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Prince Philip Has Died

April 9. 2021

Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth during their engagement

Britain's Prince Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh, and husband of Queen Elizabeth II, has died in England. He was 99-years-old. Prince Phillip passed away 2-months shy of what would have been his 100th birthday. Prince Phillip and the Queen were married for 73-years, up to the time of his death. The couple have four children, eight grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren.

Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth in modern times

Prince Philip will not lie in state nor is he scheduled to have a public funeral, as coronavirus restrictions bar such large gatherings. Britain is now in an 8-day period of mourning over his death. He will have a private funeral in accordance with his wishes.

My tweets on Twitter.com about Prince Philip and the Queen:


Prince Philip: How the Covid pandemic has changed plans on how nation will mourn the Duke of Edinburgh

Friday 9 April 2021, 11:21pm - Plans in place for the mourning of Prince Philip following his death have been adjusted owing to the coronavirus pandemic. There will be no lying in state and no state funeral for Philip, in accordance with his wishes, but Covid-19 restrictions mean even more traditions will not be followed.

A plaque placed outside Buckingham Palace to announce the Duke of Edinburgh's death was removed an hour after being erected, to minimise coronavirus risks by stopping people from congregating. People have also been urged not to gather at Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle or any other royal residence, in order to stick with coronavirus regulations.

The Royal Family has asked members of the public consider making a donation to a charity instead of leaving floral tributes in memory of the Duke of Edinburgh...




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