The FBI Illegally Went To Iceland
To Criminally Frame Wikileaks Julian Assange But Was
Rebuffed By Suspicious Icelandic Government Minister In
Conduct That Has Become Standard Criminal Behavior From The
U.S. Federal Agency
December 27. 2016

Left to right: current FBI Director James Comey,
former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller and President Obama
The Daily Mail in Britain and RT in Russia
are reporting that the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI), "Sent a 'planeload of FBI agents to frame Julian
Assange' during mission to the country in 2011." Former
Icelandic government minister, Ögmundur Jonasson, publicly
stated this month that the FBI sent agents to Iceland and
flat out lied to them about an "imminent attack" on their
nation’s computer databases, to try to rope them into
criminally framing Wikileaks’ Julian Assange for a crime he
did not commit, as a means of "neutralizing" him.
Assange had website hosting in Iceland for
his whistleblower website Wikileaks and that’s why the FBI
showed up there trying to start trouble and in criminal
violation of U.S. and international law. It is a crime to go
traipsing in a foreign country as agents of another
government, acting under false pretenses.
Assange has been publishing leaked
classified files to the internet on his website Wikileaks.
Many of the leaked classified documents were given to him by
government whistleblowers tired of the criminal corruption
in the U.S. government that has cost innocent people their
lives in America and around the world.
The Judiciary Report has maintained from
the start of this scandal that the U.S. government, via
former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton and agents in the
federal government, who were acting on her orders and that
of President Obama, framed Wikileaks founder Julian Assange
for rape in Sweden.
When Iceland would not help them, the FBI
and CIA went to Sweden and arranged for two women to lie to
the police in stating Assange raped them. These are serious
crimes by the federal government and the women involved. Ms.
so-called women’s rights advocate, Hillary Clinton, had
Assange framed for what is a very serious crime against
women. Clearly, Hillary has grown desensitized to rape, due
to all the women who have accused her husband, former
president, Bill Clinton, of sexually assaulting and raping
It is a despicable thing to falsely accuse
someone of rape, as it is a very serious crime that has
destroyed many victims’ lives to the point they had to
struggle to face the world again and move forward. Yet, here
is this demon in a pantsuit, Clinton, using rape as a weapon
in framing a man. However, Assange hit Clinton where it
hurts for framing him for rape - he leaked so many damning
secret files about her during the 2016 presidential election
that key voters refused to support her in the voting booth,
which handed Donald Trump the U.S. presidency.
There is a political lesson to be learned
in that story. Politicians need to beware of “taking off the
gloves” and wounding people they deem rivals or enemies.
Some enemies fight back in destroying what you value most
and God help you if they turn the public against you. In
some cases, it resulted in politicians having to flee their
nations in disgrace and fearing for their lives under public
rage, living in exile with their equally disgraced families,
after key revelations were leaked about their unlawful or
unethical conduct.
The FBI and CIA are constantly showing up
in foreign countries and breaking the law. The Associated
Press reported the CIA breaks the law on average over
100,000 in the international community each year. Foreign
governments hate the FBI and CIA, due to the trouble they‘ve
caused in the international community and the harm and
disgrace it brought.
Since the time of Martin Luther King Jr’s
assassination, which the FBI was blamed for under deranged,
disgraced director, J. Edgar Hoover (select FBI agents blew
the whistle stating the FBI killed King), the world has
hated the FBI. However, the FBI are under some delusion that
people all over the globe love them, when there is a
tremendous amount of contempt for them and the CIA in the
international community.
(Side bar: the CIA is under criminal
indictment in Italy for kidnapping a man from their shores,
with FBI support, flying him out of the country, torturing
him for months, due to him being a Muslim they falsely
labeled a terrorist, then letting him go. The CIA is running
from the indictment in a cowardly fashion, after arrogantly,
cockily and criminally traipsing in Italy acting like
psychotic bullies and kidnappers).
