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Theresa May's Austerity Agenda Has Killed 28,000 Britons In The First Half Of The Year And Damaged The Economy August 16. 2018
Theresa May A new report revealed approximately 28,000 more Britons than usual died in the first 6-months of the year and it is being attributed to Prime Minister Theresa May's austerity agenda in office. It is due to the massive budget cuts May has unadvisedly made during her time in office and it is having a terrible impact on the British people. Once again, to recap, the purpose of budget cuts should have been to cut government waste in bloated paychecks, the benefits of people who have large families and are collecting huge sums every month, living in mansions in London to accommodate their family size and have so much money coming in from the State they are decked out in designer clothes and live in properties with multiple high-end televisions and expensive furniture. In such cases, it is appropriate that there are less financial benefits and for the family to be placed in the home counties, where you can rent a 4-bedroom property for £2,000 per month, as opposed to a £20,000 per month house in London to accommodate family size. It would save the taxpayers money. However, budget cuts should not have affected the truly disabled and poor, and to the point they can no longer pay all their vital bills. Based on what I am reading, disabled and poor people have faced cuts that are hampering their ability to pay their utilities, as well as feed and care for themselves. People are relying on food banks more than ever in Britain. Windrush was another disaster, regarding May illegally invalidating the citizenship and residency of Caribbean people, who lawfully moved to Britain decades ago. May destroyed evidence of their landing in Britain (landing cards) which was the property of the British government. Then, she proceeded with notices, incarcerations and deportations of the elderly and their offspring (who were born and raised in the United Kingdom), who have been in Britain for many decades. It was a vile and evil thing to do. May still has not sorted out the mess she made or given the promised financial compensation to all the victims of her scheming and treachery. Instead she is demanding victims sign non-disclosure agreements to help cover her treacherous backside, as she broke the law in her misconduct. She also refused to make the files public during a parliamentary hearing. That is not democracy nor does it constitute transparency in government. The British government is not May's personal company or property. She is a public servant. She needs to start acting like it. May stated in an interview that she believes God wanted her to do these things, which is utter rubbish. Couldn't be the God of the Bible that impressed upon May to engage in evil. The God of the Bible says, "Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner..." (Exodus 22:21) and "When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them" (Leviticus 19:33). In reference to the poor and disabled on benefits, and May's treatment of them, the Bible states, "He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God" (Proverbs 14:31). That's pretty clear. God doesn't want anyone mistreating poor people or the disabled that need assistance, who would be under that umbrella of being financially needy, due to their circumstances. Criminally destroying government property recording when Windrush citizens LAWFULLY came to Britain at the invitation of the British government between 1920-1969, to help rebuild Britain after the war, then unlawfully invalidating their citizenship and residency in violation of UK and UN law, and wrongly throwing these old, sick people in jail, was not godly or benevolent. It was damn evil. It was deceitful, duplicitous and malevolent. May also stole their pensions they worked for their whole adult lives. So that's bearing false witness, stealing and cheating people out of what they earned, all violations of the ten commandments. Once again, God didn't impression upon May to do these things. I'd venture to say the devil did so. She has evil and hate in her heart and it is manifesting itself through her cruel decisions. May needs to get her heart right with God and stop this evil conduct that is doing significant harm to innocent people in Britain. May and her former boss, David Cameron, have run off people from Britain that the country needed (scientists, doctors, nurses and IT specialists). The chickens will come home to roost on these matters and in a big way, as employment and financial issues fully surface, showing just how unwise those xenophobic decisions have been and the negative multi-trillion pound effect it's having on Britain. It was a foolish and xenophobic thing to do. Cameron and May got cocky and, "Pride comes before a fall." Cameron and May act like they single-handedly built Britain with their own bare hands, when it was the work of millions of people, both British and foreign born, done over the course of generations. You two do not own Britain and it was and is not yours to damage as you've both done. Cameron and May have also severely damaged Britain's relationship with the Commonwealth, treating us like their enemies when we've never been your adversaries. The hatred Cameron and may have shown the Commonwealth is unprovoked, arrogant and disgusting. Cameron and May have done irreparable harm in this regard, regarding the British government and the Commonwealth, and the latter is largely