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The 2018 U.S. Midterm Elections Results Are In

November 7. 2018

Ron DeSantis and Andrew Gillum

Yesterday marked a frenzied day of voting in America, as the public took to the polls in the midterm elections, regarding the U.S. Congress. The Republicans have retained the Senate and the Democrats have won back the House, after losing the majority 8-years ago during former Democratic president Barack Obama’s time in office. Now the same has occurred regarding Republican president Donald Trump. The public and politicians must respect the vote. That’s how democracy works.

100 women, 20 of whom are women of color, have been elected to office, which is an accomplishment people are celebrating. Popular independent senator, Bernie Sanders, who has shown compassion for the poor and downtrodden in America, has been reelected in the state of Vermont.

Nancy Pelosi, a woman who engaged in criminal insider trading using information gained through her congressional post, was reelected. Pelosi, among others, is proof there should be term limits in Congress. Pelosi, among others in Congress, have also illegally received invasive items on innocent Americans for political gain, which was unlawfully compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). That is corrupt.

Pelosi has been in Congress since the Declaration of Independence was signed (LOL). She is now making considerable errors during speeches, showing all the signs of cognitive decline. It is not her age, but her mental state. There are other members of Congress in her age group who are not showing the signs of mental decline.

Liberals are angry with the state of Florida for voting in Ron DeSantis, who engaged in dog whistle racism against rival, African American Andrew Gillum. DeSantis, who is a white American, stated to Florida voters regarding Gillum, “Don’t monkey this up.” The word “monkey” is used in America by racists as a racial slur against black people.

You would think Gillum would win after DeSantis made such a slur. However, two things worked against Gillum. Many ads were run in the state of Florida by DeSantis mentioning the fact Gillum is under criminal investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for taking a bribe.

Secondly, things did not turn out well for the candidates who were endorsed by Hollywood stars Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Diddy, DJ Khaled, TI and Rihanna, among others. They suffered massive losses in Florida, Georgia and Texas, costing the Democrats plenty. Gillum and fellow Democrats Stacey Abrams, Phil Bredesen, Jim Cooper, Beto O’Rourke and Ben Jealous, among others, were not helped by Hollywood stars publicly endorsing and making appearances with them.

Hollywood greatly overestimates its influence. No one wants political, spiritual, financial, medical or scientific advice from Hollywood. Hollywood is simply not qualified to be dispensing such advice. Hollywood stars do movie roles and start to think they can do anything in real life without training, from brain surgery to solving complex government problems, though they do not have the intellect or experience to do so. It is mental illness.

For years I have stated on this site that Hollywood is toxic poison for the Democrats, but not an election goes by where they don’t cross the line in going too far at the political party’s expense. Hollywood never knows its place and it has burned the Democrats on many occasions. Hollywood is free to vote for whomever they choose. However, their grandstanding, publicity stunts and vicious attacks on conservatives, centrists and libertarians have caused people to dislike the Democratic party, whom they frequently associate with in public.

Hollywood constantly abuses their podium via television, print media and the internet, to launch astonishing, hateful, abrasive, vile and very mean-spirited attacks on other people and their political views and religious beliefs. It has turned many people off from the Democrats running for office, who associate with Hollywood, because voters see it as guilt by association and assume said candidates are going to be like said celebrities, who are extremely debauched, far left liberals with no values or decency.

People don’t want political advice from Hollywood, as the public does not see celebrities as intellectuals. So many Hollywood stars spend their time making debauched entertainment, getting arrested for DUI or domestic violence and posting strange, nonsensical, crazy things on social networking for attention.

Many celebrities are also often high as a kite. People do not want to be told how to vote by individuals who live their lives by the motto of sex, drugs and rock n’ roll. Celebrities often don’t live in the real world, but want to lecture the public who do. You can’t do things like that.

The Republican party should send Hollywood thank you notes for messing up elections of the Democrats on a regular basis. In 2016, singers Katy Perry and Madonna went nude in publicity stunts demanding the public vote for Hillary Clinton and were showing off online about moving into the White House. The communicable disease known as Madonna also promised free oral sex to anyone who would vote for Clinton, which was a crazy, highly inappropriate thing to say, attaching the woman‘s name to a promise of prostitution. Just no class and never knows when to shut up.

Clinton had Perry and Madonna, among other unstable, crazy Hollywood stars, at campaign events and it worked against her. In life people will assume you are the company you keep. It wasn’t even stars like Kevin Costner or Denzel Washington, whom people respect. Clinton kept hanging out with the bottom of the barrel, trashy stars like Madonna, Katy Perry and rapist Harvey Weinstein.

Recently, singer Rihanna sent a cease and desist letter to President Donald Trump about her songs being used at his campaign rally. The audacity and arrogance of this woman and the rest of the people in the so-called Hollywood “Illuminati“ cult she belongs to is astounding. She is really full of herself and clearly out of her mind, like the rest of them in Kabbalah. First of all, hypocrite Rihanna has been sued so many times by so many people for stealing copyrighted, protected songs, how does she have the gall to insanely order a head of state to stop playing stuff she stole. Stay off the crack.

Some of the Hollywood stars trying to humiliate conservative and centrist politicians over songs djs play at political rallies, don’t even own the true copyrights to the music, as they stole them from other people, who either spoke out about the thefts and or sued them. Said offenders are not in a position to whine about people using their stolen songs at rallies. It shows how deluded, arrogant and crazy they are to do such a thing. No sense of shame to recognize the hypocrisy spewing from them.


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