Foreign government workers see the FBI and
CIA coming and roll their eyes and sigh, as they know
something evil will emanate from their visit. Other
government workers all over the international community
immediately go on guard, knowing the FBI and CIA to be
outrageous liars and human rights abusers, who constantly
show up illegally and unannounced in foreign nations to make
trouble. The FBI and CIA have worn out their welcome in the
international community, in what is an open secret among
world governments who hate them for their sociopathic,
barbaric, treacherous and deceitful behavior.
Word has been getting around political and
government circles in the international community for the
past few years, regarding the crimes the FBI and CIA have
been committing abroad and people are well and truly tired
of it. Their reputation proceeds them and they are
embarrassing America in the world, unnecessarily creating
enemies and ill-will with their malicious criminal behavior.
For example, the Judiciary Report broke
the story about Hillary Clinton wanting to drone innocent
people in the international community (Hillary
Clinton Wanted To Murder Wikileaks' Julian Assange Via A
Drone). Days later the mainstream press
reported Clinton wanted to drone Assange, but other
government officials in Washington overrode the deranged,
dangerous request.
1. Assange has been holed up in the
Ecuadorian embassy in London’s wealthy, picturesque
Knightsbridge district. If that deranged old madwoman
Clinton had gotten her way, there would have been collateral
damage. There is no clean surgical strike with a drone. It
catches and incinerates the intended target and that which
is on the periphery of its intended subject designated for
death. Innocent people would have died, as the buildings are
terrace properties, meaning joined onto each other. It would
have blown up the embassy and surrounding properties and
2. There are other foreign embassies in
the area that would have branded it an attack on them as
well, suspicions would have been flying and the official
pronouncement in the world would have been Britain is not
safe for world governments.
3. The British police and security
services would have been bashed in the world press, branded
incompetent and negligent, when they are not. After all, who
would initially suspect a deranged, power-mad, pantsuit
wearing, switch hitting old granny with dementia as the
4. Tourism would have taken a hit, as many
tourists visit Knightsbridge. It’s a very nice place with
great food, shopping and architecturally significant
If entities within the U.S. government
hadn’t been engaging in such heinous, illegal conduct, there
would have been no necessity to piss their pants that the
documents leaked on Wikileaks, as there would have been no
unlawful activity to be humiliated about committing.
However, select members of the U.S. government have been
committing every crime one can commit. Therefore, they had
good reason to want the leaks to stop, but chose more
criminal activity as a means of trying to stem further
There is a clear case of mental insanity
within the federal government, that trying to drone innocent
people and setting them up for rape became an option. It has
shown America and the world a very ugly and evil side of the
U.S. government it will never forget.
The FBI has criminally gone into foreign
nations falsely accusing people of crimes they did not
commit in order to rile up and gain the support of world
governments into attacking innocent people. The FBI is a
sick, depraved, mentally deranged agency.
The FBI has even gone to world governments
lying to them that people the agency have been targeting are
“terrorists” and “spies” and on the more insane end of the
FBI's lies “aliens” and “telepathic.” They have presented
falsified items to world governments in trying to get their
way on foreign shores.
I will state this, the U.S. Congress
has massively dropped the ball, to have an agency headed up
by mentally deranged men like Robert S. Mueller and James
Comey, sending agents into the world telling people that
others are “aliens” and “telepathic.” That’s just straight
up insanity. These men are mentally unsound and unfit for
the posts they’ve occupied.
They are embarrassing America with this
madness and causing massive offense in the international
community. They are also creating international incidents.
They’ve gone too far and it is going to lead to extradition
papers pouring in for select FBI officials and agents (but
far worse than the criminal case Italy has brought against
the CIA, whose agents they've sent extradition papers for,
due to their criminal conduct abroad).
My personal experience with the FBI has
been a disgusting one. I broke the phone hacking case
regarding News Corp/News International first and was called
into the Miami FBI office twice for interviews years ago.
