Elizabeth Holmes Should Be Sent To Prison Over
$750 Million Theranos Blood Testing Scam That Endangered Public
March 19. 2019

Elizabeth Holmes with her wild eyes and fake baritone voice
is a scammer just like her dad
In 2003, 19-year-old Elizabeth Holmes dropped out of Stanford
University and started the company Theranos. She did so with the
claim she had developed a machine that could do 4-hour blood
tests with a few drops of blood, as opposed to the conventional
method requiring vials and days to obtain a completed result,
regarding the patient's blood work.
Holmes went on to solicit $700,000,000 from investors such as
Walgreens ($130 million), the Walton family, who founded Walmart
($150 million), The Cox family, who founded Cox Media Group
($100 million) Rupert Murdoch of News Corp/Fox ($121 million)
and Betsy DeVos ($100 million). They all took Holmes' word for
it and believed her unsound, unscientific prospectus, regarding
what the machine could do.
Holmes stacked the board of Theranos with active and retired
U.S. government officials, to give it an air of credibility.
Former U.S. Secretaries of State, George Shultz and Henry
Kissinger, joined the board, as did former Secretary of Defense
William Perry, U.S. General James Mattis, Admiral Gary Roughhead
and former Senators Sam Nunn and Bill Frist, among others.
The Theranos board also consisted of William Foege, who was the
former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, Susan
A. Evans, who was the former head of the American Association
for Clinical Chemistry, Fabrizio Bonanni, who was the former
vice president of Amgen, and former Wells Fargo bank CEO,
Richard Kovacevich. Holmes was praised for assembling, "The most
illustrious board in U.S. corporate history."

Elizabeth Holmes covered many magazines at the height of her
fake fame
In 2014, Holmes shot to fame and was featured on magazine covers
such as Fortune, Forbes, Time, Glamour and Inc. As with the
standard overvaluation constantly conducted by publications such
as Fortune and Forbes, who greatly exaggerating people's net
worth and that of companies, they valued Theranos at $9 billion
They also proclaimed Holmes the youngest self-made female
billionaire in the world (like another thieving, frequently sued
fraud, who will soon be exposed, Kylie Jenner). They were
calling Holmes the next Steve Jobs. Time magazine placed her on
their "Most Influential People in the World" list. She was named
"Woman of the Year" by Glamour magazine. She was made a member
of the Harvard Medical School Board of Fellows. The story took
on a life of its own.
However, the whole thing was a fraud and they should have seen
it coming, because the signs were there. Holmes had not invented
a machine that could produce accurate blood tests in a 4-hour
span, by only using a few drops of blood. The first clue should
have been the fact her dad, Christian Rasmus Holmes IV, was a
vice president of Enron, the company that willfully and
knowingly perpetrated one of the biggest frauds in American
The second clue should have been the inability to obtain
accurate, demonstrable proof Theranos worked. No one clearly
did, which facilitated her fraud. Holmes knew she was committing
fraud and that her alleged blood testing machine did not work.
She had to have known it did not work and here's why.
Any intelligent inventor verifies that their invention works
from the outset before they put it into the marketplace. You
test it to verify that it works and get out any existing kinks.
An easy way to do this would have been for Holmes to use her own
blood in Theranos in a controlled clinical setting (a lab or
sterilized room in office space) to test her machine and record
the 4-hour results.

Theranos machines that were fraudulent
On the same day, Holmes could then do blood tests the standard
way, as done by doctors, who would then send the samples of her
blood to certified labs. Then, you would compare the Theranos
machine's (alleged) 4-hour test results against the standard
method done by doctors via labs, which take 2 to 7 days for
conclusive results. If the Theranos machine and the conventional
lab results produce the same findings regarding the blood makeup
of each person, you could conclude the Theranos machine works
and in a fraction of the time.
You would also repeat these steps using other volunteers with
known medical conditions (diabetes, high blood pressure, HIV)
and compare the results between the 4-hour Theranos machine and
conventional blood testing methods, as stated above. If the
Theranos machine and the standard lab results again state the
same findings for people with known medical conditions, you
could more conclusively conclude, the Theranos invention is
working. Due to the type of apparatus she claimed she had
invented, based on that set up, one would know relatively
quickly if the machine works (within weeks).

