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Twitter Sued By The U.S. Government Citing Discrimination Against Conservatives On The Social Networking Site

March 18. 2019

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey

The social networking website Twitter has been sued by the U.S. government for $250,000,000, alleging the company has been discriminating against conservatives on the site. The House Intelligence Committee and congressman, Devin Nunes of California, have hit Twitter and some of its users with the lawsuit. The lawsuit alleges shadow-banning and promoting defamatory items about conservatives, in violation of Twitter's own terms of service.

The legal action states, "Twitter, by its actors, intended to generate and proliferate the false and defamatory statements about Plaintiff in order to influence the outcome of the 2018 Congressional election and to intimate Plaintiff and interfere with his important investigation of corruption by Clinton campaign and alleged Russian involvement in the 2016 Presidential Election."

Facebook is the worst regarding abusive conduct towards conservatives. Many conservatives have deleted the Facebook app as a result of this discrimination. Privacy scandals and abuses against conservatives has caused Facebook's stock and fortunes to plummet. One fourth of Americans have now deleted Facebook.

Twitter has been better to its users than most social networking sites. It does allow certain levels of free speech Facebook and Instagram do not, opting to give preferential treatment to liberals and pathetically punish conservatives. While I do like Twitter, there is a bias against conservatives. I've experienced it. Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey, even publicly admitted the site and its employees are left leaning. While each person is entitled to their political views, to penalize others for their own that do not agree with yours, is not right.

I have seen and experienced the shadow banning, where non-offensive items I've written about politics, entertainment and sports, did not appear in the search key, not even under the "latest" tweets page, which is real time. I've also seen my follower count repeatedly targeted in a manner that does not arithmetically compute. It gives the impression the numbers are being rigged on some pages, in acts that could be undertaken by hackers. And do not think social networking sites are impervious to hacking. Facebook and Instagram have been taken down for hours by crazy hackers, who were ticked off over foolishness, then arrogantly believed criminal, felonious hacking is their entitlement.

There are times when I have saved a snapshot and or HTML of my Twitter page at night, only to wake up in the morning and discover I'm following several hundred less people, whom I didn't unfollow. I've tried two trusted analytics tools on my account and they further confirmed that the numbers regarding the follow counts do not add up.

It's quite simple. You write down the number of people you are following and how many are following you. Then, you run the analytics tools and they will come up with how many you are following and how many are following you. When two independent, third party analytics tools come up with the exact same figures, but your Twitter account is saying something completely different, and is off by hundreds and sometimes thousands, there is a problem.

I once discovered a third party app illegally installed on my Twitter account by a hacker. The app had an alpha numeric title, which is not normal, as no one names their app in such a manner. I did an internet search of the app's strange alpha numeric title and it was not listed anywhere on the internet as a product or anything else.

A hacker had written an insane, deranged app designed to infiltrate and meddle with my Twitter page, angry I had legitimately accumulated over 35,000 followers. However, I write about politics, pop culture and sports on sites like this one, among others. Bloggers get a lot of followers and interactions on social networking, because people want to keep up with the news being delivered in a humorous and sometimes shady and sarcastic way. It gives people a chuckle via some comic relief during their stressful work day.

The hacking app the hacker illegally installed on my Twitter account was mass unfollowing people in the hundreds each time, in trying to drive down my Twitter follower count (because on Twitter if you unfollow, people will unfollow too). There are times the hacker even tampered with the password in trying to lock me out of my own account he was insanely trying to take over. While hacking, the idiot even tweeted gibberish (ie: tweeting out things like "sefahjssdghsjfghd" and names like "Rupert Murdoch" "News Corp" and "Theresa May" among others). I had to delete the items he tweeted out while he was behaving like an insane idiot.

People in the entertainment industry are obsessed with follow count. They use it to gauge popularity. Someone got angry that a lot of people keep following me on Twitter. They engaged a hacker to repeatedly attacked my account in what I call "live hacking" regarding using a FBI backdoor in the program Windows to meddle with my accounts.

I received emails from Twitter about my account having been compromised. They know it happened, because at the end of the day, anything that connects to the internet can be hacked. Facebook and Instagram being knocked off line for hours at a time by hackers is proof of that. Hackers need to stop doing that. It's only making the public hate them when they can't get to the sites they want to log into and view.

After I removed the illegal app the hacker had installed, and reported it to Twitter, the follow count was restored. However, shortly after, the madness started happening again, indicating the hacker in question has a direct tie into Twitter and is meddling around with their site on the back end.

It also explains why some washed up singers have a higher than warranted follower count, when no one is checking for them anymore (see: Madonna). I'm not surprised. Madonna and her cult had someone embedded at ICANN. Madonna began doing questionable things regarding ICANN which I will write about in a future article.

At the end of the day, if you open up a site to the public, stating anyone can join, it is not right that they be subjected to unlawful discrimination. Facebook has been the worst culprit with this behavior. It is my hope Twitter does not turn into what Facebook became before its unprecedented fall, as Twitter is a great site that has done good things in the world. 


Nunes sues Twitter, users for more than $250M

03/18/19 08:11 PM EDT - Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee and its former chairman, is suing Twitter and a number of its users for more than $250 million. The lawsuit filed Monday alleges the social media giant censored conservative voices by "shadow-banning" them, which Nunes says potentially impacted the 2018 midterm election results. Others named in the lawsuit include GOP operative Liz Mair, Mair Strategies, "Devin Nunes' Mom" (@DevinNunesMom) and "Devin Nunes' cow" (@DevinCow), two parody accounts that mocked the Trump ally and California Republican...




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