Shamed Actor Kevin Spacey Hit With Criminal
Charge For Sexually Assaulting Male Teen Asks The Judge To Let
Him Skip Court Date
January 3. 2019

Kevin Spacey
Hollywood actor and sexual predator, Kevin
Spacey, has been charged in criminal court with sexually
assaulting an 18-year-old male in a Massachusetts bar.
59-year-old Spacey put his hand under a table and began groping
the 18-year-old’s penis, in an incident that occurred in 2016.
This makes the sexual assault within the statute of limitations.
The incident was also caught on video.
Spacey asked the judge for permission to miss
his first criminal court date. Spacey's lawyer filed a legal
document in court requesting his client be permitted to skip the
arraignment, where one enters a formal plea (ie guilty or not
guilty) after being charged. However, Judge Thomas Barrett
denied Spacey's request, ordering him to make an appearance in
court for his arraignment.
Shamed Spacey’s reasoning in the court filing
failed to sway the judge as it stated, “That this court excuse
my physical presence at the arraignment as I reside out-of-state
and believe my presence will amplify the negative publicity
already generated in connection with this case.”
Standard Hollywood behavior. Hollywood
celebrities routinely exhibit the fact they do not believe the
rules that apply to everyone else, govern them as well. It’s
this chronic, corrupt mindset of believing they are above the
law and the rules do not apply to them, which has gotten men
like Spacey and fellow Hollywood sexual predator, Harvey
Weinstein, in criminal trouble under the MeToo movement.
Spacey has pulled another Hollywood move in
hiring a private investigator, as seen regarding Anthony
Pellicano, who is now in prison, and others. In Hollywood this
frequently results in lawbreaking activity occurring, as stars
pay private investigators to engage in criminal wiretapping,
computer hacking, stalking, intimidation and death threats,
among other things.
Spacey is going after his accuser, with the
insane excuse from the disgraced actor being, why didn't he stop
him from groping him for a couple minutes. When some people are
sexually assaulted or raped, they go into shock and freeze.
Their minds cannot process the trauma and drifts off to another
place. I’ve read rape cases where women who were raped stated
that in order to cope with the rape their minds drifted off
somewhere else in trying to block out what was happening.
Furthermore, would Spacey care to explain the
other men in America and Britain, numbering two dozen, who
formally accused him of sexual assault. One of the victims was a
minor at the time, which indicates Spacey is a pedophile (Kevin Spacey Slammed All Over Social Networking For Sexually
Assaulting A Underage Male Child Actor Then Coming Out As
In another arrogant twist, Spacey released a
video threatening to out other high profile gay pedophiles in
Hollywood if he is sent to prison for his crimes. So, he's
basically threatening to take everyone down with him. As I have
stated on this site for years, Hollywood has a serious problem
regarding pedophilia.
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