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Theresa May Exposed In Parliament For Lying About The Destruction Of Windrush Landing Cards In Immigration Scandal (Video) April 20. 2018
British Prime Minister Theresa May has been exposed for lying in Parliament yesterday, when she stated the opposing Labour party took the decision to destroy the immigration landing cards of Windrush immigrants from the Caribbean, who lawfully arrived in Britain between 1948-1971. It was revealed May made the decision as Home Secretary in 2010 and destroyed the landing cards towards the end of the year, with the approval of former Prime Minister, David Cameron. Windrush immigrants were granted permanent residency under the British Nationality Act on 1948 and came to Britain as “citizens” and “British subjects.” However, May, who was Home Secretary in 2010, destroyed the landing cards, to clear the way for deceitful mass deportation notices she sent out, criminally violating the British Nationality Act of 1948. It was a sinister, nefarious, evil and despicable thing to do. I am very disappointed in her behavior and extremely offended by what has occurred. I now have absolutely no confidence in her over these criminal misdeeds that are human rights abuses. This incident is made all the worse by the fact May and her government have been chucking out elderly people, some of whom are now sick or disabled. There are reports in the British press that some Windrush citizens who went to the Caribbean for events such as funerals, were denied reentry into Britain, after decades of lawfully living in the United Kingdom.
Theresa May is looking more and more like a monster May and her former boss David Cameron have done so much damage to British Caribbean relations it defies explanation (read about Cameron's 2015 trip to Jamaica: Prime Minister Theresa May Illegally Destroyed Immigration Landing Card Evidence Of Windrush Immigrants Then Changed Deportation Rules Without Parliament's Input To Purge Britain Of Immigrants). There has not been this much damage to British Caribbean relations since the days of slavery. May and her cohorts have the Caribbean feeling like the British government hates us and sees us as enemies and expendable slave labor. I'm just being honest. This is how your behavior looks. The damage is enormous. This is how the Windrush scandal is being viewed in the Caribbean, via the British government criminally sending deportation orders to over 50,000 old Caribbean people, who worked hard for decades to rebuild Britain, fill job shortages and pay their taxes to Inland Revenue (with cheat May now illegally blocking their pensions). And if May, Cameron, Home Secretary Amber Rudd and Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson thinks this is a good look, they are severely mistaken. They are the worst representatives the British government has ever had in the area of global relations (for further reference, see the deportation orders May criminally sent to hundreds of European Union citizens in violation of EU agreements, then insincerely and deceitfully stated it was an "error" much like Windrush). Someone making that many errors and of such a serious nature, should not be running any government.
David Cameron resigning in 2016 The Independent newspaper in London exposed May's deceitful behavior, in revealing she sent Jamaican Windrush citizens in Britain patronizing pamphlets on how to pretend to be a Jamaican and put on a Jamaican accent in Jamaica, as she is deporting them. May's pamphlet sent to Jamaican Windrush citizens living in Britain for decades that she illegally gave deportation papers crazily stated, "Try to be Jamaican, use local accents and dialects" (deportees from each island of the Commonwealth that May illegally sent deportation papers were given the same pamphlet but with their Caribbean nation of birth printed on it). As the Independent newspaper so eloquently pointed out, someone who has been living in Jamaica for many years speaks with a Jamaican and does not need to put on a fake Jamaican accent. The fact of the matter is the Windrush immigrants and their grown children who legally came to Britain with them decades ago, don't sound Caribbean. The Windrush immigrants do not sound Jamaican, Bahamian, Antiguan, Barbadian or like they are from any other Caribbean nation in the Commonwealth. They can put on an accent, imitating their Caribbean relatives who live on the islands, but their natural accent is now a British one. I know many Caribbean Brits and when they try to speak with a Caribbean accent, they giggle a bit and begin speaking in a pronounced way that is not natural. But it's all in good fun when they are joking around and Caribbeans who still live on the islands take no offense to it. Even during the 2012 London Olympics, I heard Brits of Caribbean descent jokingly try to speak like the Caribbean athletes at the event and it was pure comedy, as the accents were so bad/inauthentic and they knew it. They get pronunciations wrong...much like Brits imitating the American accent. For example, Brits will pronounce the word "pasty" as pas-tee. However, Americans pronounce the word "pasty" as paste-ee. Brits will pronounce the word "controversy" as contravesy. Americans pronounce it as con-tro-ver-see. When I'm in Britain, Brits I meet will ask "you're Jamaican? but you sound American?" because I lawfully moved to Miami from Jamaica when I was 9. Therefore I have an American accent. Much like Windrush Caribbeans speak with a British accent because they've lawfully been there for decades. However, I must admit, there are some Caribbean people who do not fully lose their accents. Linguists say immigrants tend to lose their natural accents if they immigrate before age 12 (to any nation). Much like many people of Puerto Rican descent, who were born and raised in New York, have a strong Puerto Rican accent (see: Cardi B, who sounds like she is straight out of San Juan). The Windrush scandal has made its way around the world, disgracing May in the European Union, Caribbean, America, Australia and Africa via scathing news articles and television reports. It's even on CNN in America. There are an enormous amount of press stories about the scandal, as May's behavior is so deceitful and duplicitous. May has tarnished the British government’s name and image in the world, acting under far right leanings, regarding protectionism and purging immigrants. The nations that engage in such behavior will be made financially poorer for it, as there are numerous sectors of business that rely on immigrant labor to fill posts locals do not want to do. Companies then see revenue declines and some go out of business due to labor shortages.