They used items I gave them and stated, as well as things
written on the Judiciary Report and Sound Off Column,
verbatim in the government’s indictment of former private
investigator, Anthony Pellicano. Hillary Clinton and
were Pellicano's his main clients.
The head of the FBI at the time, a white
supremacist sued by minority FBI agents and members of the
public for discrimination and racism, Robert S. Mueller,
criminally sent FBI agents to trespass in Britain, engaging
in a host of criminal behavior, due to me leaving America
over their sick behavior in tandem with Hollywood, regarding
my vast copyrighted catalog of songs, film scripts, books
and other items they've infringed.
Under white supremacist Mueller, the FBI
had taken a bribe from Madonna (FBI agents have been
arrested in several cases for taking financial bribes to
derail criminal cases) to look the other way to terrible
criminal behavior by the washed up pop singer and her
cohorts in Hollywood, who have obsessively and criminally
been stealing very valuable copyrights I registered with the
Library of Congress, prior to them infringing items from it.
Mueller, a corrupt man, who even went into
Congress talking about “world domination” in a manner that
offended and caused concern in the international community,
was all too happy to help Hollywood steal from a foreign
born black woman, in support of white Hollywood.
During the course of the case, the FBI
criminally went to Britain each time I went there and the
agency outright broke the law. They abused the law in
Britain by threatening and harassing the British side of my
family, demanding they help them with detrimental behavior,
aimed at destroying me, to facilitate the full theft of my
copyrighted catalog.
The FBI criminally issued threats that led
my family to believe their lives and immigration status as
naturalized British citizens was in jeopardy. My family has
peacefully lived and paid taxes in Britain for 4 decades.
Their children are born and raised in Britain.
Yet here is this trashbag agency, the FBI, criminally
trying to impose their will upon them, when the FBI has no
legal mandate to operate in Britain and outright broke the
law on British shores. My family became alarmed.
My aunt taught thousands of school
children in Britain for decades. Her daughter has treated
thousands of patients in Britain as a doctor. Yet here is
this dirty, psychotic trashbag federal agency traipsing in
Britain like a set of maniacs, landing on their doorsteps,
bullying and threatening people because they need help in
stealing preexisting copyrights, in support of degenerate,
lazy, shiftless stars in Hollywood, too dumb to author their
own copyrights (hence them repeatedly getting sued by
Americans and people around the world for criminal copyright
Once again, it takes real human garbage to
harass and threaten a retired teacher in her 80s, who is
struggling with Parkinsons. The members of the FBI involved
in that criminal stunt, your parents really brought some
trash into this world (as they say "the apple doesn't fall
far from the tree"). Who does the FBI think they are doing
something so disgusting, disgraceful and evil to a little
old lady and her daughter. They are scum. I’ve stated it
before and I shall state it again, the FBI is a complete
embarrassment and disgrace to America. What kind of animals
do something so sick and evil. The world hates the FBI and
with good reason.
The FBI’s congressional mandate does not
extend to British shores, as under U.S. law and British law,
it simply cannot. Therefore, the FBI’s demonic conduct was
extrajudicial and felonious.
The FBI has no sense of decency, decorum
or class to be traipsing around Britain and national sites
owned by the British taxpayers, such as Buckingham Palace,
like they own the place. The FBI and Madonna’s Kabbalah
Center didn’t give a damn who they embarrassed with their
criminal behavior in Britain, so long as they achieved some
demented goal of abusing someone whose valuable assets they
have been targeting and stealing like depraved junkyard
Congressional law does not permit the FBI
to assist others in committing felony theft or invasion of
privacy, to act with complicity in such criminal matters or
abusing the owner of the valuable intellectual property
being stolen in violation of U.S. and international law, in
attempts at threatening and bullying the person into giving
up their assets.