Elizabeth Holmes
That's what a sensible inventor who cares about the public's
health and well being would have done. However, she did none of
those things because she knew her Theranos machine did not work.
Even knowing the machine did not work, she put them on the
market anyway, opening a location within a Walgreens (the plan
was to have Theranos machines at Walgreens locations all over
People began having blood tests done with the Theranos machines
and being told things like their cancer had returned or they had
diabetes, when neither was true. The Theranos machines were
producing false positives, because it didn't work. Holmes
devastated real lives with her lies.
Another indication something was wrong is that the people who
used the Theranos machines, including George Shultz, had their
blood drawn the conventional way, where 2-4 vials were
extracted. There was no small finger prick with a tiny amount
extracted. Their test results also did not arrive in 4-hours. It
took days. The whole thing was a scam. When the Theranos
machines kept producing the false results, Holmes had her staff
buy conventional blood testing machines by real manufacturers of
medical equipment. She began using other brands, while falsely
stating it was Theranos.

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton and Elizabeth Holmes
After roping the reputable Walgreens name into her scam, she
then tried to spool FedEx into the mess. She started making
arrangements for FedEx to pick up blood samples, which was
dangerous, as it could be classified as medical waste, which is
not supposed to be floating around through the mail. What if HIV
antibodies were present in one of the mail samples and a FedEx
worker accidentally broke the vial and cut himself. Holmes was
not thinking like a sane person nor did she think any of it
There were so many red flags, but people ignored them. Holmes
even had a dog in the office that scientists warned her would
contaminate blood samples, but she didn't listen, as she didn't
know what she was doing and knew Theranos didn't work.

Tyler Shultz
Shultz also did the unthinkable in refusing to listen to
warnings from his grandson, Tyler Shultz, 18, whom Holmes hired
at the company. Tyler began telling him that Holmes is a fraud
and liar deceiving the public and stealing shareholder money
over a machine, Theranos, that does not work. I don't understand
how someone, Shultz, takes the word of someone they don't really
know, Holmes, over his own flesh and blood that he does know
Shultz believed the word of an insane liar with a suspect family history
full of fraud, over that of his own flesh and blood. Shultz knew
his grandson for 18-years. He'd only just met wild-eyed con
artist and thief, Holmes. The incident caused a massive rift
between Shultz and his grandson, as he tried to silence the
claims of his own flesh and blood.
Shultz wanted his grandson to shut up with his fraud claims
regarding Holmes and sign legal documents to silence him, which
he refused to do. He began talking about his grandson behind his
back, convinced the problem was with Tyler and not insane
Holmes. He treated his own flesh and blood in a shameful manner
for telling the truth about a psychotic madwoman, who posed a
danger to public health, while fleecing investors out of near $1
billion dollars.

George Shultz permanently damaged his relationship with his
grandson during the scandal, as seen on "60 Minutes" last week
What kind of example is that to set for your grandchild. How is
he going to respect your opinions again after seeing that pour
from you. Holmes could have killed sick people with her reckless
conduct, as has been declared and adjudicated in legal documents
regarding criminal charges, several health and safety board
violations and fines she was forced to pay over her illegal
conduct. But you tried to shut him up.
In 2015, Holmes wanted to sue Tyler for telling the truth, in
going public with claims she has been engaging in dangerous
fraud at the expense of sick people and investors, who had
invested a fortune in her dubious company. I want you to take
that in. Holmes knew she was lying the whole time and Tyler was
telling the truth, but she was going to criminally abuse the
legal system in dragging him into court for speaking out, with
the goal of legally gagging from talking about her crimes
anymore. She also stated another professed goal was to
deliberately "bankrupt" him, which she would do by using
fraudulently obtaining investor money and clobbering him under a
mountain of legal fees and court judgments.
U.S. law is slacking in ways and this is one of the areas -
people criminally abusing the court system to silence and
bankrupt innocent people for speaking the truth about abuses and
illegal behavior. There should be criminal penalties for doing
such a thing, as it is ugly and evil. There should be a
congressional act barring such behavior, containing provisions
with massive penalties to offenders.
We saw it with the fraud perpetrated by cyclist,
Armstrong, who sued and tried to bankrupt innocent
people/whistle blowers, who spoke out against him for secretly
taking illegal steroids to win many medals (Olympics, Tour de
France) and millions in competition money and endorsements.

