Government Report Slams The FBI For Violating
The Privacy Of AmericansOctober 10. 2019

Christopher Wray
This week, the Action News Jacksonville television
news station reported that, “Newly declassified records with the
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court revealed the FBI violated
privacy rights of Americans by searching their emails. The improper
searches were done under a controversial foreign intelligence
program that allows surveillance without a warrant. It is meant to
track down foreign suspects."
I have stated many times on this site that the FBI
has illegally accessed and used my time stamped emails and phone
calls. This is how I was able to break stories on the FBI in this
regard, I witnessed and experienced them accessing and using my
emails and intellectual property for stories that ended up on (New Scandal Erupts Regarding The FBI And Justice Department
Monitoring Calls Of AP Reporters Confirming Previous Site Claims).
I'd also broken the story about FBI
Patriot Act Abuses.
I witnessed as the FBI went into Congress claiming
they are working on certain cases that I knew to be fictional, while
demanding a fortune in U.S. taxpayer money for the agency to
squander, as said stories were illegally taken from my preexisting,
fictional copyrighted movie scripts and television show scripts.
That constitutes criminal
copyright infringement. It reminded me of the movie “Wag the
Dog” regarding a U.S. government administration hiring a Hollywood
producer to "fabricate a war to distract voters from a presidential
sex scandal."
When I broke the story, the U.S. Inspector General
issued a report a year later, revealing the government discovered
the FBI unlawfully wiretapped press outlets and journalists, as
mentioned above, under the Obama administration. The FBI has no
respect for people’s privacy and property rights. They do whatever
they want to, the public’s rights be damned. The fully believe they
are above the law and it doesn't apply to them.
Report: FBI violated privacy rights for large numbers of
Updated: Oct 9, 2019 - 6:52 PM - WASHINGTON - Newly
declassified records with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance
Court revealed the FBI violated privacy rights of Americans by
searching their emails. The improper searches were done under a
controversial foreign intelligence program that allows surveillance
without a warrant. It is meant to track down foreign suspects.
The report said the email searches involved a large
number of Americans but it's unclear exactly how many American
people were affected because it said the FBI was not keeping proper
records. The court found that some Americans were electronically
searched without probable cause which violated their Fourth
Amendment rights.
"In these circumstances, there's really no way you
would know if your communications are being collected," Alan Butler,
with the Electronic Privacy Information Center, said. "This is
really about oversight and accountability." The court found that
some FBI employees either misapplied or misunderstood the search
standard and that led to searches on Americans, even if there wasn't
enough evidence of a crime...
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