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Obama And The FBI Slammed For Their Treatment Of Mike Flynn Which Is Likened To Lawbreaking Secret Police

May 19. 2020

Mike Flynn

The FBI was slammed in an op-ed piece regarding their treatment of former U.S. General Mike Flynn. The FBI tried to set up Flynn for political reasons during the 2016 presidential election. It was done on the orders of former U.S. president, Barack Obama, to assist his party's candidate, Hillary Clinton. However, Clinton failed to win the presidency, with Trump gaining the White House. The Justice Department recently dropped the case against Flynn.

The article stated, "Innocence did not matter if Stalin wanted you wasted. Once targeted, Beria fabricated the crime to fit the victim. The victim was routinely found guilty — if a trial was even held — got a bullet in the brain or was sent to the gulag, never to be heard from again. That is not the case in the United States, the bastion of democracy where, charged with a crime, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Unless of course you are targeted for destruction the way the Obama administration targeted former U.S. Army Gen. Michael Flynn, the man who knew too much."

The article further stated, "Prior to setting Flynn up as the fall guy in an attempt to damage incoming president Donald Trump, the FBI had found nothing illegal or wrong with the call since Flynn was President-elect Trump’s national security adviser and it was his duty to deal with foreign leaders. The phone call was not illegal in the first place, but the FBI sought in an impromptu interview to get Flynn to deviate from the transcript so they could nail him on a perjury rap. The tactics were reminiscent of what Beria did to innocent Russians.

One of the documents released by the Justice Department are the notes of one of the questioning FBI agents asking whether their goal was “to get him (Flynn) to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired."


What Obama’s FBI did to Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn was criminal

Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime. That is the famous — or infamous — quote attributed to Laventily Beria, the head of Joe Stalin’s dreaded secret police, the NKVD, in the Soviet Union. Beria, at the paranoid Stalin’s bidding, saw to the killing or imprisonment of an untold number of Russians deemed guilty of one political crime or another under the banner of Russian communism from 1941 until Stalin’s death in 1953.

Innocence did not matter if Stalin wanted you wasted. Once targeted, Beria fabricated the crime to fit the victim. The victim was routinely found guilty — if a trial was even held — got a bullet in the brain or was sent to the gulag, never to be heard from again.

That is not the case in the United States, the bastion of democracy where, charged with a crime, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Unless of course you are targeted for destruction the way the Obama administration targeted former U.S. Army Gen. Michael Flynn, the man who knew too much.

What happened was this: Obama pointed at the man and FBI Director James Comey, Obama’s Beria, delivered the crime. Now the whole thing is blowing up in Obama’s face, beginning with Attorney General William Barr’s decision last week, following an investigation, to drop the prosecution by the Justice Department of Flynn for misleading the FBI to which he, under pressure, had pleaded guilty...



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