Congress Demands Secret FOIA
Documents Of Joe Biden Taking Bribes As Vice
President But The Law Enforcement Agency Tells Them
To Buzz Off And They Are Not Coming In For
Questioning In The Legislature
May 16. 2023

FBI Director Christopher Wray
As I have maintained on this site
for years, U.S. President Joe Biden, and his crooked
family, have taken bribes in the form of
pay-for-play schemes. I the December 10, 2020
article "President Elect-Joe Biden's Son
Hunter Biden And Brother James Biden Are Under Criminal Investigation
For Financial Fraud" I stated, "Joe Biden is said to have been
involved in the alleged pay-for-play financial
crimes as well, with the family having greatly
profited to the tune of hundreds of millions of
dollars. This is the same family who will want you
to think they are serving the country, when in
actuality they are serving their own pockets."
In the November 9, 2020 article "Joe Biden Is
A Power Hungry Criminal From The Obama
Administration Following A Movie Script"
I also referenced Joe Biden committing financial
crimes. Attaining public office was never about
public service for Biden. It has always been about
getting rich and his giant ego.
The family has made over $1 billion
from this criminal misconduct in taking bribes.
Biden and his former President, Barack Obama,
greatly enriched themselves while in Congress and
then in the White House (2008 - 2016). This was not
lawful or ethical.
Last week Republicans in Congress
demanded the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
turn over items regarding Biden taking bribes when
he was Vice President of the United States. Congress
maintains there are confidential human sources and
documentation proving Biden took bribes. However,
the FBI has refused.
The FBI has publicly refused to turn
over the documents or to come into Congress for
hearings on the matter, which is pretty arrogant and
unconstitutional. The U.S. government can't brag
about having checks and balances, then have a dirty,
sinister, slavetrading,
Nazi law enforcement agency breaking every
law on the books, then refusing all accountability
and transparency regarding their criminal

Left to right: former FBI Director James Comey, former FBI
Director Robert S. Mueller and former President Barack Obama
It's the same thing the FBI did
regarding me. They told Congress they will not
release the FOIA files regarding the sick human
rights abuses they and Hollywood committed against
me to steal billions in intellectual property, with
the FBI claiming secrecy under national security (The FBI Is
Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In
Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
Documents)). However, I have nothing
to hide. I say release the files. I have files of my
own I'm going to release. So you may as well release
yours (FBI), as you won't be able to explain to the
public the sick and horrendously evil things you've
done that's damaged America and the world, to steal
billions of dollars in assets.
Be careful of anytime the FBI
invokes national security to keep a matter secret or
"confidential" as those psychos love to state. It
means they and or someone they are connected to did
something so despicable and horrendously evil, they
don't want the public to find out about it, as it
means select FBI agents, FBI officials and their
cronies would do life in prison or face the death
penalty for said crimes they are hiding, via abusing
the classification system in declaring a matter
"confidential" or "top secret."
For example, the FBI and CIA go into
a foreign country and murder off innocent people for
financial reasons, to the tune of billions of
dollars in undue monetary gain, with the knowledge
and consent of Obama and Biden, then privately
declare the matter "confidential" then "top secret."
Don't laugh. It happened...more than once.

