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Prime Minister Theresa May Illegally Destroyed Immigration Landing Card Evidence Of Windrush Immigrants Then Changed Deportation Rules Without Parliament's Input To Purge Britain Of Immigrants April 18. 2018
British Prime Minister Theresa May and Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness in London yesterday This is a follow up to the Judiciary Report article "The British Government's Drastic New Immigration Policies Breaking Up Families In Detaining Caribbean People Who Are Lawfully In Britain" and "Theresa May And Amber Rudd's Terrible Immigration Policies Will Not Get Them Reelected In The Face Of European Union And Windrush Deportation Orders." Yesterday, British Prime Minister, Theresa May, publicly apologized for her evil behavior in the Windrush deportation scandal. May is currently embroiled in a terrible, massive immigration scandal of her own evil making, was the Home Secretary before assuming her new post and then calling for an ill-advised election (which I warned against as risky), where the lost the majority her Conservative party held in Parliament. This forced May to spend £1 billion pounds in British taxpayer money, to cut a deal with the DUP party, to merge with her Conservatives, via using their parliamentary seats, in order for her to regain a majority and remain Prime Minister. British people became angry at the news, as seen on Twitter, because May made drastic cuts to benefits for the poor and disabled, as well as programs for the homeless, but then turned around and spent £1 billion pounds to save her job. Information has now come to light regarding May's time as Home Secretary, as it relates to the current immigration scandal. May was appointed Home Secretary by former British Prime Minister, David Cameron, whose ancestors owned 202 slaves in the Caribbean nation of Jamaica. Cameron even went out to the Jamaican Parliament in 2015. No British Prime Minister had ever done that, but it wasn't an act of goodwill on Cameron's part. It was quite self-serving. Cameron went into the Jamaican Parliament and made very offense statements, which marginalized the history of slavery and callously told the island's legislature to let slavery go as it is in the past. Is it though? You see, Cameron's trip to Jamaica occurred a few months after I filed a copyright lawsuit alleging slavery type behavior and it mentioned the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) in Britain. Cameron's statements ordering Jamaica to put slavery in the past was ironic, as Cameron knew the BBC has been stealing billions in copyrights from my preexisting copyrighted catalog, which I'd registered in the Library of Congress (and used other methods of establishing authorship) YEARS prior to them being infringed by Madonna and the company she works for, Warner Bros, who have a distribution deal with the BBC. This website's stats of visitors by IP address, contains visits by the BBC and high profile members and branches of the British government, among others. The British government knows exactly what is going on. The BBC's conduct is the criminal exploitation of a Jamaican. It is modern day slavery (with the BBC even making a slave slur regarding me via one of my copyrights they stole: Madonna's Criminal Conduct At The BBC In Britain Has Nasty Racist Slavery Connotations To It (Anthony Joshua, Daniel Kaluuya)). It is criminally diverting Jamaican assets and resources in stealing my copyrights, for the undue, criminal enrichment of Madonna, the BBC, Warner Bros and their cronies in Hollywood. I guess old habits die hard for old slavetrader Cameron to have approved of such a thing in Britain at the BBC. And make no mistake, you lot will make financial restitution for those thefts and within the scope of the law. As the phrases go, "God doesn't like ugly" and "He doesn't sleep." You haven't gotten away with anything. But I digress... Since Cameron brought up slavery in the Jamaican Parliament, members of the legislature asked him about reparations. After all, the British government made billions from the slave trade they ran in Jamaica, due to sugarcane crops, among other products, which they harvested by bringing slaves from places in Africa such as Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon, herding them to Jamaica like cattle. Many slaves did not survive the trips and were thrown overboard at sea. The ones who did survive the harrowing trip, shackled like animals and packed in cramped slots like sardines, were overworked, tortured and in some cases killed on the island by the British government. These grotesque acts of inhumanity, greatly enriched the British government and the royal family. The money the British government and associated companies in the United Kingdom made from selling these free products gained through barbarous slavery in Jamaica, built many structures in Britain and funded companies in the United Kingdom.
