The Fake Baritone Voice Of
CIA Backed Theranos Scammer
Elizabeth Holmes Is A Symptom Of Schizophrenia
March 22. 2019

Elizabeth Holmes
Disgraced scammer, Elizabeth Holmes, who started
the fraudulent company, Theranos, falsely promising 4-hour blood
tests, while scamming investors out of $750,000,000, had a
baritone voice that caught people's attention (Elizabeth Holmes Should Be Sent To Prison Over $750 Million Theranos
Blood Testing Scam That Endangered Public Health).
The fake baritone voice had a
very inauthentic sound that disturbed people, as many could
sense it was not real. Many suspected the voice was contrived. It
turns out Holmes was faking the baritone voice. The book "Bad
Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup" revealed a
former Theranos employee stated Holmes' baritone voice is fake and
her real voice is octaves higher.
When faced with criticism over her fake baritone,
Holmes tried to make people to believe it was a business strategy to
sound authoritative and commanding. However, it is actually a sign of
mental illness. Psychologists at the University of Zurich stated
in official psychiatric papers:
"Speech dysfunctions, such
as slow, delayed or monotonous speech, are prominent features of
severe mental disorders such as depression and schizophrenia: 'The
patients speak in a low voice, slowly, hesitatingly,
monotonously, sometimes stuttering, whispering, try several times
before they bring out a word, become mute in the middle of a
sentence. They become silent, monosyllabic, can no longer

Elizabeth Holmes
It's like someone who goes to a foreign country and
within weeks has a new foreign accent. That's not normal. Accents
develop over many years. Not only was Holmes speaking in the fake
baritone voice, during depositions regarding being sued by investors
over her scam, she exhibited other traits of schizophrenia listed
above ("a low voice, slowly, hesitatingly, monotonously, sometimes
stuttering, whispering, try several times before they bring out a
word, become mute in the middle of a sentence. They become silent,
monosyllabic, can no longer converse").
During the taped depositions, Holmes was looking
around the room in a crazy way. She was repeatedly confused and kept
answering the lawyers questions by stating "I don't know" in a
jaded, crazy manner, while having an insane look in her eyes. She is
completely detached from reality, which is another symptom of
Holmes doesn't care that she has damaged the public
(physically unwell people whose blood test results from her
fraudulent Theranos machines were completely incorrect and wrongly
made to think their cancer had returned or they had syphilis or
diabetes, among other diseases).
Holmes does not care that she destroyed lives and
finances ($750,000,000 stolen from investors). She has absolutely no
sympathy or empathy for anyone. It is a trait of people with
schizophrenia. It is also a trait of psychopaths and sociopaths.
That wild eyed look she has, with her eyes enlarged and awkwardly
staring outward, is as fake as the baritone voice, and another sign
of insanity.

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton and Elizabeth Holmes
Some people have constantly bulging eyes due
to a thyroid problem. That is a medical issue of a physical
nature, not a mental one. However, Holmes does not have a
thyroid problem. Her eyes only bulge out at certain moments
and usually when she is stating something wildly crazy or
Schizophrenics do not think their actions through.
They lack impulse control. They will do any crazy idea that comes to
their heads, even if it harms and or kills other people. Holmes knew
her so-called invention, the Theranos 4-hour blood test, was a fraud
from day one, but risked public health anyway, while stealing
$750,000,000 in investor money.
Speaking of that, jaded and unsympathetic Holmes was
so abusive to the scientist she hired, Ian Gibbons, that he killed
himself, after she stole intellectual property from her neighbor, a
psychiatrist and CIA agent, Richard Fuisz, and got Gibbons and
herself counter-sued in a multi-million dollar patent infringement
Holmes had no sympathy for Gibbons or his family.
Rather than call to express her condolences to Gibbons' wife and
family, she sent them a vile email demanding his papers and laptop
with everything he was working on. Keep in mind, he had worked for
the established company Roche as well and some of that intellectual
property was present on the laptop. After all, Holmes previously
stole some of Roche's work as well, like a kleptomaniac.

