Britney Spears Dad Steps Down
As Conservator Due To Attacks From Her Fans Who Have
Also Sent The Judge Death Threats Being Investigated
By The Feds
August 13. 2021

Jamie Spears and daughter Britney Spears a
decade ago
Some of singer Britney Spears' fans
are behaving in a crazy, irrational and illegal
manner. They have been harassing her dad, Jamie
Spears, who is the conservator presiding over her
welfare in a court setting. Some of Britney's
unhinged fans have also criminally sent death
threats to judge, Brenda Penny, for not removing her
dad as conservator and freeing her from the
Previously, I stated some of
Britney's fans are meddlesome and out of control.
Now they've really done it in criminally threatening
the life of a sitting judge. The death threats
Britney's fans have sent to Judge Penny are now
being formally investigated by authorities.
The individuals responsible for the
death threats sent to the judge and the harassment
of Britney's dad, Jamie, and her sister, Jamie Lynn,
should face prison for this antisocial, harmful and
destructive behavior.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Brenda Penny
A line needs to be drawn in the sand
sending the clear message this type of uncivil and
illegal behavior will not be tolerated. The handful
of Britney's fans engaging in this behavior need to
butt out. It is a medical and court matter.
They don't know all the details of
Britney's severe mental illness or her behavior
behind the scenes, yet are inexcusably trying to
jump in the middle of something they are out of
their minds to think they belong in. They are on the
internet too much and mistaking it for reality.
You need to get a hold of
yourselves. I want you to think about your actions.
You are sending death threats to a sitting judge,
over a severely mentally ill pop star, whom you
don't even know, in a case where you have absolutely
no legal standing whatsoever. You need to stop.
Former Psychiatric Ward Patient
Britney Spears Belongs Under Conservatorship Due To The Fact She Engaged
In Very Alarming Behavior (She Tried To Kill Herself)
Britney Spears New Attorney Wants
The Court To Forgo Mental Health Testing And Release Her From The
Conservatorship (Video)
Britney Spears Embarrasses Her Fans
Who Beg Her To Stop Engaging In Troubling Behavior On Social Networking
Britney Spears Slammed On Social
Networking For Topless Pics With The Public Calling Her Crazy
Britney Spears Dad And Her
Conservator Jodi Montgomery Stated She Is 'Mentally Sick'
Court Grants Conservatee Britney
Spears The Right To Hire Her Own Attorney
A Few Members Of Congress Want To
Speak To Britney Spears
Britney Spears Longtime Manager