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The FBI Spied On Muhammad Ali And Tried To Destroy His Personal And Business Relationships In Conduct Done To Other High Profile Black People December 23. 2016
Muhammad Ali and Martin Luther King Jr were both targeted by the FBI in terrible ways. A few black agents who left the FBI insist the agency had Martin Luther King Jr killed. This is a follow up to the June 9, 2016 Judiciary Report article “Muhammad Ali Spoke About Blacks Facing Discrimination In Obtaining Loans And Opening Businesses In America In A Problem That Still Exists Today (Video).” In the aforementioned article six months ago the Judiciary Report stated, “It's amazing how some of the same people in the U.S. government in the 1960s who vehemently opposed Ali and treated him like dirt are now applauding him as a hero, when he never changed his stance on human rights. Why does the U.S. government keep abusing people who go on to become legends. Why is it outstanding Americans who stand up for freedom and justice are more appreciated in the international community than by the U.S. government, who constantly keeps terrible, invasive files on them at the CIA and FBI.” This week a federal judge issued an order legally compelling the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to release select items from Muhammad Ali’s FBI file, due to a recently filed lawsuit by Judicial Watch. What has been released is a disgrace, as it shows Ali was being targeted by the U.S. government. The hidden, unreleased items the FBI and CIA have in their possession are not pretty, as they show a complete hatred and malice toward Ali and the sick lengths the two agencies went to in illegal bids at destroying him. The FBI and CIA have been abusive and intrusive regarding the late boxing legend. They sought to destroy Ali over his outspoken political and personal views that were constitutionally expressed. If the public found out the sick extent the FBI and CIA went to in trying to destroy Ali, they would be disgusted and outraged. They spied on Ali in every way you could imagine. They secretly went around threatening people, telling them to distances themselves from him and be abusive towards Ali. They tried to destroy his personal and business relationship. The FBI even mulled having Ali killed, as he vocally objected to the war and how badly black people are treated in America. The FBI operate under the belief that black people are second class citizens who need to know their place. The FBI has a long, sordid history of appointing white supremacists as directors of the agency. It is something that has been engrained in the agency since the days of evil, psychotic madman J. Edgar Hoover. FBI agents are also engrained with very disturbing, sociopathic, malicious, callous and hateful behavior at Quantico. This site has issued roughly 300 exclusives (and counting) that later proved true and correct. Do you remember my exclusive article on July 31, 2012 entitled “The FBI Is Illegally And Inappropriately Spying At The 2012 Olympics“ where I stated the FBI was at the London 2012 Olympics spying for bad reasons, then two years later, in November 2016, I was proven correct via mainstream television and press reports confirming their then secretive investigative presence at the games: “The FBI Was At The 2012 Olympics Illegally Spying Confirming What This Site Previously Stated.” I was tipped off by a credible source as to the reasons the FBI was secretly skulking around the Olympics. The vibe in London, England for the 2012 Olympics was a good one among people from many nations. People had a good time and pleasantly interacted with others from different countries. That’s what the Olympics are supposed to be about, world unity. However, that spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood was not present in the evil FBI, who showed up at the games for other reasons. The reason I authored the July 31, 2012 article "The FBI Is Illegally And Inappropriately Spying At The 2012 Olympics" from London, England was because I found out the FBI was there searching for ways to bring down Olympic star Usain Bolt of Jamaica. As stated above, the FBI is an ugly, racist agency, run by white supremacists. The FBI director at the time, Robert S. Mueller, is a white supremacist. He was frequently sued by black and Hispanic FBI agents for racist, discriminatory and abusive behavior. He was also sued by civilian victims of crime for racist, discriminatory and abusive behavior against minorities. Mueller is a man who has gone into Congress speaking about “world domination” in an alarming manner. For his crazy backside that extended to everything, including sports, in a Hitler like fashion. Remember Hitler and Jesse James at the 1936 Olympics. Hitler was very resentful of the fact that black athlete Jesse Owens was the fastest man in the world. It’s sad, because sports are not about color. People of all races have excelled in different events. I don’t understand people who bring race into sports. No one race is better than another. When I broke the story first on the FBI illegally and inappropriately spying at the 2012 Olympics, which was proven true 2-years later, I had been tipped off that Mueller was angry that black Jamaican Usain Bolt was the star of the Olympics and not white American Michael Phelps (I have nothing against Phelps and I always root for him to win, as he is a great, phenomenal athlete, but this is about the vile FBI and their unnecessary ill will and malice). As such Mueller sent FBI agents to spy on and dig up dirt on Bolt at the Olympics in a mean-spirited bid to bring him down. It was one of the primary objectives of their presence at the 2012 Olympics in London. Bolt went on to be the star of the 2016 Olympics as well, where the FBI was skulking around again spying on him, looking for a way to bring him down, under Mueller’s protégé and former subordinate, James Comey. The FBI had no right doing this. Jamaica was not going to win the Olympics. America or China often win the Olympics. Jamaica is a small island with a few dedicated athletes. For the FBI to have done this was terrible. It goes against everything the Olympics stand for in the world. The FBI has a very warped view on sports. FBI officials and agents are criminally breaking the law in this realm domestically and internationally. The FBI is also actively and criminally meddling in international football (soccer) as well as boxing. They are illegally spying with ill-intent and criminally violating international law in foreign nations they have no mandate to operate in. The FBI resents the fact that the most popular, prestigious and lucrative sport in the world is dominated by Messi (Argentina), Ronaldo (Portugal) and Neymar (Brazil) and the Premier League in Britain. Football annually grosses in excess of $10 billion dollars and is responsible for thousands of jobs all over the world. The FBI needs to watch its step meddling in football, because if they damage it with their incompetence and bad motives, the world will not react well. In America, FBI agents have abused spy tools at the agency to pry into items regarding sports teams and star athletes, so they can make money betting on events using inside information. Some agents are sports fans and misusing FBI resources to spy on their favorite athletes. This is all a waste of taxpayer money that is inappropriate. STORY SOURCE FBI Monitored Muhammad Ali Over Muslim Ties 12/16/2016 05:08 am ET - The FBI has been criticized for monitoring public figures, including civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr and rock singer John Lennon, in the turbulent 1960s and 1970s. (Reuters) - The FBI kept tabs on the late boxer Muhammad Ali in 1966, including his divorce and his speech at a Miami mosque, in its investigation of the religious group Nation of Islam, according to documents released by the agency. The release of the documents, recently posted on the website of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, was first reported by the New York Times online on Thursday. The former heavyweight boxing champion died in June at age 74, after a life in the ring and in activism that made him one of the world’s most famous celebrities. Former President Bill Clinton was among the dignitaries at his funeral. The latest batch of about 140 pages of FBI documents from 1966 on Ali, which includes previously classified material, were released following a lawsuit to obtain the papers brought in August by conservative group Judicial Watch. The papers, which used Ali’s birth name Cassius Clay, includes a request for agents to monitor his divorce that year from his first wife as a “lead.” “The Miami (FBI) office is requested to follow the divorce action between Cassius and Sonja Clay with particular emphasis being placed on any NOI (Nation of Islam) implication being brought into this matter,” one memo stated. A separate FBI memo on a speech Ali gave in 1966 at a mosque said he discussed efforts to strip him of his heavyweight title and blamed the “white man.”... RELATED ARTICLES Judge Rules The NSA Illegally Spied On Americans Confirming The Site's Previous Claims (Video) IRS Says Sorry For Targeting Conservatives As Obama Denies All Knowledge Of Misconduct |
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