comprised of people of color. It looks completely racist. The relationship will never be the same again after what those two racists did in secret that has since come to light. The irony is, based on economic growth reports and projections, former colony India is poised to overtake Britain in the world. Brexit is causing massive financial damage and Scotland is demanding a second referendum to leave the Kingdom, with others to follow (but it is my humble view Britain should not split up). It has the very real potential of breaking up the United Kingdom, all because of Cameron and May's very poor choices. I predict Cameron will go down in history as the worst prime minister Britain ever had and May will be recorded as the unwise one that pushed through Brexit to the nation's detriment. They can argue all they want. However, time will tell, as it always does, as it progresses. The truth will make itself known. Once again, I have no vested interest in Brexit. Therefore, I am telling you the unbiased truth. You're going the wrong way. Call Brexit off. I have consistently been right in the things I have stated concerning Britain (and many other topics). Once again, I was right about the reversal of fortune regarding the economy, the 2005 police cuts being a bad idea, the urgency of securing the US trade deal, the NHS cuts needing to be avoided and now 28,000 have died this year because of it and benefits cuts. There is also the food shortages and the risky snap election issues I warned of well prior to them happening. also predicted the the 2008 financial crisis in America. For the sake of Britain call off Brexit. STORY SOURCE Austerity kills: this week’s figures show its
devastating toll Wed 8 Aug 2018 12.52 EDT Last modified on Wed 8 Aug 2018 16.40 EDT - “We got there in the end – a remarkable national effort”: that’s how former chancellor George Osborne celebrated the government meeting his deficit target on the day-to-day budget two years late. “It was the right thing to do,” was David Cameron’s smug echo. It’s easy for the architects of the Tories’ ideologically driven austerity to be triumphalist, given they did not suffer the consequences: the worst squeeze in wages of the major industrialised countries except depression-ravaged Greece; the slashing of social security for low-paid workers and disabled people; the surging child poverty. New research suggests that austerity played a key role in the Brexit vote, which plunged Britain into national crisis, too, and which turfed both men out of office, although both continue to prosper, Cameron with his “trotters up”, as Danny Dyer so memorably put it. But there is another devastating consequence of their austerity that is too little discussed: that it kills. According to newly published figures from the Office for National Statistics, Britain’s improvement in life expectancy has slowed at the fastest rate of any leading industrialised nation other than the free-market citadel of the United States. Since 2011, the rate of improvement for men has collapsed by over three-quarters; for women, an astonishing 91%. For decades, life expectancy steadily rose in Britain: and then, suddenly, just as the Tories took power and imposed austerity, this improvement ground to a halt. As academics earlier this year noted as they demanded a public inquiry, it represents one of the worst slowdowns in life expectancy improvements in around 120 years. Last October, the ONS revised down life expectancy by 2041 by nearly a year less than their estimates in 2015. As Professor Danny Dorling and Stuart Gietel-Basten note, that means one million projected earlier deaths over the next four decades. Tragically, we do not have to wait for those unnecessary early deaths. According to a bombshell report in the British Medical Journal last year, austerity has been linked to 120,000 extra deaths since 2010. In practice, it suggested, that could lead to 100 early deaths every single day in the coming years. The impact is, predictably enough, felt by the poorest... Theresa May reveals how her faith in God gives her confidence she is 'doing the right thing' 'I am a practising member of the Church of England and so forth, that lies behind what I do', the Prime Minister says Sunday 27 November 2016 19:18 - Theresa May has described how her faith in God makes her convinced she is “doing the right thing” as Prime Minister. In a rare interview – in which she said the “hugely challenging” task of Brexit leaves her with little time for sleep – Ms May opened up about her Christian beliefs. Speaking with the Sunday Times, the Prime Minister was asked how she steeled herself for the job and the tough decisions ahead.She replied: “It's about, 'Are you doing the right thing?' If you know you are doing the right thing, you have the confidence, the energy to go and deliver that right message.” Asked if that was a “moral” approach, Ms May added: “I suppose there is something in terms of faith. “I am a practising member of the Church of England and so forth, that lies behind what I do."... RELATED ARTICLES British Prime Minister Theresa May And London Mayor Sadiq Khan In Danger Of Losing Election Votes British Prime Minister Theresa May Forms Coalition Government With DUP To Remain In Office Britain Facing Another Food Shortage As Predicted On The Site Last Year (CO2) Prime Minister Theresa May Yielding On Her Visa Ban Of Foreign Doctors The 2018 Council Elections Are A Bellwether Regarding Brexit Britain After Brexit (Part II) |
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