Joe Biden is not worthy of being President of
the United States (Allegations President Joe Biden
Molested His Daughter Amy Biden During Baths Surface After FBI Raid On
Project Veritas and
The U.S. Secret Service Acknowledges
Authenticity Of Hack On The Phone And Laptop Of President Joe Biden's
Son Hunter Biden Which Exposed The First Family's Pedophilia, Drug Use
And Political Bribery (Video))
The FBI and CIA own Biden, just like
they owned Obama. As such, two vile, unelected
entities full of power hungry psychopaths (the FBI
and CIA) run America. Not the President or Congress,
whom the FBI and CIA are supposed to answer to
according to the Constitution and U.S. Code. Look
what the FBI just did these past two-days in telling
Congress, their alleged bosses, they are not giving
them squat nor are they coming in for hearings on
this serious matter.
These two psychotic federal agencies
are the reason for the chaos, mayhem, wars and
deterioration of America. They are the reason
America is losing its place in the world, the
economy is tanking, and the coronavirus pandemic.
Congress hasn't questioned
former CIA Director Gina Haspel enough about
the coronavirus outbreak. She wasn't asked the right
questions. Ask her what she secretly had done in
China. As the Bible says, what's hidden in the dark
shall come to light...
Side Bar: I maintain
what I have been predicting, in the not too distant
future world government are going to come down on
the FBI like a ton of bricks for a number of sick
and illegal things they've done. Even their own
families are going to turn on the FBI due to the
sick things they've been doing and continue to do
behind the scenes.
FBI refuses to give Congress informant file
alleging Biden took bribes as vice president
May 10, 2023 3:50pm Updated -
WASHINGTON — The FBI has refused to give Congress an
informant file alleging that President Biden took
bribes while he was vice president, The Post has
learned — setting up a possible showdown over access
to the information.
House Oversight Committee Chairman
James Comer (R-Ky.) issued a legally binding
subpoena last week requiring the FBI to turn over
the file by noon Wednesday, but the bureau instead
replied with a six-page letter raising various
“Information from confidential human
sources is unverified and, by definition,
incomplete,” wrote FBI acting assistant director for
congressional affairs Christopher Dunham, who also
argued that informant reports must also be kept
private to protect sources.
“As is clear from the name itself,
confidentiality is definitional to the FBI’s
Confidential Human Source program,” Dunham wrote.
“Confidential human sources often provide
information to the FBI at great risk to themselves
and their loved ones. The information they provide
also can create significant risks to others who may
be referenced in their reporting.”
The FBI official concluded: “We …
hope this helps you understand that keeping this
kind of source information free from the perception
or reality of improper influence — and preventing
the redirection of this information for non-law
enforcement or non-intelligence uses — is necessary
for the FBI’s effective execution of our law
enforcement and national security responsibilities.”
Comer slammed the FBI’s
stonewalling, but he did not immediately announce
further steps to acquire the document. Congress has
the power to apply financial pressure to agencies
and can also use litigation to enforce its orders or
attempt to shame officials through contempt votes...
Biden investigation: FBI fails to comply with
subpoena for ‘criminal scheme’ document
May 10, 2023 05:39 PM - The FBI
refused to hand over a bureau form allegedly
describing a “criminal scheme” involving then-Vice
President Joe Biden and an unnamed “foreign
national” after Rep. James Comer (R-KY) issued a
subpoena with a Wednesday noon deadline.
Comer, the chairman of the House
Oversight Committee, described the reasoning behind
the subpoena in a letter sent to FBI Director
Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick
Garland last week. The letter, written jointly with
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), sought FBI information
on a confidential informant who alleged an
unspecified pay-to-play scheme by the now-president.
“It’s clear from the FBI’s response
that the unclassified record the Oversight Committee
subpoenaed exists, but they are refusing to provide
it to the committee," Comer told the Washington
Examiner on Wednesday afternoon. "We’ve asked the
FBI to not only provide this record, but to also
inform us what it did to investigate these
allegations. The FBI has failed to do both. The
FBI’s position is, ‘Trust, but you aren’t allowed to
verify.’ That is unacceptable. We plan to follow up
with the FBI and expect compliance with the
McCarthy says he’ll call FBI director over
subpoena in Biden probe
05/11/23 1:46 PM ET - Speaker Kevin
McCarthy (R-Calif.) said he plans to call FBI
Director Christopher Wray on Thursday after the
agency rebuffed a subpoena from the House Oversight
Committee for a document that GOP lawmakers claim
lays out an “alleged criminal scheme” involving
President Biden and a foreign national.
McCarthy’s comments came one day
after Christopher Dunham, the acting assistant
director of the FBI’s Office of Congressional
Affairs, penned a letter to House Oversight
Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) informing him
the agency would not immediately provide the
document in question.
“As this was your first
communication with the FBI seeking this information,
please know that the FBI is committed to beginning
the constitutionally mandated accommodation
process,” Dunham wrote, later adding the agency
“would be pleased to coordinate with your staff to
discuss whether and how we can accommodate your
request without violating our law enforcement and
national security obligations.”
On Thursday morning, McCarthy called
the FBI’s response “unacceptable.” “I’m gonna call
Director Wray today because we have oversight of the
FBI. We have the right,” McCarthy said during an
interview on “Fox & Friends” outside the Capitol.
“Comer is simply following information that he has
found. We should find all the information.”
McCarthy also underscored the
House’s authority to conduct oversight over the FBI.
“As a member of Congress, it doesn’t matter if this
person is Republican or Democrat. We have oversight
of the FBI. If the FBI at any times think they could
withhold information from Congress, we have a severe
problem on our hands,” he said.
Comer and Sen. Chuck Grassley
(R-Iowa) subpoenaed the FBI last week after claiming
a “highly credible” whistleblower informed them the
FBI had an FD-1023 form in its possession that
detailed “an alleged scheme involving then-Vice
President Biden and a foreign national relating to
the exchange of money for policy decisions.”...
FBI refuses to give Congress informant file
alleging Biden took bribes as vice president
May 10, 2023 3:50pm - WASHINGTON —
The FBI has refused to give Congress an informant
file alleging that President Biden took bribes while
he was vice president, The Post has learned —
setting up a possible showdown over access to the
House Oversight Committee Chairman
James Comer (R-Ky.) issued a legally binding
subpoena last week requiring the FBI to turn over
the file by noon Wednesday, but the bureau instead
replied with a six-page letter raising various
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