Netflix Employees Barack Obama And
Susan Rice Refuse To Comment On The Sick Pedophile Film
'Cuties' That Is Enraging Social Media
September 16. 2020

Former U.S. President, Barack Obama, and his then
National Security adviser, Susan Rice
People on social media are angry with
former U.S. President Barack Obama and his
administration adviser, Susan Rice, for working for
Netflix, making key decisions concerning the streaming
service, collecting big checks, and keeping silent about
the pedophile film it is exhibiting entitled "Cuties."

As stated in the previous article
yesterday, "Netflix
Stock Drops In The Fall Out Of The Social Networking
Boycott Regarding The Pedophile Film 'Cuties'",
the pedophilic film has caused Netflix stock to drop.

It's curious how the Obamas went into
the White House heavily in debt, and like the Clintons,
are now billionaires with accounts all over the world,
including in offshore locations, which gives a certain
impression. For further information, see the documentary

Netflix used to be a small service where
one could rent films via U.S. mail and return them in
the same fashion. However, once the Obamas and Hollywood
cult Kabbalah, run by Madonna (and the now incarcerated
Harvey Weinstein), got their hooks into it, the
streaming service became a purveyor of depraved,
debauched shows and movies with a far left political

Obama's vice president Joe Biden and his national
security adviser Susan Rice
Netflix streams sick shows such as
"Cuties" which seeks to normalize, desensitize and
mainstream pedophilia in America and the world, to
reflect Hollywood's lifestyle of child molestation. It
is being met with fierce opposition by many on social

Then senator Barack Obama, Harvey Weinstein,
senator Lautenberg and senator Schumer
Netflix is also streaming the poorly
received, demonic movie "Mother!" by Kabbalah cult
member, Darren Aronofsky, who is a director. The film
includes a sick, demonic, rumored Hollywood cult
practice of...wait for it... eating babies.

Darren Aronofsky
There is a sick scene at the end of the
vile film "Mother!" where a group of cultists eat a
newborn baby they've kidnapped and killed, which is a
practice secretly talked about in the entertainment
industry regarding the depraved Kabbalah cult.

Jennifer Lawrence, who was having sex with Harvey
Weinstein for movie roles and an Oscar he procured for
the undeserving actress, stars in Aronofsky's sick
disturbing film "Mother!" US Weekly stated the couple
broke up due to, "Aronofsky's reactions to film's
negative reception"
Not to mention, Tom Cruise of the sick
Hollywood cult Scientology once spoke of eating the
placenta of his baby, referring to it as nutritious.
Cruise's words caused alarm among many as it is not a
common practice and one that raises eyebrows.

Tom Cruise
There are people in Hollywood who pay to
have the blood of children and teens drawn under
questionable circumstances, to facilitate it being
injected into their veins, under the false premise it
will make them young again. There is something very
wrong with them out there in Hollywood.

Tom Cruise
There are also rumors about a sick,
ghastly drug in Hollywood called "adrenochrome" that is
obtained by inserting a needle into the eye of a child
and into the adrenal gland. Its title and concept are
taken from the 1998 Hollywood film "Loathing in Las
Vegas." However, there are people in Hollywood and
online stating the fictionalized film is actually based
on a sick practice of extracting adrenalin from children
for use in a drug consumed by wealthy sickos in
Hollywood, in an effort to look and feel young. These
people are sick!

Madonna and Harvey Weinstein have been running
Hollywood...into the ground
As with all things Hollywood doesn't
want uncovered as their behavior is so depraved, they
are calling it a conspiracy theory. Much like they were
initially calling Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein,
Ghislaine Maxwell and the massive child sex trafficking
ring Hollywood is involved in, a conspiracy theory.

Pedophiles Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein and
Ghislaine Maxwell
They kept calling Jeffrey Epstein's
"pedophile island" (Little Saint James) a conspiracy
theory, as politicians such as former president Bill
Clinton and vice president Al Gore frequented it, as
well as a number of Hollywood stars, none of whom had
any business being there. However, locals in the U.S.
virgin islands, who named Little Saint James island
"pedophile island" stated children were being abused
there when Epstein was alive.

Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton
Anyone who commits such perverse
sickness and nastiness to film, such as "Mother!",
should be locked away in prison for gross indecency.
Aronofsky is an abomination and so is the Kabbalah cult
he belongs to in Hollywood. The film "Mother!" was
filled with depravity, murder, assault, barbarism and
child abuse. It's one of the sickest films I've ever
seen. Anyone who makes movies like that should be
committed to a mental prison.

Spike Lee
Spike Lee, the once lauded director,
joined the sick Kabbalah cult in recent years and began
wearing the cult's paraphernalia. He has been acting in
a very strange manner over the past couple years, which
is disappointing, as he did much to advance black
filmmaking in the 1980s and 1990s.

