from this case."
The whole thing was a scam from
start to finish. The CIA was involved as well, as an
agent used his connections to push the Theranos
fraud, which made him very wealthy as well. Any
legitimate business person would have presented
proof their product works before seeking billions in
investments. That is the smart, logical and ethical
thing to do. Holmes stated her blood testing
machines worked and provided no demonstrations to
that effect, before soliciting billions in funding.
Elizabeth Holmes, Theranos founder, sentenced
to 11.25 years in prison
Fri, November 18, 2022 at 5:28 PM -
Elizabeth Holmes, founder and CEO of the collapsed
Silicon Valley blood testing company, Theranos, has
been sentenced to 11.25 years in prison plus three
years supervised release for financial crimes she
committed while running the once-high flying
venture. Holmes was also fined a $400 special
assessment. Holmes must surrender to custody on
April 27, 2023. Holmes is expected to appeal...
Elizabeth Holmes Should Be Sent To Prison Over $750 Million Theranos
Blood Testing Scam That Endangered Public Health
The Fake Baritone Voice Of CIA Backed Theranos Scammer Elizabeth Holmes
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