Robert Mueller's Russian Collusion Case
Collapses As He Is Forced To Concede There Was None
March 25. 2019

Donald Trump and Barack Obama
The bottom has fallen out of the Russia
collusion case of Special Prosecutor, Robert Mueller, which
targeted U.S. President Donald Trump. From the time the case was
announced, I stated it was going to fail and 3-years and
$20,000,000 in taxpayer money later, it spectacularly has, with
Mueller revealing he has absolutely nothing (which is what I
have consistently stated on this site for years).
Mueller could not come up with any evidence to
substantiate collusion or obstruction of justice on the
president’s part. At the heart of the case is the sheer
bitterness of failed presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton,
who thought she had the presidency in the bag during the 2016
election. She discounted Trump, then he won the candidacy for
the Republican party and began amassing massive grassroots
Clinton misused $9,000,000 in donated campaign
money to pay for an unverified dossier of claims made by a spy.
She then passed it on to people she knows at the FBI, where
Robert Mueller previously served as a director and abysmally so.
Clinton used her contacts at the FBI, who were trying to help
her win the election via misusing taxpayer money on an
investigation they knew to be fraudulent.
To shore up his party’s efforts at winning
the presidency again, former U.S. President, Barack Obama,
the Democrat incumbent, ordered the FBI and CIA to illegally
spy on the Trump campaign. The CIA even planted spies in the
Trump campaign. It was all an illegal political tactic by
Clinton and Obama, but it failed to produce the results they

Robert S. Mueller
Mueller got involved as special prosecutor in a
bid at controlling Trump. Mueller had committed a slew of
ongoing crimes during his time at the FBI. Mueller is also a war
criminal from the Iraq war, having ordered acts of torture and
murder. He belongs in the Hague.
Mueller is also a massive thief (Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally Defrauded
Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In Copyrights And
Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin Then Stonewalled
Congress Regarding It).
Mueller committed enough crimes at the FBI,
which make him worthy of receiving the death penalty in courts
of law. Bush and Obama went along with Mueller’s crimes in
support of the rich, which harmed America and the world. Trump
was another story. They could not control him. This is the heart
of the problem they have with him. Trump's “drain the swamp”
claims terrified the establishment in Washington, who did not
want him elected. Hence, the Russia collusion story.
I've been stating for years Mueller is taking
the American people for a terrible ride. He at no point had any
evidence and tore the country in two to preserve his own skin. I predict Mueller will be indicted at a future
date over serious and deadly crimes he has committed (during his
time at the FBI and forward), provided
he does the right thing for a change and sticks around to answer for his
crimes in court. And make no mistake, Mueller's sick crimes will fully be brought to
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