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Wealthy Teacher Kidnapped And Murdered During Her Morning Run In Memphis (Video)

September 7. 2022

34-year-old kindergarten teacher and the mother of two young boys, Eliza Fletcher, has been found dead, after she was abducted during a morning run in her native Memphis. Fletcher's body was discovered behind an apartment complex.

Fletcher is an heir to the multi-billion dollar Orgill fortune, regarding the company that grosses billions annually in hardware sales. My condolences to her family. I feel so bad for her little boys who will now grow up without their mom. What a tragedy.

Eliza Fletcher and family

Fletcher was abducted by 38-year-old, Cleotha Abston, whose DNA matched items at the crime scene, in reference to the abduction that was partially caught on tape. Abston is being held on $510,000 bail on first-degree murder charges (including premeditated murder).

Abston is a convicted criminal with multiple arrests. At 14-years-old, Abston, was arrested and incarcerated for rape. Abston also served time for kidnapping an attorney. Abston is a serial offender, who lawyers this week argued should not have been free.

Cleotha Abston

It does not pay to be soft on crime (I state this in reference to all nations). It is one thing to commit small offenses, such as being caught with a small amount of marijuana for personal use, but once a person is arrested for major crimes such as rape or murder, a lengthy and full prison sentence is warranted. It would save many innocent lives.

Side Bar: Ladies you need to be careful when going for walks. It is believed Fletcher was abducted at around 4:00AM. I used to go for walks by myself at a park in Miami in the evening/night around 6PM or 7PM. The park has a walking/jogging trail used by many. One day after my walk a man came up to me in the supermarket right by the park and starts telling me how he was watching me walk around the park.

Ladies be safe when you go out walking and if you can try to walk with a friend,  significant other or in groups. Do not walk too early in the morning or late at night, as someone could be watching your movements and waiting for the opportunity to strike.


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