David Cameron resigning under scandal in 2016 after the Brexit vote Additionally, British pirates who moved to Jamaica, plundered ships, then sent gold, jewels, money and other commodities back to Britain, with the full consent and cooperation of the British government and royal family. The Jamaican slave trade paid to keep the royal family in absolute luxury, only for said family to now be engaging in racially offensive behavior on a regular basis (Princess Michael Of Kent Causes Outrage In Wearing Racist Slave Broach To Queen's Lunch Held To Meet Prince Harry's Black Fiancée Meghan Markle). Old habits die hard... Rather than apologize and try to build bridges with Jamaica, Cameron opened his fat mouth and rubbished the idea of reparations and instead offered to build a prison in Jamaica to house deportees from Britain. Cameron's callous statements caused extreme offense all over Jamaica. Jamaicans were stunned at the vileness of what he had stated. The legislature was appalled. Journalists were outraged. One of my dad's friends, a former Jamaican Prime Minister, did an op-ed piece in a national newspaper regarding Cameron's offensive statements. The beast Cameron could have stated the British government would made a contribution towards a children's charity in Jamaica or make a contribution towards education on the island, but instead the slavetrader opened his pompous mouth and stated he would build a prison in Jamaica to house deportees from Britain. This brings me to my point. That little tell-tale statement from Cameron shows what he and May were up to all along. It is now abundantly clear, Cameron and his former Home Secretary, Theresa May, who is now Prime Minister, were unlawfully working on a plan to purge every single Caribbean person from Britain, in acts that criminally violated the the British Nationality Act of 1948. The first step Cameron and May took was to illegally destroy British historical records via immigration landing cards of the Caribbeans from 12 nations who came to Britain, beginning in the 1940s, when the British government contacted the islands in the Caribbean who are a part of the Commonwealth, in a publicized official request. The British government formally invited Caribbean people to come to Britain to help the nation rebuild after the destruction that occurred during World War II, which had also created labor shortages in the United Kingdom. So, beginning in the 1940s people from the 12 Caribbean nations of the Commonwealth boarded ships and planes, headed for Britain, answering the call of the mother country to fill jobs as such as nurses, bus drivers, postal workers and to build the vast transportation system, after being told they would be given permanent residency and granted the same rights as Britons. They were told they could bring their children, who were legally permitted to travel on their parents' passports. It was not easy in those times for Caribbean people in Britain. There was a lot of racism. It's not like the Britain you see now that has many interracial marriages and civility towards people of different races (well, clearly the royal family is excluded from that). On the whole, I've found Britain to be very civil. I've found the British people to be kind, courteous and loving (well, except the royal family, but they aren't an accurate representation of the British people: Princess Michael Of Kent Causes Outrage In Wearing Racist Slave Broach To Queen's Lunch Held To Meet Prince Harry's Black Fiancée Meghan Markle).