Disgraced Hollywood movie producer Harvey
Weinstein, former U.S. first lady Michelle Obama and
actress Whoopi Goldberg
Now the cult has Spike making sick,
nauseating, violent, demonic films promoting incest such
as "Oldboy" and engaging in criminal copyright
infringement via the Netflix films "See You Yesterday"
and "Nigerian Prince" which were stolen from my
preexisting copyrights that predates the
rip-offs by many years.
Hollywood has become such a cesspool. It
was bad before but they've plumbed new lows not seen in
any society. They are actively molesting children
everyday, spying on people in their homes via webcam
hacking and cable box hacking, engaging in criminal
wiretapping (as they were outed for before in the
Anthony Pellicano criminal case the FBI interviewed me
about due to Madonna criminally spying on me and
stealing my copyrights).
Now, Obama and Rice are debasing and
selling out the office of the presidency as employees of
that sick company, Netflix, who has Hollywood pedophiles
on its payroll as executives, writers, directors and
producers. The place is literally Sodom and Gomorrah.
These sick, depraved people should not
be making the entertainment that is being streamed into
your homes, where your impressionable kids and teens
could end up viewing the depravity. What they are making
is not good for children or adults. It is mentally
disturbing content that will cause distress, depression
and in some, mental illness.
The Obamas and Susan Rice are silent on Netflix's
September 15, 2020 09:10 AM - A
perverted director making a perverted film to earn the
plaudits of the perverted cinema industry is just
another day at Sundance. The mind-boggling A1 news story
from Netflix's distribution of Cuties is entire media
reflexively defending the film featuring cinematography
luxuriating on the nonexistent curves of twerking
11-year-olds and the striking silence the Obamas, who
have a production deal with Netflix, and board member
Susan Rice.
To date, the only quasi-famous Democrats
I have seen go on the record to denounce Cuties are
former presidential contender Tulsi Gabbard and House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi's daughter Christine. Another
critic has been Elizabeth Bruenig, the resident
socialist of the New York Times opinion page. Every
other lefty wasting space on the internet who decided to
weigh in on the matter came to the film's defense, and
Rice and the Obamas, the most high profile personalities
attached to the streaming company, have remained mum on
the matter...
People are threatening to boycott Netflix after
the Obamas signed a deal with the streaming service
May 21, 2018, 4:39 PM - Former President
Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama have signed a
multiyear deal with Netflix to produce original shows.
The conservative backlash on social media has already
begun. Some are threatening to cancel their Netflix
subscriptions over the news.
It's not the first time: In March, many
conservatives were outraged when former UN Ambassador
Susan Rice joined Netflix's board of directors. Former
President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama
have signed a deal with Netflix to produce original TV
shows and movies, and the conservative backlash against
the streaming service has already started.
Though Obama associates have said it's
unlikely for the Netflix programs to be overtly
partisan, there are still plenty of people on social
media voicing their displeasure with the news — some
threatening to cancel their Netflix subscription.
It's not the first time Netflix has
faced conservative backlash. In March, Obama-era UN
Ambassador Susan Rice joined the Netflix board of
directors. Some subscribers were outraged because of
inaccurate statements Rice made in 2012 after the attack
on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya...
Cruise's baby girl enters a world of controversy
Wednesday 19 April 2006 00:58 - Katie
Holmes and Tom Cruise were celebrating the birth of
their first child last night, a girl they called Suri.
The name means "princess" in Hebrew or "red rose" in
Persian. Mother and baby, who weighed in at 7lb 7oz,
were "doing well". But there was no comment on whether
or not Holmes was silent during the birth in Los
Angeles, as is demanded by their Scientology faith.
Cruise has kept the world entertained
with the progress of his first biological child almost
from the moment of conception. He delivered the latest
controversy hours before the birth by revealing that he
was planning to eat his firstborn's placenta and
umbilical cord. The news startled even seasoned
observers of the actor's eccentric behaviour.
In an interview with GQ Magazine,
Cruise, 43, announced: "I'm gonna eat the placenta. I
thought that would be good. Very nutritious. I'm gonna
eat the cord and the placenta right there."
Tom Cruise: “I’m Gonna Eat The Placenta”...
TOM Cruise yesterday revealed his latest
bizarre eat his new baby’s placenta. Cruise
vowed he would tuck in straight after girlfriend Katie
Holmes gives birth, saying he thought it would be “very
Jennifer Lawrence Reveals How ‘mother!’ Affected
Her Relationship With Darren Aronofsky
November 29, 2017 - Jennifer Lawrence
revealed that negative reviews for mother! caused a
strain in her romantic relationship with the film’s
director, Darren Aronofsky. During an interview with
Adam Sandler for Variety’s Actors on Actors series, the
Oscar winner revealed that Aronofsky’s reactions to the
film’s negative reception became “unhealthy” for them as
a couple, and they eventually called it quits in October
after one year of dating.
“Normally, I promote a movie, ask people
to go see it, and then it’s just out of your hands,”
Lawrence, 27, said in the clip. “I normally just kind of
let it go. Dating the director was different. We’d be on
the [press] tour together, I’d come back to the hotel,
and the last thing I want to talk about or think about
is a movie.”
“He comes back from the tour, and that’s
all he wants to talk about and I get it,” she continued.
“It’s his baby. He wrote it. He conceived it. He
directed it. I was doing double duty trying to be a
supportive partner, while also being like, ‘Can I
please, for the love of God, not think about mother! for
one second?’”
Lawrence said that reading the reviews
made her be extra protective of him, so she had to put
an end to it. “I finally was just like, ‘It’s not
healthy. Neither of us are doing it because if I read
it, I start getting defensive.’ Especially because it’s
my man,” she said. “It’s awesome, what we did — some
people hate it and the people who hate it, really hate
it. But it’s nothing that needs to be defended and if I
read a negative review, I just feel defensive.”...
Racist Madonna Flies Out To Jamaica
After Bragging About Having Coronavirus And Engaging In Criminal
Misconduct Against Jamaicans
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From
George Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth
Billions For Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human
Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People Dead
Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally
Defrauded Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In
Copyrights And Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin
Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It
Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of American Taxpayer Money
Breaking The Law In America, Britain And Jamaica On Behalf Of
Madonna's Kabbalah Center In Committing Egregious Human Rights
Madonna, Jay Z, Beyonce, Rihanna,
Rita Ora And Jessie J Sued Over Copyright Infringement, Invasion Of
Privacy, Commissioned Criminal Harassment And Assault Via The
Kabbalah Center
Hollywood Sexual Predators Preying
On Underage Kids Are Still On The Loose