Britney Spears
Is Already Showing Signs Of Irresponsibility And
Recklessness After Her Conservatorship Was Dissolved
November 25. 2021

Britney Spears
The Los Angeles Superior Court
recently dissolved the conservatorship of mentally
ill singer, Britney Spears. I'm of the belief this
was a bad idea, as time will show. Spears is already
being financially reckless again. She has been
touring $20,000,000 homes in seeking to purchase a
property in that price range. She has an estimated
net worth of $60,000,000 with some of her assets
tied up (illiquid). Taking on a $20,000,000 mortgage
with her financial profile is foolish.
Spears is also posting strange items
to social networking, blaming everyone for her
problems but herself. Had she not joined
Madonna's satanic
Hollywood cult Kabbalah, where she was
promised more fame and money 15-years ago she
wouldn't have gone absolutely insane and began
attacking others. The cult robbed Spears of her
money, dignity and sanity.
Spears is not someone whom became
mentally ill in an organic manner (and my heart goes
out to those people). Spears decided to become a
satanist under Madonna's tutelage, and the Kabbalah
cult so played with and destroyed her mind and life
that she snapped. She went completely insane and
began attacking her little children and people
working on her staff.
To this day Spears is still wearing
occult/satantic jewelry on social networking and
making statements alluding to her affiliation with
said darkness. They have so messed up her head, she
is acting like a brainwashed cult devotee. Spears
still has that brainwashed, dark, dead behind the
eyes look. Spears' eyes look evil. It won't end
As stated previously on the site, I
was told the Kabbalah cult is after Spears' money
again, due to the fact her dad, Jamie Spears, had
put her back to work and restored some of her
fortune in said manner.
Britney Spears Has Been Missing
Doses Of Antipsychotic Medication And Is Now Under Criminal
Investigation For Hitting Her Housekeeper Confirming Previous Site
Britney Spears Dad Steps Down As
Conservator Due To Attacks From Her Fans Who Have Also Sent The Judge
Death Threats Being Investigated By The Feds
Social Networking Is Stating Britney
Spears Boyfriend Sam Asghari Wants To Take Her Money And Have Her
Committed To A Psychiatric Ward
Britney Spears Dad Suspended As
Conservator After He Filed Court Papers To End The Conservatorship Of
The Mentally Ill Pop Star (Video)
Britney Spears Slammed On Social
Networking For Topless Pics With The Public Calling Her Crazy
Britney Spears Fans Label Her
Mentally Ill After She Posted Nude Photos To Social Networking
Britney Spears Dad And Her
Conservator Jodi Montgomery Stated She Is 'Mentally Sick'