Elizabeth Holmes and
Chelsea Clinton
His widow Rochelle Gibbons was shocked and appalled
at Holmes' complete lack of empathy. Rochelle Gibbons stated,
"Elizabeth Holmes called me after Ian died without expressing
sympathy. She told me that she needed all his Theranos papers
returned to the company."
Holmes repeatedly lied to members of her staff,
investors and the public. Compulsive lying is a component of
schizophrenia. One of the main components of schizophrenia is
also delusions of grandeur. It is well noted in mainstream
articles and documentaries that Holmes proclaimed herself the
new Steve Jobs. She was completely obsessed with Steve Jobs
(another trait of schizophrenia, they become obsessed with and
fixated on people).
Holmes began dressing and speaking like Steve Jobs
everyday, which has been publicly noted in many mainstream
publications. She kept insanely mimicking things he said and did,
like a robot or parrot with no mind of her own. People with
schizophrenia tend to mimic and ape others in disturbing ways. They
will go to great lengths in that regard.
Holmes thought she had a special connection to Jobs,
whom she had never met. Thankfully, Jobs had good security,
otherwise a person with that level of obsession would have kidnapped
and or killed him, in trying to become and replace the object of
their insane fixation.

Elizabeth Holmes and former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden
Holmes criminally ripped off Steve Jobs' copyrights
regarding Apple's print and TV ads, then illegally used them for her
fraudulent Theranos blood testing machine. She referred to her fake
blood testing machines as the "iPod of health care." She began
naming versions of her fake blood testing machines after actual
Apple machines like the 4S.
Holmes also began stealing Apple employees and
asking them to use preexisting, copyrighted and patented Apple
designs and technology on her fake blood testing machines. She is
creepy, certifiably and criminally insane to have done that. When
the former Apple employees she hired realized what Holmes was up to
regarding the copyright and patent infringement, they left the
company within a year.
Holmes and financial publications proclaimed her a
billionaire, but she never was one. Holmes never had a billion
dollars in the bank. Theranos was never worth a billion dollars, as
the 4-hour blood testing machines were fake and never worked. There
was never any value there. It was a massive fraud scheme from day
one. Holmes is currently under criminal indictment
and potentially facing 20-years in prison. She certainly
deserves it. Holmes' conduct was completely reckless, greedy and
evil. It warrants full legal punishment.
In the back of my mind I keep wondering about the
government involvement in this scandal. As stated earlier this week
on the site, if one is to start a medical company, it is logical and
prudent to stack the board with people in the health care field.
However, the majority of Holmes' Theranos board was comprised of
U.S. officials who had been in the military (admirals, generals), as
well as Secretaries of State. I found that very odd.

Elizabeth Holmes and her neighbor Richard Fuisz
Then, there's the CIA aspect, regarding CIA
agent Richard Fuisz, Holmes' aforementioned neighbor. After the
fraud imploded, Fuisz publicly denounced Holmes' behavior and
stated he had his doubts. Yet, he got involved with Theranos
anyway, offering to contribute patents to Holmes' fake products.
Holmes clearly modeled the fake 4-hour blood testing
machines that allegedly used just a prick of blood, rather than the
established medical standard of 2-4 vials, on the diabetes testing
method (diabetics prick their finger to test their blood glucose
level). However, doctors draw more blood to test for a variety of
diseases and it has a 2-7 day turnaround time for results, as
opposed to Holmes' unproven idea of 4-hours.
As a psychiatrist with a medical degree, how did CIA
agent Richard Fuisz manage to get involved with Holmes' massive
fraud and foolishness. As stated above, he offered to contribute
patents to the insane project (for a fee but then she stole it and
they ended up in court, when she insanely sued him and he sued her
By the way, based on published reports in the
mainstream press and court case files, the $750,000,000 in investor
money has gone missing. This is odd, as Holmes' office space, 100
employees and fake blood testing machines do not add up to
$750,000,000 in expenditures. Where oh where did all that money go

