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Special Counsel Robert Mueller Has Embarrassed Democrats In Congress

April 30. 2019

Robert Mueller

For over 2-years, former FBI Director turned Special Counsel in the now failed "Russia Collusion" probe, Robert Mueller, has willfully misled the public and Congress regarding his inept investigation into President Donald Trump. Playing into the fact that Democrats in Congress and liberals in the public want Trump out of office, Mueller began lapping up the attention that came with the post of Special Counsel.

Mueller used press leaks to get liberals into a frenzy, misleading them that he would hand them Trump on a silver platter. It was a massive ego stroke for a man who'd spent years hated for all the massive national security failures at the FBI that caused many innocent people to die. Mueller, via the Russian Collusion investigation, tried to remake himself as a hero, after years of unethical and criminal behavior at the FBI.

Mueller mislead people into believing that he had rock solid evidence of Russian collusion and that the president and his son, Donald Trump Jr., would be indicted and dragged out of the White House in handcuffs. He even tipped off the press regarding appearing at the airport and stared down Trump's son like he was about to arrest him (Robert Mueller Stalked Donald Trump Jr To The Airport).

Mueller had many in Congress convinced Trump would be arrested and removed from office. Democrats such as Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell, among others, began publicly professing that Mueller has a massive amount of evidence showing Trump colluded with the Russian government and faces the prospect of arrest. Mueller embarrassed Democrats in Congress with this deception. He knew the whole time that he had no evidence. Yet he allowed the crazy charade to continue, which has left Democrats in Congress with egg on their face.

However, it was a stupid thing for Mueller to do, as he never had any evidence of Russian collusion to begin with and only a fool would think that the moment of truth in the investigation would not arrive, where he would have to make his anti-climatic report public. The Mueller Report ended up exonerating Trump, as he was unable to find any collusion or obstruction of justice. The whole thing was a bust.

People who behave like Mueller are dangerous and can't be trusted. I warned from the moment Mueller became special counsel that he is a con artist and a scammer who is deceitful and untrustworthy. I saw the man in action for years at the FBI, committing crime after crime.

Once again, I was proven right in my July 25, 2015 claim that Russia exposed Clinton as a criminal (Russian Government Hackers Expose Democrats In Email Hack Leaking Items Revealing Election Rigging And Mocking Bernie Sanders Leading To Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Resignation). 2-years after my claims Russia was formally announced as the source of the DNC hack (12 Russian Military Officers Indicted For Hacking Into DNC And Hillary Clinton Computers).

A year ago I also warned that the Democrats should not align themselves with attorney Michael Avenatti, who was also working with Mueller (Social Networking States Stormy Daniels Looks Too Old To Strip At Clubs After Her Arrest For Fondling And Groping Male And Female Undercover Officers In Acts Of Sexual Assault).

Some Democrats have been left embarrassed, due to hitching their wagon to Mueller and Avenatti, which I warned would happen (Maxine Waters: If Mueller Doesn’t Get Trump Stormy Daniels Will). My prediction regarding Avenatti also proved true (The FBI Should Have Interviewed Julie Swetnick In The Brett Kavanaugh Case And Here's Why and The Dangers Of Lying About Sexual Assault And Rape (Julie Swetnick)) .

You have to be careful in life that in trying to attain what you want that you don't end up making a deal with the devil, because make no mistake, you will get burned.


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Robert Mueller Stalked Donald Trump Jr To The Airport



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