Demi Moore Underwent More Plastic Surgery And
Now Literally Looks Like The Joker In Trying To Meet Hollywood's
Youthful Beauty Ideal
February 19. 2021

Demi Moore
Hollywood is very youth obsessed. So many people in
Hollywood are trying to look like teenagers, even though they are in
their 50s and 60s. It's very unrealistic. As a result they are
undergoing irrational amounts of plastic surgery and procedures that
leave them looking like plastic.
The faces and bodies in Hollywood do not look
natural. In my humble opinion Hollywood has the worst plastic
surgery in America. Contrast that with New York and Miami, where
people get plastic surgery, but come out looking good without that
plastic look.
I am of the belief it is due to the Hollywood view
of beauty being completely warped. They don't believe in aging,
which is again irrational. Everyone ages. As a result of this
dysmorphia, Hollywood stars undergo extreme plastic surgery
procedures and it turns out terribly. Plastic surgery is supposed to
make you look better not worse.
Case in point, Kabbalah cultist and one time
actress, Demi Moore, who is 58-years-old. She became an actress in
her teens. She was known for her looks and that's how she got roles.
As she aged, her looks began to fade, as it does with many men and
women. However, Moore underwent plastic surgery so many times that
it butchered her face and body.
Moore's latest round of plastic surgery caused
people to gasp in a bad way at a fashion show when her face was
unrecognizable yet resembled the "Joker." Moore looks like she had a
face transplant, though she did not undergo said procedure. She had
a very bad facelift.

Demi Moore's latest plastic surgery procedures have ruined her
face and rendered her unrecognizable. Moore's latest surgeries look
almost as botched as fellow Kabbalah cultist Madonna, who is
Adding to Moore's insecurities was marrying disloyal
actor Ashton Kutcher, who is 15-years her junior, and a rampant
adulterer. He kept cheating on Moore and it destroyed her
self-esteem. She tried to brainwash him with Kabbalah cult trances
used to control members, to get him to marry her and stay in the
relationship. However, it did not work as desired. They ended up
At the end of the day you can't control others.
People being controlled will lash out at some point. Relationships
must be based on real love. As the song by Bonnie Raitt says, "I
can't make you love me if you don't. I can't make your heart feel
something it won't."
But I digress. Hollywood's unhealthy approach to
aging has caused a number of people in the entertainment industry to
go under the knife and come out looking worse. What's the point of
having plastic surgery with those terrible results. Directors do not
want to hire people who look like plastic. It becomes a distraction
from the script that translates poorly in the film.
Case in point, the 1980s sitcom "The Golden Girls"
featured four lovely women who were all senior citizens. They had
wrinkles. Two of them had gray hair. No one cared. The show became a
huge global hit. People watched the show (still do) and enjoyed
looking at them and hearing what they had to say.

Untalented, deranged Madonna looking hideous as usual. She was
never good looking and all the botched plastic surgery has made it
so much worse.
Hollywood today lacks substance. I was watching an
interesting and entertaining Australian movie yesterday. The lead
actress, who has talent, was in her 50s and had wrinkles. I was
surprised to see a lead actress in a film with wrinkles. I thought
to myself, in Hollywood this lady would not get cast in a film as
she looks her age (wrinkles).
However, this is what Hollywood has become.
Hollywood has conditioned viewers to deem aging and wrinkles are
unnatural and unacceptable, when everyone ages. They condition
viewers to expect and demand people in their 50s, 60s and 70s look
like 18-year-olds, which is ridiculous. There's nothing wrong with
getting plastic surgery, but it shouldn't be overdone, as routinely
occurs in Hollywood, ruining people's natural looks.
Another problem is the new breed of actors and
actresses in Hollywood who are in their 20s can't act. They are
chosen because they are willing to go along with the depravity that
occurs behind the scenes in Hollywood. The same with the music
industry in Hollywood. Talent is lacking. The focus is on youth
before the cameras and depraved sexual exploitation behind the
People on social networking are constantly
complaining that "Hollywood has run out of ideas." People are bored
with the entertainment coming out of Hollywood and want something
better. However, Hollywood is no longer run by people with talent.
It's overrun with cultists with no talent, who haven't a clue what
they are doing, and it shows.
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