Despite all the contributions of the Windrush generation, who played a big part in rebuilding Britain, David Cameron, Theresa May and now her Home Secretary, Amber Rudd, have deceitfully, illegally and underhandedly destroyed the officials records of Caribbean people lawfully landing in to Britain, quietly changed immigration rules without Parliamentary approval and began purging Caribbean people from Britain, behaving like modern day Hitlers. May and Rudd have also stolen these elderly people's pension they earned after decades of working and paying taxes in Britain. They can't access their pensions they earned thanks to what May and Rudd have deliberately and contemptibly done in such an evil, cold, calculating and thieving manner, like two slavetrading slugs. How disgusting. And it's not just Caribbean people May and Rudd are unceremoniously flinging out of Britain. They have unlawfully deported a few hundred E.U. citizens, then claimed it was "an error", but those people were unlawfully thrown out too. May and Rudd are also targeting for deportation Africans, Australians and Americans, and their children who were born and raised in Britain (Theresa May And Amber Rudd's Terrible Immigration Policies Will Not Get Them Reelected In The Face Of European Union And Windrush Deportation Orders). May quietly changed immigration rules to create her self-professed "hostile environment" for immigrants (cancelled immigrants ID cards/drivers licenses and bank accounts, barred them from renting a flat or home and banned them from, even those dying of cancer, from getting medical treatment under the NHS). May is using the "hostile environment" she created to create and process mass deportations, which is eroding Britain, as she is throwing out law-abiding, productive people who have a legal right to be there. They have destroyed so man people's lives, illegally split up so many families, cost them thousands in legal fees and stole their pensions. She is also creating labor shortages, which will significantly worsen post-Brexit. The damage is done. Therefore, there must be political consequences for this criminal behavior via resignation or being voted out. You're not going to ruin all those lives, then go oops I'm sorry, and there be no political consequences. It doesn't work that way. Just like you set that nasty precedent regarding deceitfully deporting all those innocent people, a precedent must be set that any politician(s) who remotely tries anything like this again, will pay for it politically via losing their job. Something else to consider, May and Rudd are also going to be responsible for the post-Brexit E.U. citizens database, regarding European Union citizens' permanent residency in Britain. After May and Rudd's slimeball, scumbucket, deceitful, treacherous, underhanded behavior towards Windrush immigrants, God only knows what those two are going to do with the E.U. list, creating another international scandal. May and Rudd have to go from office. The will not be reelected. They will not get those votes. May is trying to purge everyone she can from Britain who is not fully British. She is a racist, xenophobic, vile woman. The irony is, May does not have the features of the people who are considered the original English people. The original English people are referred to as Anglo-Saxons and they are white people with blonde hair, blue eyes and pale skin (like my Anglo-Saxon English great-great-grandfather, who was an accountant/catechist who moved to Jamaica and then married a black Jamaican). I know about race mixing, as it happened on both sides of my family in Jamaica. Theresa May has black hair, brown eyes and a medium complexion, which indicates something else is in her blood that is not English. When variations are present in a white person's features that deviate from the traditional Anglo-Saxon physical look, it means they are mixed with other things such as African, Spanish, Greek or Middle Eastern blood. My point, yes Theresa May is white, but not Anglo-Saxon like the original English, yet she is trying to purge England of lawful immigrants, when her appearance reveals she does not look like the original English people, indicating she is mixed with something else. This is how Hitler got in trouble, purging minorities in trying to create a society of people with the Anglo-Saxon look that he himself ironically did not possess. So to recap, they illegally destroyed government property regarding the landing cards of people who lawfully came to Britain after being invited by the government to have permanent residency in exchange for rebuilding Britain and helping with job shortages, quietly changed immigration rules to target and create a "hostile environment" for them in Britain, then began their illegal purge via fraudulent deportations. Under British law, Cameron, May and Rudd should be indicted and prosecuted, as they committed a string of criminal offenses in a despicable conspiracy, which also constitutes hate crimes, as it targeted minorities who are immigrants. It's not the only crimes Cameron and May secretly committed. However, more on that in a future article. In doing so, Cameron, May and Rudd have also sent the horrible message in the world that the British government's word cannot be trusted. The world never had that view of Britain until now. Case in point, the European Union (EU) Parliament in Brussels has publicly expressed concern that May will begin purging EU citizens from Britain, much like she did regarding Windrush immigrants. Yesterday, the European Union's Guy Verhofstadt stated, "This will be deeply worrying for millions of EU citizens in the UK who will now fear similar treatment after Brexit. The Home Office has agreed to come to the European Parliament to explain their proposed registration system for EU nationals and I expect MEPs will rightly want safeguards." Caribbean Prime Ministers are appalled by what May and Rudd have done in this Windrush scandal and no longer trust the British government. Everything May and her cabinet do from now on will be treated with suspicion and skepticism. Her word means nothing and she has no honor to have committed the aforementioned crimes she did, due to her hatred of foreigners.
