Top Lawyer Drops Harvey
Weinstein In The Middle Of Rape Trial
January 19. 2019

Weinstein with lawyer Ben Brafman (left) and one of his many
private investigators Herman Weisberg (right)
Top lawyer, Benjamin Brafman, has dropped his rapist
client, Harvey Weinstein, in the middle of the disgraced movie
producer’s criminal trial. Weinstein is being prosecuted for
raping women in the State of New York. Recently, Brafman moved
to have the case dismissed, but was unsuccessful. It shook up
Brafman, as it was a grim indicator of how the judge
understandably views his client.
Branfman knows his client is guilty and the U.S.
government is against him (Weinstein). Brafman knows the government
wants Weinstein caged for crimes against women. Brafman does not
want to be on a sinking ship, especially one with a client who is
doing whatever he feels like, defying his legal counsel.
Weinstein is still very much a delusional lunatic,
who is of the belief he is going to make a triumphant return to
Hollywood, an industry he once ran, despite the fact top actresses
such as Angelina Jolie and Ashley Judd have accused him of sexual
misconduct. Over 100 famous and non-famous women have accused
Weinstein of sexual harassment, sexual assault and or rape. He
insanely continues to maintain his innocence, when the evidence says
he’s guilty.
A lawyer like Brafman does not like an unpredictable
client and Weinstein is not listening. Weinstien is still hiring
private investigators to engage in witness intimidation against his
many victims, which is a crime. Weinstein is still receiving private
investigators reports on his victims and their methods of obtaining
said information have transgressed the law. Lawyers dislike these
variables, as it means they have a rogue, loose cannon for a client,
who is capable of anything.
I heard Weinstein gave Brafman items he wanted
introduced into court record that were illegally obtained by his
private investigators, which is a crime. You cannot enter illegally
procured items into the court record. A lawyer could get disbarred
for such conduct. The fact of the matter is Brafman can't trust
Weinstein, who is a madman and pathological liar that wrongly thinks
he is God.
I know what Hollywood cultists such as Weinstein are
like. They are insane. They don’t listen to reason. They are
impulsive, irrational and ignore all the impending disaster and dire
punishments that are the consequences of their criminal actions.
They charge ahead into ruination, continuing the same course of
illegality that got them in trouble in the first place. They will
run into a brick wall head on and keep getting up and doing so until
it destroys them.
Beginning 6-years ago on this website I broke
stories on Weinstein’s sexually degenerate conduct (here
and here
here and
here). I warned the public about him. At the time he
was considered a Hollywood big shot, not the shamed lump of disgrace
he is now. Years later, people see what I was writing about and
warning of the whole time.
People who behave like Weinstein belong behind bars,
because if left free, they go right back to abusing people. No
amount of warnings will work with them. They think they are above
the law, when they are not and it’s only a matter of time before
they end up the subject of criminal charges and financial ruin.
Star defense lawyer resigns from Weinstein team
Date created : 16/01/2019 - 20:58 - Defense lawyer
Benjamin Brafman is withdrawing from the movie mogul's sexual
assault case Defense lawyer Benjamin Brafman (L), seen here with
Harvey Weinstein(R) after a court hearing in New York on December
20, 2018, is withdrawing from the movie mogul's sexual assault case
Benjamin Brafman, the star lawyer who succeeded in
getting some charges against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein
reduced, has resigned from representing the movie producer in his
sexual assault case. "I'm withdrawing" from the Weinstein case,
Brafman told the New York Post. He declined to comment to AFP…
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