Congressional law does not permit the FBI
to pick and choose who they give justice to when U.S. law
has been broken, but that’s what they have been doing
regarding Madonna’s criminal behavior and that of others
(and even in the Clinton classified email case, which led
many on social networking to slam the FBI as "corrupt" and
I want the FBI and the Kabbalah Center
(Madonna) to publicly tell the British people how it was
appropriate or lawful (it wasn’t) that they arranged for an
American palace worker, Mary Money, to verbally accost,
scream at, spit in the face of, violate the personal space
of and try to take a $1,110 camera from a Caribbean citizen
from a high profile Jamaican family, who was visiting
Buckingham Palace, the property of the British people, not
the U.S. government or Kabbalah, on a paid tour (read more
about it here:
Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of American Taxpayer Money
Breaking The Law In America, Britain And Jamaica On Behalf Of
Madonna's Kabbalah Center In Committing Egregious Human Rights
Did the FBI and Kabbalah Center stop to
think what kind of nasty message that sends 20,000,000
Caribbeans in the world and the 1,000,000 Jamaican Britons
in Britain. It is inexcusable. Some people have labeled the
incident racism. What was Madonna and the FBI hoping to
accomplish with that incident - you know, other than getting
embarrassed to millions of people reading about it on my
sites. It was a nasty extension of the human rights abuses
Madonna and the corrupt FBI supporting her madness have
committed against me in America.
Not to mention, the unlawfulness of the
FBI showing up at the 2012 London Olympics
and trying to dig up dirt on black athlete Usain Bolt and
his family while they were there, in
attempting to bring him down for being a black foreigner who
was the star of the Games. White supremacist FBI Director
Robert S. Mueller, who ordered the illegal initiative at the
2012 Olympics, wanted white American athlete Michael Phelps
to be the star of the Games. And once again, this is nothing
against Phelps, who is a great athlete. This is about the
FBI’s vile, racist madness that has been going on since the
days of Martin Luther King Jr and Muhammad Ali and has not
(I broke the
exclusive story first
FBI Is Illegally And Inappropriately Spying At The 2012
The FBI had stalked, approached and
harassed me at a South Kensington internet cafe during the
2012 Olympics, harassing me about telling my readers on this
site to vote for Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential
election when I do not agree with his politics and demanding
to know when I was coming back to America, like I was some
runaway slave they were there to retrieve.
A well connected person informed me after
that disgusting incident that the FBI was at the 2012
Olympics with the primary objective of stalking and digging
up dirt on Usain Bolt with the goal of discrediting him
(which led me to break this story:
The FBI Was At The
2012 Olympics Illegally Spying Confirming What This Site
Previously Stated). Bolt was the
star of the 2008 Beijing Olympics and it began happening
again with the 2012 London Olympics with tickets selling out
and him dominating press articles before the games had even
begun. FBi Director Mueller hated it.
The FBI's conduct at the Olympics was a
gross waste and misuse of the American taxpayers' money on
FBI Director Mueller's deranged, racist agenda that was full
of ill-will and malice, at an event symbolizing world unity
and brotherhood. Disgusting!
The FBI also began harassing my friends in
America, who are law-abiding, taxpaying, hardworking,
naturalized American citizens, threatening to deport them,
if they did not help the FBI threaten and abuse me into
giving up the rights to my very valuable copyrights worth
billions of dollars, in support of degenerates in Hollywood.
This is a pattern of criminal misconduct
by the FBI present in a number of cases. I don't know how
Congress could possibly think the FBI criminally doing such
things in America and the international community in places
such as Britain, is a good and appropriate way to represent
America in the world. It's a damn disgrace.
And the FBI wonders why the world hates
them. Even Americans hate the FBI. I’ve heard Americans slam
the agency over their sick conduct. In all the years I spent
in America, I’ve never heard an American say anything good
about the FBI. It’s always comments about them being a
“psychotic” and “crazy” agency.
This is the reckless, deranged, deceitful
attitude of the FBI, CIA and select other government
officials, in that they do whatever evil madness comes to
their arrogant, depraved minds, not giving a darn about the
consequences to America or any other nation of the world.