Theresa May's deportation van threats May is after all the Home Secretary that used taxpayer money to hire vans with nasty signs on them to drive through Britain's streets and blast hateful messages over a bullhorn telling illegal immigrants to go home or be arrested. May is utterly classless for doing that. May also used taxpayer money to hire a company to send hourly texts messages and make constant, harassing calls to visitors to Britain who are on visas, warning them their visa is running out and to leave the country. Once again, absolutely classless. That is not how immigration matters are usually handled and it is appalling that May did something like that. That type of behavior will put lawful visitors off visiting Britain, which means you lose tourist money. Why are spamming visitors to Britain with these harassing messages BEFORE their visas expire. How unsavvy, rude and off-putting.
British Home Secretary Amber Rudd and Prime Minister Theresa May Time has proven me correct on a number of things I have written in time stamped articles on this site. Time has proven me correct in a number of things I also wrote about Britain, for the welfare of the country. For instance, I warned against May's London police cuts, which she announced in 2015, regarding firing 8,000 officers (Metropolitan Police Cuts To Leave 8,000 Officers Unemployed (But Can Be Avoided)). I thought it very unwise, as London is a big city of nearly 10,000,000. May went ahead with the cuts and the crime rate in London shot up by 2016 and recently surpassed New York for the first time in history (British Prime Minister Theresa May And London Mayor Sadiq Khan In Danger Of Losing Election Votes). This was May's fault. She cut London police funding. Sadiq Khan went in as Mayor in 2016 and got caught flatfooted, unable to cope with the rising crime problem, due to the police cuts that May initiated in 2015. To be fair, I don't believe May or Khan wanted crime to rise. However, poor decisions led London to this place. I read British newspapers everyday (among others). Based on the articles about stabbings and killings, I deduced it was youth gang activity causing the problem, regarding teens and adolescence in gangs, as most of the fatalities were teens or people in their early twenties. I wrote items to that effect in my own articles on this site and items on social networking. Some of the crimes in London looked like gang retaliation and other incidents gave the appearance of gang initiations (as seen in Los Angeles with the Bloods, Crips and MS13 street gangs, where a potential member is asked to commit an act of violence or murder to get into a gang). Then, a telltale incident happened recently, when a gang took credit for the murder of a 17-year-old girl, stating it was retaliation (The Metropolitan Police To Establish A Violent Crime Task Force To Battle Acid Attacks, Knife And Gun Crime). As stated previously, I warned about Khan getting into a Twitter war with U.S. President Donald Trump, repeatedly stating the trade deal needs to be done quickly before something bad happens. 3-months later, Trump slapped new tariffs on Britain, shocking May and Khan (British Prime Minister Theresa May And London Mayor Sadiq Khan In Danger Of Losing Election Votes). Even in more basic, but important matters, such as the food supply, I warned shortages could occur, especially with Britain preparing to leave the EU. Then it happened (KFC Chicken Shortage In Britain Leads To Temporary Closure Of 500 Restaurants Indicating An Agricultural Problem [As Stated Previously On The Site]). In closing, once again, the British government needs to call off Brexit. It would stem the significant outflow of jobs, investments and money from Britain that is being redirected to other nations who intend to remain in the European Union. The government needs to keep the United Kingdom together and if Brexit goes through, Scotland will call for a second referendum on independence, vote to leave Britain and join the European Union. Then they will erect a hard border between Scotland and England. Wales and Northern Ireland will seek to follow suit. I want the United Kingdom to remain together and if it means Britain remaining in the European Union to preserve the UK's prosperous way of life, so be it. As for the trade deals May spoke of months ago regarding the Caribbean and the rest of the Commonwealth, as much as I would love to stick it to May for the evil and wickedness she has done to the Windrush generation, I don't want Britain to be financially harmed or their way of life damaged by a reduction in national revenues. Here's hoping those Commonwealth trade deals can be properly made and result in more prosperity for everyone. As for May, Cameron and Rudd, I rest comfortably in the knowledge of knowing