Chinese Spy Balloon Appears
Over American Nuclear Missile Site In Montana
Shocking The Pentagon One
Week After U.S. General Declares America Will Go To
War With China In 2025 Confirming Previous Site
Claims (Video)
February 3. 2023
Days after a top U.S. General, Mike
Minihan, declared America will go to war with China
in 2025, a mysterious spy balloon appeared over America,
with the Pentagon labeling it a, "Chinese spy
balloon." It appeared out of nowhere and began
hovering over Billings, Montana, where America has a
nuclear weapons site. Tellingly the spy balloon
appeared days after Minihan's declaration he
believes America is going to war with China in
I've been warning on this site that U.S.
President Joe Biden is trying to lead America into
war and
civil war.
Last year in the June 24, 2022 article "U.S. President Joe
Biden's Inflation Is Destroying The Retail Industry In America With
Companies Filing For Bankruptcy."
In the article
I stated, "Precious time is going by on a
number of serious issues facing the country, such as
inflation/the economy, pending foreclosure increases
due to rate hikes, climate change accelerating and
America is in danger of a civil war and a
international war. Biden is too
feeble and lost to help America. He's causing
problems rather than solving them. His inflation is
crippling the country. People can't afford this."
As stated previously on the site,
the Chinese military is far more advanced than the
U.S. government realizes. In the January 19, 20216
article "New Financial Crisis Hits America Confirming Previous Site Claims"
I stated:
"During Obama’s final State of the Union Address last week, the
president stated America’s military is the most advanced in the
world, but he is completely wrong. The Chinese military is far more
technologically advanced. There was an incident that revealed the
Chinese military has become far superior in the technological realm.
The U.S. Navy was conducting a military exercise in the Pacific
Ocean using a technologically advanced American submarine. However,
a Chinese submarine with even greater technological capabilities
surfaced right beside the American sub and went completely
undetected until the U.S. military literally saw it with their own
eyes above water. That's just a fraction of what their technology
can do. China has also made great strides in space weaponry as well."
In the February 6. 2018 article "More Proof Surfaces That China’s Military Has Become
The Most Advanced In The World Via Ship With
Electromagnetic Rail Gun" I stated:
"This week a Chinese ship was seen bearing a
massive electromagnetic rail gun, which works via magnets.
Rail gun technology was all speculative talk in the
international community. The U.S. government spent
$500,000,000 in trying to develop a rail gun, but it did not
materialize. However, based on reports, the Chinese
government has actually made a rail gun. It is further proof
they have become the most advanced military in the world."
Now a Chinese
spy balloon lingered in U.S. airspace for a good while
without detection. They were only detected when they
permitted it to be seen. It is more proof the
Chinese military is far more advance than the U.S.
government realizes.

Joe Biden always holding his head and confused
Mentally unstable dementia sufferer,
Biden, is provoking an unnecessary war with a nation
that could cause extensive damage to America,
killing millions. This is one of the risks of having
a weak, feeble, bumbling, mentally deficient
president - other nations are not scared of him or
America, by default.

Joe Biden: don't worry America, I'll punch the
Chinese missiles
Biden needs to be removed under the
25th Amendment. He is a maniac and mentally
incapacitated due to dementia (Social Networking In Hysterics Over
Bidenese Language Spoken By President Joe Biden (Video) and
Joe Biden Is
A Power Hungry Criminal From The Obama
Administration Following A Movie Script).
Suspected Chinese spy balloon
drifting over U.S. has surveillance part as big as
multiple school buses
Updated on: February 3, 2023 / 9:54 PM / CBS News -
China acknowledged Friday that a high-altitude
balloon spotted this week over Montana does in fact
belong to Beijing, but it referred to the airship as
a civilian device "used for scientific research such
as meteorology." A senior defense official told CBS
News on Thursday that the Defense Department was
"confident" that it was, in fact, a Chinese
surveillance balloon.
The payload of the balloon — that is, the part under
the balloon conducting the surveillance — is the
size of two to three school buses, and the balloon
itself is much larger, according to a U.S. official.
According to a statement by the Chinese foreign
ministry, the airship was "affected by the westerly
wind" and its ability to control its direction "is
limited." The statement also says that the balloon
"seriously deviated from the scheduled route" and
expressed regret that "the airship strayed into the
United States due to force majeure."...
Air Force general predicts war with China in 2025,
tells officers to prep by firing 'a clip' at a
target, and 'aim for the head'
Jan. 27, 2023, 6:47 PM EST - A four-star Air Force
general sent a memo on Friday to the officers he
commands that predicts the U.S. will be at war with
China in two years and tells them to get ready to
prep by firing "a clip" at a target, and "aim for
the head."
In the memo sent Friday and obtained by NBC News,
Gen. Mike Minihan, head of Air Mobility Command,
said, “I hope I am wrong. My gut tells me will fight
in 2025.” Air Mobility Command has nearly 50,000
service members and nearly 500 planes and is
responsible for transport and refueling.
Minihan said in the memo that because both Taiwan
and the U.S. will have presidential elections in
2024, the U.S. will be “distracted,” and Chinese
President Xi Jinping will have an opportunity to
move on Taiwan...
U.S. General’s Prediction of War With China ‘in
2025’ Risks Turning Worst Fears Into Reality
January 31, 2023 5:30 AM EST - In his 5th-century
B.C. History of the Peloponnesian War, ancient
Athenian historian and military general Thucydides
posits, “it was the rise of Athens and the fear that
this instilled in Sparta that made war inevitable.”
It’s a musing that prompted American political
scientist Graham T. Allison in 2012 to venture a
theory known as the “Thucydides Trap,” noting that
of 16 historical occasions when a presumptive power
challenged an established one, no less than 12
resulted in war...
BREAKING: Pentagon tells the public to 'look up in
the sky and see where the balloon is'
Feb 3, 2023 - The US Department of Defense has a
budget of $1.90 trillion but has declined to take
down the balloon. Pentagon spokesman Pat Ryder said
on Friday that shooting down the Chinese spy balloon
that has been spotted floating above US soil is not
an option that the Biden administration would carry
"In terms of the discussions of whether or not to
shoot down this balloon, that was an option. It was
something that was taken into consideration...
Because we assess that it currently does not pose a
physical or military risk to people on the ground,
for now we are continuing our monitor and review
options," Ryder said on Friday.
Historians Advise
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New Financial Crisis Hits America Confirming Previous Site Claims
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