I have a track record of being right and
telling the truth, as my 300
exclusives that later proved true
attests. However, the FBI has a track record for repeatedly
lying and criminally breaking the law:
Members Of Congress Question FBI Director James Comey In Hearing
About Hillary Clinton Lying To The Legislature And FBI Under
New Scandal Erupts Regarding The FBI And Justice Department Monitoring
Calls Of AP Reporters Confirming Previous Site Claims
FBI Agent Arrested For Accepting A $200,000 Bribe To Derail A
Criminal Case The FBI Was Supposed To Be Investigating
Tells FBI To Buzz Off Denying Request To Hack Into Person's Computer And Spy On
Them Using Their Webcam
Demands FBI Investigate Rupert Murdoch For Hacking Rival & Stealing
Their Copyrights
The FBI Was At The 2012 Olympics Illegally Spying
Confirming What This Site Previously Stated
The FBI Spying On Journalists Emails Just As The Website Previously
News Confirms That FBI Director Lied To Congress About Carrier IQ
Agents Making Sex Tapes, Paying Strippers And Leaking National Secrets
FBI Knew About London
Bombing Plot 1 Year In Advance
FBI's Secret Spying Is Unnerving The Public
FBI Accused
Of Torturing Muslims In Pakistan
How George Bush Destroyed
The U.S. Economy
Jackson's FBI File Surprised Family
FBI's WMD Department
Rebuked By IG
The FBI Continues To
Break The Law
FBI's Aged Osama Pic
FBI's Secret File Room
The FBI Fail Again Part 2
The FBI Fail Again
Former Icelandic minister claims US sent
'planeload of FBI agents to frame Julian Assange' during
mission to the country in 2011
Published: 19:01 EST, 10 December 2016 |
Updated: 02:17 EST, 11 December 2016 - A former Icelandic
minister has claimed that the FBI attempted to frame Julian
Assange during a mission to Iceland. Ögmundur Jonasson, who
currently serves as a member of the Icelandic Parliament,
said US authorities told him in June 2011 that hackers were
trying to destroy software systems in the country.
The authorities said there was an
'imminent attack' on Iceland's government databases and that
the FBI would send agents to investigate. Jonasson said he
was immediately skeptical of the FBI's intentions. 'I was
suspicious,' he told Katoikos. 'Well aware that a helping
hand might easily become a manipulating hand!'
Jonasson said it was only when a
'planeload' of FBI agents arrived in August that he realized
the true reason for their visit. The former minister claims
the FBI was seeking Iceland's 'cooperation in what I
understood as an operation set up to frame Julian Assange
and WikiLeaks'. Jonasson said he immediately told the FBI
agents to leave the country.
'Since they had not been authorized by the
Icelandic authorities to carry out police work in Iceland,
and since a crack-down on WikiLeaks was no on my agenda, I
ordered that all cooperation with them be promptly
terminated,' he said. 'I also made it clear they should
cease all activities in Iceland immediately.' Jonasson said
he also made it clear that when it came to picking a side,
he was Team Assange.
'I also made it clear at the time that if
I had to take sides with either WikiLeaks or the FBI or CIA,
I would have no difficulty in choosing: I would be on the
side of WikiLeaks'. Despite the fact that this happened five
years ago, and was heavily reported about in 2013, this
appears to be the first time Jonasson has publicly claimed
the US was trying to 'frame' Assange.
When the story first broke, Jonasson told
the New York Times that 'eight or nine' FBI agents had
arrived to gather material on WikiLeaks. The former minister
said he had asked the agents to leave because 'they had
misrepresented the purpose of their visit'. Jonasson said he
made it clear he was 'on the side' of WikiLeaks and Assange
and has several times raised the issue of giving Edward
Snowden (pictured) asylum in Iceland...
Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of American Taxpayer Money
Breaking The Law In America, Britain And Jamaica On Behalf Of
Madonna's Kabbalah Center In Committing Egregious Human Rights
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