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Queen Elizabeth II Laid To Rest As King Charles Is Set To Take The Throne (Videos)

September 20. 2022

Queen Elizabeth II has been laid to rest in England. She was given a full state funeral attended by dignitaries from all over the world. The Queen's entire family was present for the funeral and as is tradition walked behind the casket.

Queen Elizabeth's funeral was beamed to over one billion people around the world, making it one of the most viewed broadcasts in history. The funeral also dominated news telecasts in many nations.

The Queen's casket being carried into Westminster Abbey in London

King Charles is now the new monarch. When people think monarch or royalty they automatically think Queen Elizabeth II. It is going to be very difficult for King Charles to live up to the type of fame his mother held in the world.

King Charles at the funeral of his mother Queen Elizabeth

The people of the United Kingdom, like so many in other nations, are facing financial hardships due to the coronavirus pandemic and climate change acceleration, which produced terrible natural disasters.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, and the Prince and Princess of Wales

The grand show of wealth Charles and his family regularly display is causing resentment among the masses in the United Kingdom, as seen on social networking sites, especially at this particular point in history.

Meghan The Duchess Of Sussex

This month many Brits have written comments on social networking stating they are working hard, struggling and paying their taxes, while the royal family are living very lavishly on taxpayer money, whilst being given special tax exemptions on their wealth, accumulated over the years from commandeering the assets of white Britons, and people in Africa, India and the Caribbean, among other places.

Princess Charlotte

The royals need to be mindful of the current climate, as these are Brits stating it; British voters who do not like the poverty enveloping the country, while seeing the royals live a lavish lifestyle. Times are changing. The royals need to learn to read the writing on the wall. The royals need to give many millions to charity to benefit the poor, as there is growing public resentment over the generational wealth they have accumulated, are sitting on, and its true source.


Queen Elizabeth Has Passed Away (Video)

Prince Philip Has Died



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