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The FBI Is Attacking And Abusing Americans For Engaging In Peaceful Political Dissent

November 4. 2019

Christopher Wray

The Intercept website published an insightful article on the FBI and the human rights abuses they have been committing against Americans, who engage in political dissent. The article is titled “The FBI Has a Long History of Treating Political Dissent as Terrorism.”

The article describes the FBI targeting and abusing Americans for lawfully engaging in constitutionally accepted political dissent. As previously stated on the site, in a story I broke first, the FBI has been targeting Black Lives Matter for peaceful political protests, as it reminds them of Martin Luther King jr, whom they had murdered (FBI Has Been Spying On Black Lives Matter As I Previously Stated Online).

The FBI's COINTELPRO tactics against Black Lives Matter, has already resulted it one of its high profile members committing suicide (Edward Crawford). The abuses became too much and he regrettably killed himself. He is one of several suicides in the group, who succumb to FBI abuses.

This is the same nefarious FBI who sent Nobel Peace Prize winner Martin Luther King Jr a suicide letter, demanding he kill himself, for daring to preach blacks and whites are equal in the sight of God. The FBI's suicide letter to King has become an ugly piece of world history testifying against the agency, regarding its sheer cruelty and evil.

Suicide letter the FBI sent to Martin Luther King Jr

The FBI is also targeting groups on the political right, who have lawfully espoused more freedoms for Americans. The FBI does not like anyone encouraging Americans to think for themselves and peacefully petition for more freedoms in society.

The FBI likes America under its strict and corrupt control, running the nation like a police state, while trampling the Constitution, Congress and the White House (illegal warrantless spying, harassment, threats and cracking down on constitutional, peaceful political dissent via unconstitutional and illegal means in abusing law enforcement tools given to them by Congress). 

They have engaged in illegal wiretaps, hacking, stalking, blackmail, threats and harassment, in targeting groups such as Black Lives Matter and libertarians on the right. They have even offered money to people to infiltrate and spy on them. Those who do not accept the money to illegal spy are threatened and so are their families. It is completely criminal, and a complete and utter waste of taxpayer money.

Meanwhile, there are terrorists plotting to attack crucial government and infrastructure targets in America, while the FBI is diddling around watching Americans who lawfully and peacefully protest. Once again, this is why terrible terrorist attacks and mass shootings keep getting through and killing innocent people. The FBI is paying attention to the wrong things, while ignoring serious and credible tips (FBI Makes Deceitful Claim They Could Not Find School Shooter Nikolas Cruz 5-Months Ago With Credible Tip From You Tube Page).


The FBI Has a Long History of Treating Political Dissent as Terrorism

October 22 2019, 12:03 p.m. - While terrorism in the U.S. is relatively rare, over the last decade most politically motivated violence has come at the hands of far-right extremists. Despite that reality, the FBI has devoted disproportionate resources to the surveillance of nonviolent civil society groups and protest movements, particularly on the left, using its mandate to protect national security to target scores of individuals posing no threat but opposing government policies and practices...

“Activists today are knowledgeable and informed about COINTELRPO and previous iterations of surveillance of activists, and people are pretty hip to it. They understand the government may be watching them,” said Myaisha Hayes, an organizer with the racial justice group Media Justice whose grandfather spent 45 years in prison over his involvement with the Black Panther Party and Black Liberation Army. “When people are oppressed and they’re fighting for greater justice and liberation, there are very few things that are going to stop them.”



Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From George Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth Billions For Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People Dead




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