Theresa May May is trying to purge immigrants from Britain and what she is going to end up with is England when the rest of the United Kingdom splits due to the mess coming out of select London politicians such as Brexit, and Windrush and EU immigration scandals (among other things). They’re not going to want to be associated with it. Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to remain in the European Union. May is presiding over Britain’s decline via a reversal of fortune, as all she cares about is purging Britain and burning bridges, which does not attract sufficient business and investment. Investors and immigrants with money will be afraid regarding May’s Britain, having serious concerns that she will jump up one day and illegally destroy more immigration papers and database files, then start kicking people out in another frenzy, after they’ve built their lives and businesses in the nation, contributing to Britain. No one wants to be in that position. Even students who are mulling paying to go to university in Britain, are having qualms about it as well. What if they meet and fall in love with a nice Brit, which has happened many times and want to get serious with the person. After reading the horror stories about what others have been through under May’s new policies, they will think twice about enrolling in university in Britain, as it could turn into years of immigration uncertainty. Not to mention, I read about a horrendous scandal regarding May deporting 50,000 students from Britain, falsely accusing them of cheating on a test. May’s deceitful, deranged and criminally fraudulent conduct got the British government sued, as international students had paid tuition and did nothing wrong. However, determined to meet her self-designed immigration targets May did such a dishonorable and despicable thing to 50,000 young men and women who had come to Britain in good faith and paid for their education. The woman is a damned criminal, evil menace and disgrace. May did an extraordinary amount of damage to the name of the British education system in the world. Global citizens are now scared of it, with some not wanting to risk their money and university record via studying in Britain, ,only for May to rig tests and falsely label them cheats, destroying their academic record. Much like in the Windrush scandal (the pension aspect of it) May stole 50,000 international students tuition money, via falsely deporting them during their studies. She is a cheat, thief and fraud. May shouldn’t be in office. She should be in prison. May should have been criminally prosecuted over her dirty conduct in that scandal. May is consistently ruining lives and bringing shame on the name of the British government by doing the unthinkable to innocent people. She is truly evil and repugnant. These disturbing acts committed by May has given many people serious reservations about doing business or going to school in Britain. People do not want to build their lives and businesses somewhere, only to see it destroyed by an immigrant hating prime minister. Britain needed a centrist prime minister who understands economics and can act with fairness in immigration matters. STORY SOURCE Stop being so hard on Theresa May – we all make mistakes. Some of us spill lemonade, others accidentally deport people Thursday 19 April 2018 14:30 BST - Theresa May said she’s sorry her government upset the children that came on the Windrush, so we should accept that. It was an accident and we all make them. Some of us knock over a glass of lemonade, and some of us accidentally spend 10 years yelling that we must drastically reduce the number of immigrants as they’re taking our jobs and benefits while boasting our policies will create a “hostile environment” for them and whoops-a-daisy; you accidentally make an environment that’s hostile to them. When she was home secretary, the prime minister accidentally sent vans round the streets with the words “Go home or face arrest” written on them, directed at immigrants, and no one could have guessed this would lead to an unwelcoming atmosphere towards immigrants in which some people might feel that immigrants ought to go home or face arrest. It wasn’t the government’s fault that people who’d lived here for 50 years were suddenly threatened with deportation. It was an unlucky coincidence that at exactly the same time as the “hostile environment” policy, all round the country lots of immigration officials accidentally all became heartless, insisting they should produce papers they never had in the first place... At one point, the government produced handbooks for people they were deporting. The one for people sent to Jamaica advised that when they arrived in Jamaica they should “try to be Jamaican, use local accents and dialects”. This shows how skilful the government was at telling whether someone was an illegal immigrant. Less adept people might assume that if you have to tell someone to speak “Jamaican” as they didn’t sound in the slightest bit Jamaican, this might indicate the person isn’t all that Jamaican. But luckily Theresa May’s Home Office could see right through that trick. This is a highly efficient method for reducing immigration, and the Home Office should do this to everyone. They could knock on random doors in Barking, informing everyone that they’re Zambian, then send them to Zambia with advice to start speaking Zambian and support a Zambian team instead of West Ham. And within a couple of years they could reduce the population to nought... RELATED ARTICLES British Prime Minister Theresa May Forms Coalition Government With DUP To Remain In Office |
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