Elizabeth Holmes and her neighbor, Richard Fuisz, who is a
psychiatrist and former CIA agent, whom she stole patents from,
resulting in a lawsuit
In 2016, Holmes' lies began to come apart, when an advertising
company she paid $6,000,000, demanded written verification and
proof of her claims, to meet advertising standards, before they
created commercials for the Theranos machines. Holmes became
belligerent and tried to force them to put the unverified claims
in the ads, which she requested look like Apple print and TV
adverts (see: copyright infringement).
The television show "60 Minutes" showed samples of the Theranos
ads and compared them to preexisting adverts by Apple and the
infringements are very apparent. Holmes really lied to herself
that she was the new Steve Jobs and began ripping off Apple's
copyrighted ads. She even went around dressing like Steve Jobs.
Holmes' conduct raised red flags at the ad agency, forcing her
to terminate the business relationship.
The advertising agency stated to "60 Minutes" that they thought
the U.S. government was behind Theranos, due to the sheer number
of former officials on the board. I can see how they would make
that assumption. If you have a medical device company, you stock
the board with people in the medical field, not people with
military security clearance. Just so, if you have a computer
company, you stock the board with computer scientists and
engineers. Again, Theranos was suspect from the start.
Further following the line of thievery and being a con artist,
Holmes began stealing patents (by Ian Gibbons and his former
employer Roche) in putting her name and that of her employees on
them, in acts of patent fraud and infringement. Holmes also
betrayed and stole patents from her neighbor, a psychiatrist and
former CIA agent, Richard Fuisz.

Elizabeth Holmes
These events would culminate into a disaster, resulting in
Gibbons' suicide and a lawsuit against Holmes for patent
infringement. Not long after things became worse, as Holmes was
hit with criminal charges. Holmes did not know what she was
doing. She had an idea, but neither she or anyone in her employ
on stolen investor money, knew how to make it work. Therefore,
the Theranos machines failed.
This coupled with exposé Tyler Shultz gave the Wall Street
Journal was enough to trigger a Security and Exchange Commission
criminal investigation in Holmes and Theranos. The government
charged her with "massive fraud" (wire fraud and conspiracy).
She paid a fine of $500,000 to the SEC to resolve the charges.
However, over $700 million dollars in investor money is
inexplicably gone. She is facing 20-years in prison if convicted
of 11 wire fraud charges. Holmes should be locked away like
Bernard Madoff for the crimes she has committed.
It was also discovered Holmes, much like her dad at Enron,
committed accounting fraud in grossly overstating revenues.
Holmes stated in financial documents that Theranos was earning
$100,000,000 in annual revenues. However, it was a lie. The
government discovered Theranos only earned $100,000 per year.

Elizabeth Holmes
Holmes and Theranos were sued left, right and center by
investors, which wiped them out. Forbes, Fortune and a host of
other financial magazines began proclaiming Theranos "worthless"
(the $9 billion evaluation stripped) as the product was a fraud
and Holmes (whom they stated was worth $4.5 billion dollars) now
has a net worth of $0. She likely hid some of the money though.
In 2017, Fortune changed their tune and named Holmes one of "The
World's Most Disappointing Leaders."
That's one of the main problems with the world today, there are
people who do not believe in hard work. They want instant fame,
glory and money for things they have not done or earned. It
always inevitably ends in enormous disgrace, shame and loss. A
few short years of glory for a lifetime of disgrace. Not to
mention, permanently being embedded in history books as a fraud
who fleeced others. And make no mistake, history always corrects
itself. You get away with something today, it will not be so
It's not that the idea of 4-hour blood tests could not have
worked. Under the right mind it could have been accomplished.
It's the fact Holmes knew Theranos did not work and took/stole
nearly $1 billion dollars from investors, while hoarding
worldwide fame, over an untested product it was out of her
mental capacity to produce.
There have been breakthroughs in medicine and science, such as
the polio vaccine by Jonas Salk. The discovery of insulin by Dr.
Fredrick G. Banting, which helps diabetics stay alive, took a
few tries, but he and his team of three doctors and scientists
got it right after the first failed attempts. Therefore, not
everyone has the same brain. Some people are much smarter than
Take for instance, Albert Einstein. He left his body to science.
Doctors who performed his autopsy and scientists that conducted
further lab tests discovered Einstein's brain was missing a
specific crease that enabled him to think in a much quicker
manner. Someone of the right mental capacity may have been able
to produce blood tests at a faster rate. However, as history has
shown, it was not Elizabeth Holmes.
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