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Prime Minister Boris Johnson Proposes To His Mistress While Wife And Mother Of His Kids Suffers From Cancer

March 3. 2020

Boris Johnson

The Prime Minister of Britain, Boris Johnson, 55, is currently married to barrister, Marina Wheeler, 55, who is also the mother of his 4 children. She has been suffering from cancer. However, that did not stop Boris fathering a child outside their marriage, then leaving his wife for a second younger woman, Carrie Symonds, aged 31.

Carrie began messing around with racist, xenophobic Boris while he was British Foreign Secretary under former Prime Minister, immigrant abusing Theresa May. Carrie and Boris have volatile rows that are so bad a neighbor called police last year to report screaming, yelling and the sounds of breaking glass.

Boris Johnson

Carrie earned between £20,000 to £30,000 per year, but was fired for misconduct as a press officer for the Conservative party (Tories), which is a salary that doesn't go very far in London when it comes to living expenses.

Yet, Carrie stuck with a man twice her age, who she constantly argues with, who also has the sex appeal of Shrek. When Boris was younger he looked better, but he has totally let himself go and refuses to use a comb or brush. Some of these men dump their wives for younger women, while not looking in the mirror at their own aging. Newsflash, you're no longer young either Boris. You look every bit your 55-years and add 10 more.

Carrie Symonds and Boris Johnson

Now why would Carrie stick with an unattractive, poorly aging, surly, argumentative, mean, racist, xenophobic man whom she has nothing in common with? I could understand if he were a single and attractive older man. However, he's not. Hmm could it be because Boris is worth £5,000,000 and is Prime Minister, commanding a salary of £150,000. Former world leaders from Britain and America often command $250,000 and higher for speeches when they leave office.

Last week Boris and Carrie announced she is expecting their first child together and are engaged. She is set to become his third wife, after residing in the highest office in Britain for months as a mistress. The whole thing is disgraceful. Carrie doesn't belong in Downing Street. She got there as a mistress and quickly got pregnant in a bid to remain in residence. No one respects that.

Boris Johnson

It should be Marina and Boris' children with him in Downing Street. Not the social climbing mistress. Never has a British Prime Minister had such a disgraceful home life and paraded it in public for all to see. It sets a terrible example for Britain and Commonwealth.

Carrie has also been acting like she is the Prime Minister. Reports in the British press allege unqualified Carrie has been demanding members of government be fired. Here's the thing, no one voted for her to be Prime Minister.


Boris Johnson and girlfriend Carrie Symonds expecting first baby together - and reveal engagement

Boris Johnson will become the first prime minister to marry while in office for more than 250 years.

Sunday 1 March 2020 03:58, UK - Boris Johnson's partner Carrie Symonds is pregnant and the couple have got engaged, they have announced. "The prime minister and Miss Symonds are very pleased to announce their engagement and that they are expecting a baby in the early summer," a spokesperson for the couple said.

On her Instagram account, Ms Symonds said: "I wouldn't normally post this kind of thing on here, but I wanted my friends to find out from me. "Many of you already know, but for my friends that still don't, we got engaged at the end of last year, and we've got a baby hatching early summer. Feel incredibly blessed."...

But not all politicians were so fulsome. Labour MP Florence Eshalomi queried the timing of the announcement, appearing to reference Sir Philip Rutnam's resignation from the Home Office some hours earlier. She tweeted: "Very convenient for this news to be announced today."...



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