Elizabeth Holmes
Anytime the CIA is involved, watch out [Bernie Sanders Expresses Concern About The CIA's Illegal
International Conduct (CIA Accused Of Torturing Innocent
Children To Get Information From Their Parents)].
The documentary film "American
Drug War" helped to expose the CIA, who according to the
Associated Press, commits 100,000 crimes per year (you know, crimes
FBI Blamed Ivins For CIA Anthrax
At Guantanamo).
The CIA is the same federal spy agency, who
criminally flooded the streets of the predominantly African-American
city of Compton, California with crack-cocaine they bought from
foreign drug lords, in order to use the money for illegal actions in
the international community that they could not lawfully obtain
Congressional funding for, because it was unlawful and murderous (as
seen in the documentary film "American
Drug War").
You see, it's hard for the FBI and CIA to appear
before Congress in open sessions and ask for money to fund Al Qaeda
(published articles and documents state that the CIA had ties to Al
Qaeda's late leader Osama Bin Laden and they were given millions of
dollars by the federal spy agency), criminally overthrow foreign
governments, and kidnap and or kill foreign government officials,
all in criminal violation of international law [for further
reference, please see:
Bernie Sanders Expresses Concern About The CIA's Illegal
International Conduct (CIA Accused Of Torturing Innocent
Children To Get Information From Their Parents)].
It's hard for the FBI and CIA to appear before
Congress in open sessions and ask for money to kidnap, injure,
torture and or kill unsuspecting private citizens of other nations,
later resulting in international lawsuits being filed against the
U.S. government for it [for further reference, please see:
Bernie Sanders Expresses Concern About The CIA's Illegal
International Conduct (CIA Accused Of Torturing Innocent
Children To Get Information From Their Parents)].

Elizabeth Holmes looked crazy at the
depositions regarding lawsuits filed by investors. When investor
attorneys kept asking her questions, as is standard in depositions,
she strangely kept stating "I don't know."
The American people would be enraged at the
spectacle of a congressional hearing demanding money for murderous
illegal activity, as would the rest of the world. So, the CIA did
things like sell crack cocaine to black people. The CIA doesn't
value black people, which is why they chose Compton to unload the
deadly crack-cocaine and make money. However, it spread to the rest
of the nation and caused the crack-cocaine epidemic of the 1980s,
which killed many people and created an ongoing legacy of addiction
that has been running through families for years. The CIA was cool
with it, until it spread from Compton to richer areas and white
teenage kids in the more affluent suburbs started smoking
Millions upon millions of dollars also went missing
while the FBI tried to create their $1 billion computer system,
which mysteriously kept failing, necessitating more money from
Congress (FBI
Computer System Still A Financial Sinkhole). However, what
the public doesn't know is some of the money was grossly
misappropriated. Some of the funds were used by the FBI for illegal
maneuvers and unlawful programs in America and the international
community. Some of the taxpayer money also ended up in some FBI
employees people's pockets.
Speech Characteristics in Depression and
Affective State and Voice
Our interest in speech analysis has a background in
psychiatric research and is founded on the fascinating prospects of
computerized approaches to modelling intra-individual changes of
affect over time in terms of speech parameters. In fact, human
speech is considerably influenced by the affective state of the
speaker and, with no great effort, an attentive listener discovers a
lot about the affective state of his partner without having to talk
about it explicitly during a conversation.
Speech Dysfunctions
Speech dysfunctions, such as slow, delayed or
monotonous speech, are prominent features of severe mental disorders
such as depression and schizophrenia: "The patients speak in a low
voice, slowly, hesitatingly, monotonously, sometimes stuttering,
whispering, try several times before they bring out a word, become
mute in the middle of a sentence. They become silent, monosyllabic,
can no longer converse" (Kraepelin 1921).
Monitoring Clinical Change - Clinicians frequently
observe that the speech of depressed patients is uniform and
sometimes exhibits a "regular repetition of gliding intervals" and,
that the pitch alterations of these patients are narrowed, giving
the voice a monotonous quality. Accordingly, clinicians routinely
monitor speed of talking among affectively disturbed patients for
diagnostic purposes and as indicators of clinical change...
Elizabeth Holmes Should Be Sent To Prison Over $750 Million Theranos
Blood Testing Scam That Endangered Public Health