massive personal scandals are coming regarding them that will make the animosity Cameron got hit with after the Brexit vote which caused him to run from office, look like an outpouring of love. The British people will not be amused when they find out the other things those three have done. Resignation will look very appealing to May and Rudd, as will Swiss residency. You two are not getting reelected. STORY SOURCE UK Home Office destroyed Windrush landing card slips Updated 7:11 AM ET, Wed April 18, 2018 - (CNN)The UK Home Office destroyed landing card slips that documented arrival dates for the so-called Windrush generation, it confirmed Wednesday, an admission that has added to pressure on the government over its treatment of some Caribbean migrants. The landing card slips were "securely disposed" of in 2010, the Home Office said. The confirmation came a day after UK Prime Minister Theresa May publicly apologized for any "anxiety" caused to the Windrush generation -- the first large group of Caribbean migrants to arrive in the UK after World War II. Her words followed widespread condemnation of the government's treatment of the Windrush generation, some of whom are facing deportation after decades living in Britain because they don't have the right paperwork. In a statement Wednesday, the Home Office said the decision to destroy the landing card slips had been made by the UK Border Agency in line with the Data Protection Act 1998, under which the Home Office has a "legal obligation to ensure that the personal data it holds is not kept for longer than is necessary."... Theresa May Faces Another Brexit Battle With Scotland and Wales April 17, 2018, 12:23 PM EDT - British Prime Minister Theresa May’s plans for Brexit face another potential legal hurdle as the country’s highest court rules on whether some powers from the European Union that are due to return to the U.K. should go to the administrations in Scotland and Wales. Months of wrangling with the semi-autonomous governments about whether policies ranging from environmental protection to agriculture and transport should be decided in London or in Edinburgh and Cardiff after Brexit have failed to yield an agreement. Attorney General Jeremy Wright passed the issue to the Supreme Court on Tuesday...
https://www.bloomberg.com Exclusive: Evidence of UK arrivals discarded despite case worker protests, says former employee Tue 17 Apr 2018 09.20 EDT Last modified on Wed 18 Apr 2018 05.47 EDT - The Home Office destroyed thousands of landing card slips recording Windrush immigrants’ arrival dates in the UK, despite staff warnings that the move would make it harder to check the records of older Caribbean-born residents experiencing residency difficulties. A former Home Office employee said the records, stored in the basement of a government tower block, were a vital resource for case workers when they were asked to find information about someone’s arrival date in the UK from the West Indies – usually when the individual was struggling to resolve immigration status problems. Although the home secretary, Amber Rudd, has promised to make it easier for Windrush-generation residents to regularise their status, the destruction of the database is likely to make the process harder, even with the support of the new taskforce announced this week... But from 2013 onwards, he said, staff were “given no leeway to make a judgment call”. The changed atmosphere combined with staff cuts made it a more unpleasant place to work and many experienced staff took redundancy, he said. The people who remained were told: “These are the rules, stick to them.” He decided to leave at around this time. “I am so angry that people are being treated in a way which is just abhorrent.”... Whistleblowers contradict No 10 over destroyed Windrush landing cards Exclusive: Claims by Home Office and Downing Street that cards’ destruction had no impact undermined by fresh evidence Wed 18 Apr 2018 06.00 EDT Last modified on Wed 18 Apr 2018 07.24 EDT - Home Office claims that the destruction of Windrush-era landing cards in 2010 had no impact on the rights of those individuals to stay in the UK have been dramatically undermined by the evidence of two new whistleblowers. Staff, in fact, routinely used landing card information as part of their decision-making process, and saw the Windrush landing cards as a useful resource, according to information from two new Home Office whistleblowers. Their accounts have been further supported by the emergence of Border Force guidance, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, that appears to contradict the government’s justification of a decision to destroy an archive of Windrush-era arrival slips... The Border Force note appears to undermine the Home Office and Downing Street’s rejection of the documents’ significance. Giving details of how landing cards are used currently, the document stated: “Information from a landing card may be used by an entry clearance officer in making a decision on a visa application.” A now-retired senior Croydon-based Home Office employee told the Guardian she had regularly used landing card information in decision-making work during the 1980s. “Landing and embarkation cards were kept in alphabetical order, and by month,” she said, adding that it was a very important database because “it would show who else arrived with you; it would show the parents and the children that they brought with them”. Former Home Office employees and immigration case workers have also expressed deep concern about a shift in the way officials have been handling undocumented Commonwealth residents, following tightened immigration regulations, with one describing a new “gotcha attitude” among staff, who enjoyed catching out applicants. Both Downing Street and the Home Office attempted to play down the significance of the revelation in the Guardian on Tuesday that an archive of landing slips documenting Windrush era arrivals had been destroyed in 2010... “The introduction of the hostile environment policy meant the mentality was: ‘I’m going to say no, unless you can prove me wrong.’ Whereas before we’d been a lot more lenient towards the Commonwealth immigrants. We had no problem about going after everyone else, but the Commonwealth immigrants had always been a different kettle of fish,” said the official, who asked not to be named. “That changed about five or six years ago with the hostile environment. Some of the immigration people welcomed it. There was a ’gotcha attitude’ – some people enjoyed it; I didn’t like that.” The home secretary, Amber Rudd, appeared to acknowledge that this newly hardened culture within the Home Office was becoming problematic on Monday when she apologised for the “appalling” actions of her own department towards some Windrush-era citizens who have struggled to prove their right to live in the UK, and recognised that the Home Office had “lost sight of individuals” and become “too concerned with policy”... The Liverpool ex-Home Office worker said there was a younger generation of immigration employees who were more aggressive in their attitude to undocumented Windrush-generation residents struggling to establish their right to remain in the UK. “People who were coming into the department were new and didn’t have the background knowledge about immigration in the 1960s that I had,” he said. “I was saying to them: ‘Look they’re more British than you! How can you, a 27-year-old fellow, refuse a 54-year-old fellow, and say he’s not entitled to remain in a country he’s lived in for 51 years? It is madness. It upset me and a few of the older staff members when they started saying to these fellows: we want four pieces of information per year you’ve been here. “There were some people who enjoyed saying: I’ve caught you, you are illegal. But they weren’t illegal at all. I’ve got no issue with people getting rid of illegal immigrants but the Jamaican and Trinidadians – these are Commonwealth people, who were British subjects or citizens of the UK and colonies before their countries became independent.”... Windrush generation: Theresa May bows to pressure as she offers personal apology for shambles Theresa May gave a personal apology to Caribbean leaders today for the treatment of Windrush citizens threatened with deportation and denied healthcare. The Prime Minister said “sorry” for the shambles during a private meeting with leaders and senior ministers attending the Commonwealth summit in London. Earlier, her de facto deputy David Lidington admitted that the Government was still not sure if any people who had come to Britain as children after the Second World War had been wrongfully deported. Mrs May was attending a meeting with Commonwealth leaders from nine countries, including Jamaican premier Andrew Holness and Guy Hewitt, the high commissioner for Barbados, who have expressed anger that some blameless Commonwealth citizens had lived under the shadow of deportation for years or been refused access to free NHS treatment. Mrs May was expected to add that a crackdown on illegal migrants she announced as home secretary in 2014 was not aimed at the Windrush generation, who were valued members of the British community. The Prime Minister’s office had initially declined a meeting on the issue, without telling Mrs May, but after the row threatened to overshadow this week’s Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, she dashed to make amends and promise action... British Prime Minister Theresa May Forms Coalition Government With DUP To Remain In Office |
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